Saturday, March 25, 2017

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Big Brother Canada Game and Show Rankings 5 Weeks 1 and 2

Tom's Take

Here are my rankings on these BBCAN5 players for the entertainment and gameplay they provided for the first two weeks of BBCAN5.

Image result for big brother canada 5

1. Neda

Image result for big brother canada 5: Neda
Strategy: 180
Social: 150
Showplay: 40

Neda is playing very well, dominating the house. She's boring, especially since her moves are quick and ruthless, but that has no real effect on her gameplay. She struggled in Week 2 against Cass to keep control over Ika, but she ultimately won and took out her target Dallas. As a result, she has weakened Cass, prevented a male vet alliance from forming, and also strengthened her overall position in the house, with a 6 person alliance including her, Sindy, Ika, Bruno, Kevin, and Demetres.

Preseason Prediction: Ninth place.
Week 2 Prediction: Winner

2. Dillon

Dillon's Image

POV: 30
Strategy: 60
Social: 30
Showplay: 70

Dillon is pretty much a dud in terms of gameplay. The only fun is that people pick fights with him to try and lesson the target on themselves. He seems to have positioned himself well enough by aligning with Kevin, Bruno, and Neda though.

Preseason Prediction: Let's say 3rd boot or so. Maybe he wins an POV and gets a little swagger in his step before he is brutally taken out.
2nd Week Prediction: 10th place.

3. Gary

Gary's Image

Strat: 140
Social: 140
Show: 40

Gary is playing surprisingly well, with a bit of a Sandra Diaz Twine "anyone but me" style, that I really like for the early game. I'm not sold that he's locking people in, but I do think he's playing well enough to make it far this season.

Prediction: Prejury. Let's say 5th boot.
2nd Week Prediction: 9th Place

4. Dre

Image result for big brother canada 5: dre

Strategy: 130
Social: 160
Showplay: 90

Dre is one of a couple of newbies that is really impressing me. She's got a great handle on the game, and is making a lot of strong genuine bonds. My concern for Dre is that she's too good, and that the strong vets will see that and take her down.

Preseason Prediction: PreJury. 2nd boot.
2nd Week Prediction: 12th place

5. Ika

Ika's Image

Social: 100
Strategy: 0
Show:  250

Ika is playing a terrible game. She's actually pretty good at forming genuine connections with people, but then she ruins it with terrible strategic moves. She throws everyone under the bus, with no rhyme or reason, betraying every alliance she's in, setting herself to be a target even before she should be.

Preseason Prediction: 7th Place
2nd Week Prediction: 11th Place

6. Karen

Karen's Image

HOH: 80
Strategy: 40
Social: 0
Show: 150

Karen is annoying, but after surprising me with an HOH win, and impressing me by cutting a strong male, Karen went into self destruction mode. I think she's the new Jerry, in that she annoys everyone but will get dragged to final 3 to be beat.

Preseason Prediction: 3rd Place
Preseason Prediction: 3rd Place

7. Dallas

Dallas's Image

Social: 0
Strategy: 0
Show: 150

Dallas somehow managed to do worse his 2nd time around.

Preseason Prediction: 5th Place
2nd Boot

8. Mark

Image result for big brother canada 5: Mark

Preseason Prediction: 1st Boot
Week 1: First Boot. (Nailed it!)

9. Cass

Cassandra's Image

Social: 100
Strategy: 50
Showplay: 400
Awards: Star of the Show

Cass is a genuinely good player, as seen by the number of people she was able to inspire to be loyal to her. But her strategy was overly aggressive, and it landed her in a lot of hot water. She has flashes of brilliance still, but I expect her to leave this coming week.

Preseason Prediction: 4th Place
2nd Week prediction: 3rd Boot

10. William

William's Image

Social: 50
Strategy: 120
Showplay: 40

Part of the French Connection, and also a part of Kevin's gay love triangle. I expect that Kevin will make him his puppet once Dre is gone, and use him until late in the game.

Preseason Prediction: 4th Boot
2nd Week Prediction: 6th Place

11. Sindy

Sindy's Image

Social: 110
Strategy: 150
Showplay: 40

Dancing scene aside, Sindy has been wallpaper, and that'll get her very far this season.

Preseason Prediction: 1st Juror. 11th Place.
2nd week Prediction: 4th Place

12. Jackie

Jackie's Image

Social: 40
Strategy: 40
Show: 60

Overplaying Newbie in Cass' pocket. I expect her to go right after Cass.

Preseason Prediction: 8th Place
2nd Week Prediction: 13th Place

13. Bruno

Bruno's Image

POV: 15
Strategy: 120
Social: 170
Show: 40

Bruno is going to be Neda's biggest obstacle, and after apparently being in the dark on the first vote, he's dug in. Bruno has the best relationship with the most newbies, and appears to be winning the battle between him and Cass for running the newbies. I think Neda is planning to Arlie him, letting him build up an army, and then stealing it from him. We'll see if I'm right.

Preseason Prediction: 10th Place
2nd Week Prediction: 8th Place

14. Demetres

Demetres's Image

HOH: 60
Social: 160
Strategy: 160
Social: 100
Award: Best Player of the Week

Demetres is not only the best newbie, but he's currently playing the best game. After managing to survive week 1, Demetres won HOH and played it perfectly, taking out a vet and making a lot of strong bonds with his fellow players. Expect to see Ika getting him into some trouble, but him managing to play his way out of it and going deep into this game.

Preseason Prediction: 6th Place
2nd Week Prediction: 7th Place

15. Kevin

Kevin's Image

Social: 70
Strategy: 100
Show: 40

Meh, Kevin is boring, love triangle aside. But he'll probably go really far.

Preseason: Winner Pick
2nd Week Prediction: 5th Place

16. Emily

Emily's Image

Strategy: 40
Social: 40
Show: 40

And that leaves Emily as our runner up!

Preseason Prediction: Runner up
2nd Week Prediction: Runner Up


1. Demetres: 380
2. Neda: 330
3. Bruno: 305
4. Dre: 290
5. Gary: 280
6. Sindy: 260
7. Kevin: 170
8. William: 170
9. Cassandra: 150
10. Dillon: 120
11. Karen: 120
12. Ika: 100
13. Emily: 80
14. Jackie
15.  Dallas: 0
16. Mark: 0


1. Cassandra: 400
2. Ika: 250
3. Karen: 150 
4.  Dallas: 150
5.  Demetres: 100
6. Dre: 90
7. Dillon: 70
8. Jackie: 60
9. Neda: 40 
10. William: 40
11. Kevin: 40
12. Bruno: 40
13. Sindy: 40
14. Gary: 40
15.  Emily: 40
16. Mark: 0

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