Saturday, March 11, 2017

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Big Brother Canada 5 Predictions

Tom's Take

Out of some misguided effort, the BBCAN producers have given us fans vs favorites, and while I love some of the favorites, my general distaste for the format is really coloring my feelings on this cast. But let's talk about it!

Image result for big brother canada 5: cast

1. Neda

Image result for big brother canada 5: Neda

Neda is the BBCAN2 3rd place finisher who won over all of our hearts (especially mine). She is coming into this season as the #1 target, and rightly so. The question is, can she get herself out from under her own very long shadow?

Preseason Prediction: Early Juror. I think Neda makes it long enough to defend her legacy. I think she wins an early fight against Bruno, to show how truly great she is, but then I think she gets a knife in the back from some other trusted allies. It'll hurt, but hopefully she gives us a lot to chew on. I expect her to finish around ninth place.

2. Dillon

Dillon's Image

A strong and athletic newbie, I think Dillon will be the first of Bruno's meat shields, and I think the girls will see him as exactly that and knock him out early. I'm probably too low on him, as he probably has some folksy connection I don't see that makes him super charming and lovable, but I'm predicting he is an early boot.

Preseason Prediction: Let's say 3rd boot or so. Maybe he wins an POV and gets a little swagger in his step before he is brutally taken out.

3. Gary

Gary's Image

Gary is carrying probably the most drama with him. He was the runner up in BBCAN1, and if not for Topaz voting wrong, he would have been the winner. That said, he only made it that far because of a buyback. I am not big on Gary's chances, and think he'll be an early boot from the vets.

Prediction: Prejury. Let's say 5th boot.

4. Dre

Image result for big brother canada 5: dre

Dre is another newbie. I think she will get involved in the rebellion early, and be booted early as a result.

Preseason Prediction: PreJury. 2nd boot.

5. Ika

Ika's Image

Ika is famous for shredding letters. But she is not famous for being a good player. I think she'll get caught up in some BS, but I also think she'll end up being the undoing of Neda. I think there's tension there, that'll bubble to the surface in the 2nd half of the game. She'll do better this season, but still won't be able to pull off the win.

Preseason Prediction: 7th Place

6. Karen

Karen's Image

Karen is this season's Old. She could go two ways: either be out really early or be the useless third place finisher like a Jerry, or an Adam, or a James Huling. BBCAN olds have traditionally been early boots, but I'm going to go out on a limb and say Karen gets dragged to close to the end.

Preseason Prediction: 3rd Place

7. Dallas

Dallas's Image

Damn, Dallas looks good, based on that alone I'm bumping him up a few spots. I would not have cast Dallas even in a full allstars season, but he could be an interesting force this season. Its very possible I'm sleeping on Dallas. I think he'll be Bruno's #2 that will escape the Neda vs. Bruno war, only to go on a bit of a comp spree that gets cut short. But he could have winner potential that I'm just ignoring.

Preseason Prediction: 5th Place

8. Mark

Image result for big brother canada 5: Mark

The Mark usually goes pretty far in BBCAN, which is why I'm going to say this flips in allstars season.

Preseason Prediction: 1st Boot

9. Cass

Cassandra's Image

NEda + caSS + NESS. I am fully rooting for Cass and Neda, and I think they'll work together for a while, but I think Cass will end up flipping on Neda a little too early, and it'll put her in some hot water for the end game. I am predicting she finishes in about the same placement as last year.

Preseason Prediction: 4th Place

10. William

William's Image

William will be fiery and get involved in the doomed newbie alliance.

Preseason Prediction: 4th Boot

11. Sindy

Sindy's Image

Sindy is another one I wouldn't have cast, and unlike Dallas I really don't see any winner upside. Honestly, if there's any chance the vets don't steamroll the first month, it'll be because Sindy fucks things up.

Preseason Prediction: 1st Juror. 11th Place.

12. Jackie

Jackie's Image

Jackie is a redhead.

Preseason Prediction: 8th Place

13. Bruno

Bruno's Image

Bruno was the underrated master strategist of BBCAN3 who was screwed over by a twist, which turned a meaningless fight into the downfall of his game. I am hearing great things about Bruno from people who played with him, which is why I strongly considered making Bruno my winner pick. I just don't think Neda will let him slip by though. I think Neda's last act in this game will be cutting Bruno's game short.

Preseason Prediction: 10th Place

14. Demetres

Demetres's Image

I hear he's problematic, so he'll probably stick around a while.

Preseason Prediction: 6th Place

15. Kevin

Kevin's Image

I am not a Kevin fan. I actually wouldn't have cast Kevin for my BBCAN allstars season either, but now that he's here I have to consider him. He's smart. He's a pro poker player. He's got great relationships with the vets going in. He also spoke very well about his mistakes from BBCAN3. I love the attitude he has going in. Win comps and play loose. I like this strategy. Enough to put my chips on Kevin.

Winner Pick

16. Emily

Emily's Image

And that leaves Emily as our runner up! She's cute, she's probably my crush among the newbies.

Preseason Prediction: Runner up

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