Friday, June 19, 2015

Five Drinks Into a Big Brother 17 Cast Assessment

Tom's Take

So we were introduced to 14 HG's and the idea that this season we would have twist after twist. That sounds frankly terrible, but I am trying to look past that impeding explosion of awfulness, and instead focus on the good.

And the good is this Big Brother 17 cast.

I like this cast quite a bit. Are there some forgettable morons among them? Of course, but that's part of the fun. Frankly after the utter dominance of Derrick last year, I am most wanting to see a few average to good level players really clash and fight. And I think we got that, so let's get to them.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Five Drinks into a Blog Update

Tom's Take

Congratulations to Sarah for winning Big Brother Canada 3, and Mike for winning Survivor 30.
I'm sorry that I stopped with the updates, I got very tired of Survivor and when I got into Big Brother Canada 3, it felt too late for me do game and showplay rankings.