Friday, September 7, 2018

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Big Brother 20 Week 10 Game and Show Rankings

Tom's Take

Revolving Door in action. Scottie came back, and left right back out. 

Image result for big brother 20

1. Angela

Image result for bb20 angela

Social: 30
Strategy: 30
Show: 60

The continuing narrative around Angela is that she has no chance of winning a jury vote. But she keeps plugging along, Tangela'ing it up. She's infuriated JC, which provides for some good TV in otherwise boring times. 

Preseason Prediction: 9th Place
1st Week Prediction: 9th Place
2nd Week Prediction: 9th Place
3rd Week Prediction: 9th Place
4th Week Prediction: 9th Place 
5th Week Prediction: 9th Place 
6th Week Prediction: 10th Place
7th Week Prediction: 4th Place
8th Week Prediction: 3rd Place
9th Week Prediction: 4th Place
10th Week Prediction: 5th Place

2. Rockstar

Image result for bb20 angie

Preseason Prediction: First Boot
1st Week Prediction: 3rd Place 
2nd Week Prediction: 13th Place
3rd Week Production: 12th Place
4th Week Prediction: 12th Place 
5th Week Prediction: 10th Place
6th Week Prediction: 5th Place
10th Place

3. Bayleigh

Image result for big brother 20: bayleigh

Preseason Prediction: 11th Place
1st Week Prediction: 12th Place
2nd Week Prediction: 11th Place
3rd Week Prediction: 10th Place 
4th Week Prediction: 8th Place 
5th Week Prediction: 11th Place

11th Place

4. Brett

Image result for bb20 brett

Social: 60
Strategy: 60
Show: 60

Brett is probably the most formidable rival left to Tyler. We just have to hope he actually makes a move before Tyler Pagongs the rest of the cast. 

Preseason Prediction: 12th Place 
1st Week Prediction: 5th Place
2nd Week Prediction: 10th Place
3rd Week Preduction: 6th Place
4th Week Preduction: 6th Place
5th Week Prediction: 6th Place
6th Week Prediction: 6th Place
7th Week Prediction: 6th Place
8th Week Prediction: 6th Place
9th Week Prediction: 6th Place
10th Week Prediction: 6th Place

5. Swaggy C

Image result for bb20 swaggy C

Preseason Prediction: 6th Place
1st Week Prediction: 15th Place

6. Faysal

Image result for bb20 faysal

Preason Prediction: 13th Place
1st Week Prediction: 13th Place
2nd Week Prediction: 5th Place
3rd Week Prediction: 5th Place 
5th Week Prediction: 5th Place
6th Week Prediction: 8th Place
7th Week Prediction 8th Place
8th Week Prediction: 8th Place

9th Place

7. Haleigh

Image result for bb20 haleigh

Social: 10
Strategy: 10
Show: 30

Hayleigh continues to be a BB20 hg.

Preseason Prediction: 15th Place
1st Week Prediction: 11th Place
2nd Week Prediction: 12th Place 
3rd Week Prediction: 11th Place
4th Week Prediction: 11th Place 
5th Week Prediction: 8th Place 
6th Week Prediction: 9th Place
7th Week Prediction: 7th Place 
8th Week Prediction: 7th Place 
9th Week Prediction: 7th Place 
10th Week Prediction: 7th Place

8. JC

Image result for big brother 20: JC

Social: 40
Strategy: 40
Show: 100
Awards: Star of the Show

JC is running out of runway. He's gotta count on Tyler wanting to take him far. 

Preseason Prediction: 4th Place 
1st Week Prediction: 4th Place
2nd Week Prediction: 4th Place
4th Week Prediction: 4th Place 
5th Week Prediction: 4th Place
6th Week Prediction: 4th Place
7th Week Prediction: 5th Place
8th Week Prediction: 4th Place
9th Week Prediction: 3rd Place 
10th Week Prediction: 3rd Place
9. Kaitlyn

Image result for big brother 20: Kaitlyn

Preseason Prediction: 2nd Place
1st Week Prediction: 2nd Place
2nd Week Prediction: 2nd Place
3rd Week Prediction: 13th Place
13th Place 

10. Kaycee

Image result for big brother 20: Kaycee

POV: 30 
Social: 50
Strat: 50
Show: 20
Awards: Best Player of the Week

For the first time this season I really started to doubt Tyler's chances of winning this season, and I think the Producers agree with me, as they're starting to give Kaycee a winner's edit. 

Preseason Prediction: 14th Place
1st Week Prediction: 6th Place
2nd Week Prediction: 3rd Place
3rd Week Prediction: 2nd Place 
4th Week Prediction: 2nd Place 
5th Week Prediction: 2nd Place
7th Week Prediction: 2nd Place
8th Week Prediction: 2nd Place
9th Week Prediction: 2nd Place
10th Week Prediction: 2nd Place

11. Rachel

Image result for bb20 rachel

Preseason Prediction: 10th Place
1st Week Prediction: 8th Place
2nd Week Prediction: 8th Place
3rd Week Prediction: 8th Place
4th Week Prediction: 10th Place 
12th Place

12. Sam

Image result for bb20 sam

Social: 0
Strat: 0
Show: 20

Sam's still there. 

Preseason Prediction: 5th Place
1st Week Prediction: 10th Place
2nd Week Prediction: 5th Place
4th Week Prediction: 5th Place 
5th Week Prediction: 3rd Place
7th Week Prediction: 3rd Place
8th Week Prediction: 5th Place
9th Week Prediction: 5th Place
10th Week Prediction: 4th Place

13. Scottie

Image result for bb20 scottie

Show: 30

Scottie's gone again. 

Preseason Prediction: 3rd Place
1st Week Prediction: 7th
2nd Week Prediction: 7th Place 
3rd Week Prediction: 7th Place 
4th Week Prediction: 7th Place 
5th Week Prediction: 7th Place
6th Week Prediction: 7th Place
7th Week Prediction: 9th Place
9th Week Prediction: 8th Place
8th Place

14. Steve

Image result for bb20 steve

Preseason Prediction: 8th Place
16th Place

15. Tyler

Image result for big brother 20: Tyler

HOH: 40
Social: 40
Strategy: 40
Show: 70

Tyler continues to dominate the season, but Scottie's negative reaction to Tyler's GBM tells me he could have a problem with winning a jury vote. Still calling him winning, but starting to worry about him. 

Preseason Prediction: 7th Place
Week 1 Prediction: Winner
Week 2 Prediction: Winner
Week 3 Prediction: Winner
Week 4 Prediction: Winner
Week 5 Prediction: Winner
Week 6 Prediction: Winner
Week 7 Prediction: Winner
Week 8 Prediction: Winner 
Week 9 Prediction: Winner
Week 10 Prediction: Winner

16. Winston  

Image result for big brother 20: Winston

Preseason Prediction: Winner
1st Week Prediction: 14th
2nd Week Prediction: 14th
14th Place


1. Tyler: 1410
2. JC: 1250
3. Brett: 1220
4. Angela: 965
5. Kaycee: 930
6. Scottie: 675
7. Hayleigh: 630
8. Bayleigh: 320 
9. Rachel: 290
10. Faysal: 245
11. Rockstar: 200
12. Kaitlyn: 170
13. Winston: 120
14. Swaggy: 110 
15. Steve: 80
16. Sam: 50


1. JC: 1140
2. Bayleigh: 820
3. Tyler: 820
4. Brett: 620
5. Kaitlyn: 620
6. Hayleigh: 590
7. Faysal: 560
8. Rockstar: 440
9. Scottie: 340
10. Sam: 330
11. Angela: 290
12. Swaggy: 240
13. Rachel: 210
14. Kaycee: 150
15. Winston 80
16. Steve: 30 

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