Thursday, July 16, 2015

Five Drinks Into Big Brother Game and Show Week 3

Tom's Take: 

Week 3 is in the books. I am loving this season.

1. Audrey

Comp Bonus Points: 0
Social: 50
Strategic: 50
Showplay: 140
Alliances: Sleeper Cell?
Awards: Star of the Show

Audrey survived again, but her allies are very reluctant to work with her, and the other side is targeting her hardcore. She did a better job of getting back in good graces this week, and another week in the game gives her even more of a shot to swing this game back into her favor. She continues to be the star of the show, as everything seems to revolve around her, even when she is not super involved in the higher up decision making.

2. Austin

Comp Bonus Points: 20
Social: 0
Strategic: 60
Showplay: 130
Alliances: 6th Sense, Freaks and Geeks, Sleeper Cell?

Austin was successful in getting out Austin who was a strategic threat to his game, but man did he do it in a sloppy and messy way. He got into a fight with Jeff, and made a big ass of himself. He is overly paranoid, and he sketches out his own allies. In his favor though, he does have several people aligned with him right now,  I personally dislike Austin, but he's probably got at least a few more weeks in him, unless he lets his hornball nature get the best of him, and lead to him making emotional and stupid decisions.

3. Becky

Comp Bonus Points: 0
Social: 20
Strategic: 20

Meh. She's in an okay position, but she doesn't really do anything in the game.

4. Clay

Comp Bonus Points:
Social: 60
Strategic: 80
Showplay: 50
Alliances: 6th Sense, Sleeper Cell?

Clay is playing a good game, as he and Shelli are well placed between both sides of the house. He is a great Bullshit artist, but he is a little overworried about Audrey. He either needs to trust her or cut her, the playing both sides with her is not a great idea. I'm interested to see where his game goes in the future, and whether he has it in him to make the more ruthless cutthroat moves later on in the game.

5. Da'Vonne

Comp Bonus Points:
Alliances: N/A
Awards:  2nd Evictee.

6. Jace

1st evictee.

7. James

Comp Bonus Points:
Social: 10
Strategic: 10
Showplay: 70
Alliances: The Clique

James survived this week, but his game got rocked a little. He will probably end up being a mostly coaster from this point on, unless he manages to pull of some more comp wins. Other than that, his game is going to be pretty quiet going forward, for at least a while.

8. John

Comp Bonus Points: 40
Social: 10
Strategic: 10
Showplay: 90
Awards: I don't get it

Fans continue to love Johnny Mac, but I'm not giving him credit for his coasting. If he wants more gameplay points, he needs to DO something.

9. Liz

Comp Bonus Points:
Social: 30
Strategic: 30
Showplay: 80
Alliances: 6th Sense, Freaks and Geeks

Liz is in an actually okay spot in the house? I feel like she's got a really good shot of Julia getting into the game, and once that happens, the two of them could actually be a crucial swing pair. I'd rather work with them than a lot of other pairs in the game, so don't be surprised if one of these two makes a deep run into this game.

10. Jason Roy

Comp Bonus Points: 20
Social: 20
Strategic: 20
Showplay: 30
Alliances: The Clique

Jason faded into the background a bit this week,

11. Meg

Comp Bonus Points: 30
Social: 10
Showplay: 10
Alliances: The Clique

I am so disappointed in Meg. She is letting other players run circles around her, while she spends too much time playing nice. He may emerge later as a power player, but for now, she is too quiet to be considered so.

 12. Steven

Comp Bonus Points: 0
Social: 10
Strategic: 30
Showplay: 10
Alliances: Freaks and Geeks

Steve threw a Hinky vote, which is an interesting move to make, I'm curious as to what his strategy is with that. Other than that, I really got nothing on Steve.

13. Shelli

Comp Bonus Points: 0
Social: 80
Strategic: 80
Showplay: 60
Alliances: Sleeper Cell?, 6th Sense,
Awards: Best Player of the week

Jeff was evicted for saying "let's axe Shelli,". So yes, I think Shelli was the best player this week. She continues to have too much angst in regards to Audrey, but other than that, I believe she is in the best position in the game, and if she can pull out the ruthless nature needed to really excel at this game, she should be able to win.

14. Vanessa

Comp Bonus Points: 20
Social: 0
Strategic: 60
Showplay: 100
Alliances: Sleeper Cell?, 6th Sense, Freaks and Geeks, Others
Awards: HOHitis

Vanessa went crazy this week. Ultimately, her move to target Jeff was a good one, but she put way too many hurdles in the way. Just put Jeff up, and be done with it. Instead she made a mess, and it'll look like she is an overly emotional player in the future.

15. Jeff

Comp Bonus Points:
Social: 10
Strategic: 10
Showplay: 120
Awards: 3rd Evictee

Jeff got played hard, but he was a decent player while he was in there, and taking him out now was a good strategic move.

16. Jackie

Comp Bonus Points:
Social: 0
Strategic: 0
Showplay: 20
Awards: Invisible Girl

She does nothing, I'm not giving her any game credit. Even Julie called her out on the show.

She's also got boobs.

Showplay Rankings

1. Audrey: 680
2. Da'Vonne: 340
3.  Jason: 210
4. Austin: 200
5.  Shelli: 190
6.  Clay: 180
7. John: 180
8.  Jeff: 180
9. Liz: 170
10. Vanessa: 160
11.  James: 150
12. Jace: 130
13. Meg: 60
14. Steve: 60
15. Becky: 40
16. Jackie: 20

Gameplay Rankings

1. Shelli: 360
2. Vanessa: 350
3. Jason: 320
4. Clay: 280
5. Meg: 250
6. John: 240
7.  Jeff: 240
8.  Audrey: 210
9.  James: 205
10. Austin: 200
11. Steve: 190
12. Liz: 160
13. Becky: 140
14. Da'vonne: 100
15. Jacky: 70
16.  Jace: 0

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