Friday, June 19, 2015

Five Drinks Into a Big Brother 17 Cast Assessment

Tom's Take

So we were introduced to 14 HG's and the idea that this season we would have twist after twist. That sounds frankly terrible, but I am trying to look past that impeding explosion of awfulness, and instead focus on the good.

And the good is this Big Brother 17 cast.

I like this cast quite a bit. Are there some forgettable morons among them? Of course, but that's part of the fun. Frankly after the utter dominance of Derrick last year, I am most wanting to see a few average to good level players really clash and fight. And I think we got that, so let's get to them.

1. Audrey

Audrey is transgender, and I applaud Big Brother for casting a Transgender person on this season. I know that this invites a lot of criticism, but frankly those people suck. I hope Audrey's time on the show can have a positive impact on public perception of the Transgender community.

 Audrey is also very hot, she's my #2 crush behind Becky at the moment, and personality wise I think I prefer Audrey. She also seems to have some game to her, or at least she's saying the right things to make me think she does have game. And my gut is telling me she's going to be drama! So that should be fun.

My biggest issues with Audrey is that she references Dexter, which stopped being good after season 4, showing her tastes are behind the times. Also in her interviews she awkwardly "raises the roof" a lot. That strikes me as a sign she is uncomfortable in one on one social situations. We'll see.

Meaningless Preseason Prediction with no knowledge of twists: I think Audrey is going to become a big player this season. My gut is telling me she'll be more of the Amanda type rather than a Neda, or an Andy, who were able to fly under the radar early, and that she'll become a target rather quickly. I'm going to predict she gets 9th place.

2. Austin

Austin is a former/current wrestler, and I applaud....(jk.) Austin is a fan, he's smart, and he's well spoken in the interviews I've seen him in. I SHOULD like Austin. Should is the operative word in that sentence. My gut impression on Austin is that he'll be self righteous. I fully anticipate he'll be one of those people who says that a "good person" needs to win the season. I hate that attitude. I would prefer to hear Austin say he was going to use his physical size to intimidate and bully his houseguests into taking him far. Use what you got!

I think that enough people are worried about making big moves, that they'll leave Austin alone for a while, and only go after him via a backdoor. In order to avoid that, Austin needs to have a bros alliance, but also have secret alliances with the girls to protect him.

Meaningless Preseason Prediction: I don't think Austin has it in him to do what he needs to do survive in this game. I think his self righteousness will cause him to overplay, and I think the better players are going to see no point to keeping him around. I expect him to be about the third or fourth boot. I'm predicting he gets 11th place.

3. Becky

Becky is my house crush. For that reason alone, I hope she stays a while. That said, she seems very vanilla. She's savvier than say a Victoria, but she seems to be trying to play a Jordan Lloyd type game at best. Jordan won, and frankly reviewing Big Brother 13, she almost won a second time, so Becky could win this season. While I find her very attractive, and nice, I can't root for that outcome. Especially because the most likely way she goes far in this game is by riding coattails. Specifically, I see Becky having a showmance with Clay. That is a Doomsday Boredom scenario if I ever saw one. More people should be worried about, because Becky and Clay could be what puts us all to sleep this season.

Meaningless Preseason Prediction: Becky has strong second boot potential, but I'm seeing her and Clay becoming a power couple for the middle part of this game. Maybe they get back to back boots in a double eviction later in the season? I'm going to predict Becky gets 6th place.

4. Clay

Clay is BORING and Clay is HOT. That's all you need to know about him.

Clay will likely be in a bro alliance, and have a showmance, likely with Becky. That'll get him very far, and possibly the Cat Ladies will vote him as Fan Favorite.

Prediction: The eventual winner of the season, will use the Clay and Becky couple as a shield until the halfway point of the game, then turn on them. I predict Clay gets 7th place.

5. Da'Vonne

Da'Vonne is a big fan of the show. She's a single mother and she's got the headspace of wanting to win for her kids. That's a dangerous thing to face, and it should make her a good player.

I really really want to like Da'Vonne. My gut tells me she's missing something though. I see Da'Vonne as someone likely to be put up as a pawn early, and as someone who will blow up over that. I just think she'll end up being sent back to her kids before the jury can start. I'm sorry, Da'Vonne fans.

Prediction: Da'Vonne will be the forgettable second boot, and will finish in 13th place.

6. Jace

I have high hopes for Jace. I believe he will be the villain of Big Brother 17. He will be the one in the DR telling us how he is in complete control of the game. And I actually think it will be true for a while.  Jace has a ruthless attitude, and a smile that has me convinced that he will enjoy the ruthless parts of the game. Of course, he also strikes me as being far more proud of his social abilities than he has any reason to be. The greatest joy of this season will be watching this guy's downfall.

I'm going to make the "bold" prediction that Jace forms a guy's alliance with James, Clay, possibly Jason, and possibly Austin and John as well. I think they'll dominate the first few weeks, and then around week 4 they'll make a mistake. I see them backdooring an Austin, or taking out a Steven rather than taking out the real threat, and I also see the girls causing problems for this alliance.

I see Jace showmancing Liz, and her personality rubbing the rest of the alliance the wrong way. I see the guys turning on Jace. And I see this as Jace's downfall.

Prediction: Jace will make an impression on this season. I think he will have a showmance, be in control of the house for a while, and then go out in flame. I predict he gets 10th place.

7. James

The self described Hillbilly Asian. I like James, I think he's an interesting character, and his voice soothes me. I think he will be a boring player.

James will be the guy who is 100% loyal to the initial guy alliance. Once it breaks apart, he will become a coaster and a likely pawn star. His success in the game will be in whether or not people see him as a challenge threat. If they don't, I can see him being allowed to go pretty far. I see James  being a pawn in the stronger players' schemes, and I see one of two likely scenarios for him. Either he goes out as a pawn in like a Jocasta type spot, or he gets close to the end like a Spencer from Big Brother 15.

Prediction: I think James survives that tough early jury stage of the game, because the bigger players are taking each other out. I think James gets close to the end, and then gets clipped for being a possible jury threat. I predict he gets 4th Place.

8. John

The BB fans I follow on Twitter love John.  I predict that the TV audience will love John. The TV audience also loved Zach Rance. Zach Rance was not a good player. Neither do I think John will be.

John will be fun on the feeds, but I don't think he'll ever be in control of the game. I think his timing will be all off, and I don't think he'll know who the right people to target are. I see him being a useful tool for some of the better players, but at a certain point they will realize he is a liability and get rid of him.

Prediction: I think John will make a big move in this game. Perhaps he'll be the HOH that takes out Jace. I think he'll start to catch on to who the power players, JUST too late to do anything about it. I predict he gets 8th place.

9. Liz

Does Liz remind anyone else of Scarlett Johannson? The pervy side of me really hope Liz stays around, but more realistically she has early boot written all over her.

Liz is practically the definition of a recruit, and she clearly has no idea how the game is played. If the other players are smart, they will keep Liz around as someone easy to beat at the end.

I see Liz getting into a showmance with Jace, and that helping her through the early leg of the game. Once Jace is gone, Liz will be such a non-threat, that I could see her being dragged to the end.

Prediction: Liz draws comparisons to Porsche from Big Brother 13, and I'm going to bet she repeats Porsche's final results, and gets 2nd place.

10. Jason Roy

I'm going out on a huge limb with Jason.

I think he's going to end up being a good player. He's definitely going to be a master of the DR. I love his ideas, and he's a big fan of the game. The question becomes whether or not he's able to actually implement his strategies. Is he as good as he needs to be? My head says no, but my heart says yes.

I think Jason Roy will be the one to dismantle the guys' alliance this season.

I'm also cheering for Jason to enter a secret alliance with Vanessa, and to run the last half of this game.

Then Jason and Vanessa will turn on each other.

Prediction: Jason goes out as being considered to be the best player of this season. But I predict he gets 3rd place.

11. Meg

I promise if Meg is not the first boot, I will change this picture to her actual picture.

Prediction: We will never see Meg on feeds. She will come in 14th place.

12. Steven

I loved Ian. I rooted for Ian. Ian won. I was happy.

I want something different now. Steven is not it.

Prediction: I think Jason will target Steven for being a similar character to him, the petite male superan. I pick Jason in that contest. I predict Steven will get 12th Place.

13. Shelli

I think Shelli is the oldest HG this year?

That's pretty sad.

I find Shelli forgettable, and I think she'll be a coaster, but maybe she'll get far.

Prediction: I think Shelli gets 5th Place.

14. Vanessa

Vanessa is my winner pick!

Vanessa is a pro poker player, and she's identified herself as a lesbian. She's actually one of the older houseguests, but she is by no means old. I don't see her as a great competitor, but she should be good with numbers, and be able to pull of a couple of the later mental comps. I also think Vanessa has a great head on her shoulders, and will be able to chill well enough with the girls to get her past the early part of the game where the bros dominate. Once she gets to the end of the game, I see as being the strategic mind who manages to run the last half of the game, with help from Jason.

Vanessa's biggest weaknesses, is that she does not appear to be a great public speaker, and I worry that being a poker player is actually not a great profession to be a Big Brother player. Being able to tell if someone is lying is useful, but poker doesn't have much communicating included in it. I'm hoping that Vanessa's DJ past will be where she pulls those social skills from.

Mostly my winner pick is based on the fact that I like Vanessa, and I want to see her do well.

And ultimate Big Brother is a game about rooting for your favorites, regardless of what your brain tells you.

Prediction: Vanessa is on people's radars at the beginning, but forms a secret alliance with Jason, who manages to get the bros to self destruct. She turns the tables on the Clay and Becky alliance, and then she and Jason turn on each other. At final 4 she wins HOH, but Jason wins the veto. She finally takes Jason out at Final 3 and takes Liz with her for an easy win. I predict Vanessa gets 1st place.

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