Friday, July 10, 2015

Five Drinks Into Big Brother 17 Week 2 Game and Show

Tom's Take: 

Week 2 is in the books. We had our second #Takover and it wasn't too bad. I don't think it really changed much, but it gave Da a chance.

Also God bless #BB17 for giving us Audrey. She is glorious casting, and I am glad she made it until at least Week 3.

Shelli was HOH this week, and as a result we got a LOT of Clay and Shelli in that HOH room.

1. Audrey

Comp Bonus Points: 0
Social: 40
Strategic: 50
Showplay: 240
Alliances: N/A
Awards: Star of the Show

Audrey continued to be television gold this season. I'm giving her a decent amount of credit for managing to survive this week, but the reality is that whatever she managed to build or rebuild in the house has been lost once again. I'll give her credit anyways for managing to slow her gametalk prior to monday, but after the veto ceremony she ramped up and burned her remaining bridges with Shelli, Austin, and Vanessa.  She continually plays too hard, and once again I expect that she'll end up going home fairly soon. But she is great TV for as long as she lasts.

2. Austin

Comp Bonus Points: 0
Social: 40
Strategic: 20
Showplay: 30
Alliances: Sleeper Cell

I'm not super impressed with Austin. I think the guy's relatively smooth, but I seriously doubt his strategic chops. The guy just seems to read everything wrong. He had no idea that Liz, who is one of his closest allies, was switching out with another person. He also buys Jeff's BS, and it is only by the grace of Vanessa that he even has a chance in this game. I don't think Austin is a good strategic player, but he does serve as a good meat shield for Vanessa, who I do consider to be a good strategic player.

3. Becky

Comp Bonus Points: 30
Social: 10
Strategic: 10

Becky continues to bore me, but she won another comp, so good for her.

4. Clay

Comp Bonus Points:
Social: 20
Strategic: 40
Showplay: 70
Alliances: Sleeper Cell
Awards: Unearned Credit

Just so everyone watching Big Brother 17 is aware, Clay did NOT run Shelli's HOH. The two of them are partners and they came to decisions together, but she is actually the one with a much stronger read on the house, in particular, she is the one that realizes how dangerous Jeff is.

5. Da'Vonne

Comp Bonus Points:
Social: 10
Strategic: 20
Showplay: 170
Alliances: N/A
Awards: DR Queen, 2nd Evictee.

Love Da. Thought she was great TV. She was not a strategic mastermind by any means. She got beat. And I do believe it was the right move to take her out, for Clay and Shelli. I'll give her credit for continuing to campaign, but I don't think she really went about it the right way.

6. Jace

1st evictee.

7. James

Comp Bonus Points:
Social: 30
Strategic: 30
Showplay: 10
Alliances: The Clique

Coming down from his week 1 HOH, James was very quiet this week. That's a pretty good look for him, and I actually like him quite a bit. He's on Jeff's side of the numbers though, and I worry that the other side will target him instead of Jeff, due to stupid personal reasons.

8. John

Comp Bonus Points: 30
Social: 40
Strategic: 40
Showplay: 80
Awards: I don't get it

I don't get it, but the fan community loves John the Dentist.  He's playing an okay game, as he's being underestimated and being lumped into alliances, and he's winning comps. I just don't see why everyone thinks he's so amazing.

9. Liz

Comp Bonus Points:
Social: 20
Strategic: 30
Showplay: 60
Alliances: Sleeper Cell

The Twin Twist has been exposed, but that's actually okay, because Liz and Julia have some people willing to work with both of them. Neither twin is particularly interesting or good at the game, but I am intrigued by the stress of living a lie that the two of them have to go through. Trying to keep up the act is interesting to watch.

10. Jason Roy

Comp Bonus Points: 30
Social: 30
Strategic: 30
Showplay: 60
Alliances: The Clique

Jason is always a fun time on the feeds, even when he's bashing my favorite players. He didn't do much this week, and he lost his closest ally, but he did manage to stay out of the way of the bus running her over, and seems clear for the weeks to come. Jason will be a major player in this game, and I'd love to see his game without Da.

11. Meg

Comp Bonus Points:
Showplay: 20
Alliances: The Clique

She stayed, but she also went on the block as a pawn, and that's not a good look for Meg. She ignored Clay and Shelli, and spent all her time with her Clique. I am unimpressed with Meg this week. She was supposed to be the top player in the game!

 12. Steven

Comp Bonus Points: 30
Social: 10
Strategic: 20
Showplay: 30

Steve has a social awkwardness that seems to be standing between him and joining any of the alliances in the house. He could be a valuable resource for either The Clique or The Sleeper Cell, but neither side is picking him up. He's basically playing a worse version of John's game.

13. Shelli

Comp Bonus Points: 30
Social: 20
Strategic: 80
Showplay: 80
Alliances: Sleeper Cell

I like Shelli. I think she made a good move getting Da out. I think she has a good read on Jeff. She spends WAY too much time in the HOH room. She is letting other players maneuver around freely, while she spends all her time staring at Clay. She's got a good brain, but her lack of moving about the house will cost her.

14. Vanessa

Comp Bonus Points:
Social: 90
Strategic: 90
Showplay: 50
Alliances: Sleeper Cell
Awards: Best Player of the Week

I'm back to cheering for Vanessa. She DOES have a good head on her shoulders, and she has made connections with pretty much everyone outside of Jeff's circle of allies. She's currently working on turning Clay and Shelli against Jeff, and I greatly approve. She convinced Shelli to put Meg up over Liz, and got Julia to confess about the twin twist. She is rallying up a side, and now the question is, can she make a legit run at this thing.

15. Jeff

Comp Bonus Points:
Social: 60
Strategic: 60
Showplay: 50
Alliances: The Clique

Ugh. I hate Jeff, but I can't really find a fault in his game. He's probably playing too hard, but he seems to be getting everything he wants. An entire side of the house is supporting him, and he'll probably end up going pretty far, but let's see if the Sleeper Cell can give him a run for his money.

16. Jackie

Comp Bonus Points:
Social: 20
Strategic: 0
Showplay: 0
Awards: Invisible Girl

Jackie is aligned with Jeff. Other than that, I got nothing.

She's also got boobs.

Showplay Rankings

1. Audrey: 540
2. Da'Vonne: 340
3.  Jason: 180
4.  Clay: 130
5. Jace: 130
6.  Shelli: 130
7. John: 90
8. Liz: 90
9.  James: 80
10. Austin: 70
11.  Jeff: 60
12. Vanessa: 60
13. Meg: 50
14. Steve: 50
15. Becky: 40
16. Jackie: 10

Gameplay Rankings

1. Vanessa: 270
2. Jason: 260
3.  Jeff: 220
4. Meg: 200
5. Shelli: 200
6.  James: 185
7. John: 180
8. Steve: 150
9. Clay: 140
10. Austin: 120
11.  Audrey: 110
12. Da'vonne: 100
13. Liz: 100
14. Becky: 100
15. Jacky: 70
16.  Jace: 0

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