Thursday, August 6, 2015

Five Drinks Into Big Brother 17 Week 6 Game and Show

Tom's Take: 

Week 6 in the Big Brother 17 House was a huge deal, and it seems to me that we have a true house split, but with both sides refusing to openly wage war on each other. Instead they agree to go after "floaters" but squabble over who those "floaters" are. Let's see if next week's HOH holds with the Dark Moon 2 Treaty, or makes a real move and swings at the other side.

1. Audrey

Comp Bonus Points: 0
Social: 0
Strategic: 0
Alliances: None
Awards: 4th Evicted

2. Austin

Comp Bonus Points: 0
Social: 60
Strategic: 40
Showplay: 40
Alliances: Upstairs, 3 Headed Monster with the Twins

I hate Austin, but as Downstairs has allowed the 3 Headed Monster to get this far, he has a lot of power in this game. I think evicting Clay kept someone more loyal, and less willing to just slit his throat, or really sell him out. Austin's participation in the Dark Moon II Treaty of 2015 was annoying to watch, but may end up benefiting him. I would 100% have rather watched a blindside, but convincing Downstairs to make it unanimous was probably the smarter move. I hate Austin, but fuck it, he has a shot at this game.

3. Becky

Comp Bonus Points: 0
Social: 60
Strategic: 40
Alliances: Downstairs

Becky firmly attached herself to the Downstairs Alliance this week, but her playing both sides without really being caught was decent gameplay. She's a vanilla player, but she's got some fire in the competitions, and now that's joined a side fairly firmly, she could bring SOMETHING to the feeds.

4. Clay

Comp Bonus Points:
Social: 40
Strategic: 0
Showplay: 170
Awards: 6th Evicted

I'm very happy with Clay for falling on his sword for Shelli, because I'd rather have Shelli in the house. He was fun blowing up at James. I think he knew that throwing Vanessa under the bus could have saved both him and Shelli, but Shelli stopped him from doing it.

If Clay had stayed, he would have been a major threat to make a comeback and win this game, so him throwing his game away is doubly stupid, but again, happy he did it.

5. Da'Vonne

Comp Bonus Points:
Alliances: N/A
Awards:  2nd Evictee.

6. Jace

1st evictee.

7. James

Comp Bonus Points: 100
Social: 80
Strategic: 80
Showplay: 90
Alliances: Downstairs
Awards: Best Player of the Week

Major props to James for winning the Wall comp, and then again for winning Veto. Taking out Clelli after swearing not to was a boss move, and the cowardice of the Upstairs alliance means the Dark Moon II Treaty may actually be valid for a week or two. That gives him time to maneuver and chop away at the Upstairs Alliance. A battle is coming, but if James is good, he can avoid being the first casualty, and then go on a winning streak at the end. Big moves are great for the jury, and this was a huge move, that will be remembered.

8. John

Comp Bonus Points:
Social: 30
Strategic: 30
Showplay: 30
Alliances: Downstairs...
Awards: Fan Favorite

I'm giving John points for making jury, and for being on to Vanessa. He's really not doing much though. I can't give points unless he does something!

9. Julia

Comp Bonus Points:
Social: 40
Strategic: 40
Showplay: 40
Alliances: Upstairs, 3 Headed Monster

Julia doesn't get groped by Austin, but other than that, it seems that Julia and Liz have the same game. They followed Vanessa's lead this week.

10. Liz

Comp Bonus Points:
Social: 40
Strategic: 40
Showplay: 40
Alliances: Upstairs, 3 Headed Monster

Julia doesn't get groped by Austin, but other than that, it seems that Julia and Liz have the same game. They followed Vanessa's lead this week.

11. Jason Roy

Comp Bonus Points: 0
Alliances: Downstairs
Awards: 5th Evicted

12. Meg

Comp Bonus Points: 0
Social: 0
Showplay: 70
Alliances: Downstairs
Awards: Worst Player of the Week

I am so ridiculously disappointed in Meg, that I'm giving her 0 points. She was the one who most wanted Shelli gone, and she immediately folded when Upstairs put up resistance. She was the last person in the house to catch on to the fact that Vanessa is running the show, and Jackie and Becky of all people basically had to pummel her into accepting that.

 13. Steven

Comp Bonus Points: 0
Social: 40
Strategic: 40
Showplay: 10
Alliances: Upstairs

Steve is very quiet on the show, but he's in a pretty good spot? I dunno, he's way too connected to the Vanessa crazy train. I'm afraid that could end up running him over.

14. Shelli

Comp Bonus Points:
Social: 0
Strategic: 50
Showplay: 120
Alliances: Upstairs

I give Shelli for staying, but she isolated herself way too much this weak. Also, while she was able to get Upstairs (and Vanessa got everyone else) to vote to keep her, she was on the block in the first place because she was unwilling to make the tough move to get her and clay out of it. She needed to sell people out if she was going to have a chance at staying, and she refused to do that, other that a very halfhearted selling out of Austin, that will only cause problems for her down the road. She's still in the game, and she's a tough cookie, but for her to have a real chance at winning this, she's got to become cold blooded.

15. Vanessa

Comp Bonus Points:
Social: 40
Strategic: 80
Showplay: 200
Alliances: Upstairs

Vanessa got what she wanted, again. And people SEEMINGLY are oblivious to how much control she's had in the game. But oh boy is it annoying, both as a viewer, and I'm sure as fellow player. I really don't she can continue this game, and even if she does, I don't think she can get the jury votes to win. People are just going to be too annoyed with her to end up voting for her. But make no mistake, Vanessa is running the house. Even when a player on the other side wins, she still gets what she wants. And soon, she will have the numbers to do whatever she wants in the game. Unless she is stopped.

16. Jeff

Comp Bonus Points:
Awards: 3rd Evictee

17. Jackie

Comp Bonus Points:
Social: 40
Strategic: 40
Showplay: 80
Alliances: Downstairs

Jackie is better than Meg, because Jackie knows what the fuck is going on in the house, and has a spine to call it out. Having a spine is important in this game, as I don't think we've ever had a winner without one. I'm not saying Jackie has a real shot at this, but you never know. She's got some spunk.

Showplay Rankings

1. Audrey: 880
2.  Shelli: 530
3.  Clay: 520
4. Vanessa: 500
5. John: 450
6. Austin: 370
7.  Jason: 370
8. Da'Vonne: 340
9.  James: 340
10. Liz: 310
11. Julia: 310
12. Meg: 200
13. Jackie: 190
14.  Jeff: 180
15. Steve: 160
16. Jace: 130
17. Becky: 80

Gameplay Rankings

1. Vanessa: 730
2. Shelli: 620
3.  James: 545
4. Clay: 530
5.  Liz: 530
6.  Julia: 530
7. Jason: 430
8. John: 340
9. Austin: 330
10. Steve: 320
11. Meg: 310
12. Jacky: 270
13. Becky: 270
14.  Jeff: 240
15.  Audrey: 210
16. Da'vonne: 100
17.  Jace: 0

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