Thursday, July 30, 2015

Five Drinks Into Big Brother 17 Game and Show Week 5

Tom's Take: 

Audrey's gone, but the game isn't over. And in fact we've got some house splitting going on! It'll be interesting to see if this house really does split over the drama between Upstairs and Downstairs.

1. Audrey

Comp Bonus Points: 0
Social: 0
Strategic: 0
Alliances: None
Awards: 4th Evicted

2. Austin

Comp Bonus Points: 0
Social: 30
Strategic: 0
Showplay: 80
Alliances: Upstairs

I'm not an Austin fan, but I was in support of this move to save him by the Sixth Sense Alliance. It caused some drama, and seemingly split the house. But ugh, why did it have to cost us Austin's eviction. Ugh.

3. Becky

Comp Bonus Points: 0
Social: 20
Strategic: 10

I guess she's still there. She's a floater, and not the good playing kind.

4. Clay

Comp Bonus Points:40
Social: 20
Strategic: 30
Showplay: 70
Alliances: Upstairs

Kudos to Clay for finally winning a comp, and also kudos to him for being in an intact alliance going into final 12. That said, him and Shelli's game is slipping through their fingers as Vanessa threw them right under the bus to the Downstairs people. Him and Shelli will have to fight their asses off to stay in the house, but I think they've got it in them.

5. Da'Vonne

Comp Bonus Points:
Alliances: N/A
Awards:  2nd Evictee.

6. Jace

1st evictee.

7. James

Comp Bonus Points: 10
Social: 10
Strategic: 10
Showplay: 30
Alliances: Downstairs

James is in trouble. He's on the wrong side of the numbers. That said, he's got a good head on his shoulders, and a charm about him, and could recover. If he can last just a couple of weeks, the house may flip and give him another shot at this game.

8. John

Comp Bonus Points:
Social: 0
Strategic: 0
Showplay: 180
Awards: Pawn Star, Fan Favorite

Johnny Mac isn't doing anything in the game. He's a coaster, and I'm awarding him no game points for this week, because he didn't do anything. That said, he is your fan favorite and got the second home visit of the season. So, I guess he's now the star of the show? I dunno, I continue to not get the hype.

9. Liz

Comp Bonus Points: 80
Social: 50
Strategic: 80
Showplay: 70
Alliances: Upstairs
Awards: Best Player of the Week

Yep! You heard it hear first. Liz was the best player this week. She won a #BOB when her partner was throwing it, she played a big part in convincing Vanessa to keep Austin, and she subtly played a big part in making the target Jason. The house flipping on Clay and Shelli, helps her immensely, and Austin is a shield for her. Oh yeah, she also added her twin to the season this week. Yeah, "Liz" is emerging as a power player, and could have a serious shot at this season. Make no mistake about it.

10. Jason Roy

Comp Bonus Points: 0
Social: 30
Strategic: 40
Showplay: 120
Alliances: Downstairs
Awards: 5th Evicted

I love Jason, and I wish he could have found a way to stay. That said, getting rid of him was a good move for Upstairs, particularly the Non Clelli side of it. He was a sweetheart, and a great presence on the feeds, but he spent too much time downstairs, and it cost him.

11. Meg

Comp Bonus Points: 0
Social: 10
Showplay: 50
Alliances: Downstairs

Meg lost another ally, and realized how fucked she is. Let's see if my Week 1 Best Player can come up with something to pull herself out of her current position of the downtrodden.

 12. Steven

Comp Bonus Points: 0
Social: 20
Strategic: 30
Showplay: 50
Alliances: Upstairs

Steve made progress with The Upstairs side, and getting out Jason is great for his game, but he didn't do much to make it happen. Steve is going to be in there for a while, with the new divisions in the house, but he's not making much of an impact for me on the show.

13. Shelli

Comp Bonus Points:
Social: 40
Strategic: 50
Showplay: 90
Alliances: Upstairs

Shelli is a power player, but this was the week they caught on to her. She's got the numbers, thanks to good aggressive play on her part, but thanks to that same play, she is target #1 if the Downstairs people get power. Give her a couple of weeks though, and rid the house of the strongest of the Anti-Shelli sentiment and she could regain a place and make a real run of it.

14. Vanessa

Comp Bonus Points: 50
Social: 10
Strategic: 80
Showplay: 70
Alliances: Upstairs

Vanessa is very annoying to watch, and I honestly feel her need for "a reason" BS will grate on the HGs, and prevent her from getting any jury votes. But she is setting herself up to make it, which is better than Clay and Shelli are after this week. She's kept targets in front of her, and finally exposed Clay and Shelli to the Downstairs people, seemingly on accident. She is a very very selfish player, who does a great job of acting like she is a team player.

15. Jeff

Comp Bonus Points:
Awards: 3rd Evictee

16. Jackie

Comp Bonus Points: 50
Social: 20
Strategic: 20
Showplay: 70
Alliances: Downstairs

Big Brother 17 fans, meet Jackie. She is pissed at Clay and Shelli. She is down in the numbers. She's an underdog. She has boobs.

Showplay Rankings

1. Audrey: 880
2. John: 420
3.  Shelli: 410
4.  Jason: 370
5.  Clay: 350
6. Da'Vonne: 340
7. Austin: 330
8. Vanessa: 300
9. Liz: 270
10.  James: 250
11.  Jeff: 180
12. Steve: 150
13. Meg: 130
14. Jace: 130
15. Jackie: 110
16. Becky: 60

Gameplay Rankings

1. Vanessa: 610
2. Shelli: 570
3. Clay: 490
4.  Liz: 450
5. Jason: 430
6. Meg: 310
7.  James: 285
8. John: 280
9.  Jeff: 240
10. Steve: 240
11. Austin: 230
12.  Audrey: 210
13. Jacky: 190
14. Becky: 170
15. Da'vonne: 100
16.  Jace: 0

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