Friday, May 13, 2016

Five Drinks Into a Blog Update

Tom's Take:

Sorry I haven't been posting during the Big Brother Canada and Survivor seasons. I got a little burned out, but I want to give some overall thoughts on both shows, now that Big Brother Canada 4 is over, and Survivor is winding down.

I'm going to start with Big Brother Canada 4, which was actually a pretty fun season of Big Brother with a very disappointing ending. I was #TeamCassandra all season, so any ending other than her winning would have been disappointing for me, but I think the Brothers winning was disappointing for most viewers.

Now that the Brothers have won, people are going to go back and revise their opinion on all of the Brothers moves. Here's my take. The Brothers got lucky that Loveita was a terrible player who chose to go after girls instead of the obvious threat. The Brothers picked the right side of the numbers early on in the game, but were never trusted. The Brothers played the middle correctly at first, because the Third Wheel was stupid and made themselves a huge target. Once the Brothers did get power, Tim screwed up his game and the bros teamed up with Jared which SHOULD have been the wrong strategic move, but at that point they were able to win out. Their comp wins were impressive, their strategic game in the last half of the game was horrible, and their social game was sub-par throughout. They were pawns throughout the game, but they made it to f2 with a buyback the jury didn't respect, and despite their sanctimonious answers they were still less sanctimonious than Kelsey. In a somewhat surprising outcome they beat Kelsey 7-2 in the jury votes, although this jury didn't seem happy to have to vote for either of them.

All that said, Bros are not the WORST winners of all time, as you can see by my adjusted winner rankings.

1. Derrick BB16
2. Andy BB15
3. Jun BB14
4. Dan BB10
5. Will BB2
6. Hayden BB12
7. Maggie BB6
8. Jon BBCAN2
9. Dick BB8
10. Sarah BBCAN3
11. Ian BB14
12. Jillian BBCAN1
13. Boogie BB7
14. Drew BB5
15. Steve BB17
16. Lisa BB3
17.  Nick/Phil BBCAN4
18. Adam BB9
19. Rachel BB13
20. Jordan BB11

Now onto Survivor. After a great season in Second Chances, I think we expected Survivor Kaoh Rong to be bad. Instead this season was very strong, (although the last couple of eps have been kind of lame) and it has set up for a fantastic finale. Like most of the internet I think Aubry has played the best game, however I would also be happy with a Sydney win. That said, I am a Michelle Truther, because the edit seems clearly to show that she is going to win.

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