Friday, August 1, 2014

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Big Brother 16 Game and Show Week 5

Tom's Take:

The Bomb Squad is done, and the Detonators is pathetic. Team America is broken. With alliances falling left and right, there's room for a serious power house to take control.

1. Caleb

Strategy: 20
Social: 10
Show: 100
Alliances: Bomb Squad Loyalist
Awards: Stalkmance

Caleb, oh Caleb. He thinks he's running the house. In truth he's a puppet and the only real question is who is pulling the strings. This week, the Detonators turned him against Amber, and it was a thing of beauty to watch, but eventually the guy has to realize there's more going on, right?

2. Amber

Strategy: 0
Social: 0
Show: 60
Alliances: None 
Awards: N/A

Amber was the victim of being too hot. She was constantly trying to work with girls in theory, but in practice she kept letting the boys make the decisions. The result was that she got completely played, and the boys were ready to kick her out once they had gotten rid of the other girls who they wanted to spy on. The result was that the girl who had been the victim of Caleb's obsession all year got the boot instead of getting the far more satisfying storyline of her overcoming Caleb's obsession. But she should just be happy she doesn't have to be in jury with him. 

3. Christine

BOTB: 20
Strategy: 20
Social: 20
Show: 10
Alliances:  Nicotine, The Detonator, The Trilogy, Frankie/Christine,
Awards: N/A

Christine's game is being found out, and called out by Zach and others. The result is that Christine's game is falling apart. That doesn't mean she's in danger necessarily, but she's no long being included in major decision making, and that means that she's no long shaping the game. 

4. Cody

Strategy: 20
Social: 50
Show: 20
Alliances: The Detonators, Jump Street, The Boyz, 
Awards: N/A

Okay, Cody continues to stay safe with his great social game, but he's not doing enough to steer the game in a direction that will be favorable to him long run. His only current plan will end with him and Derrick needing to pretty much win back to back competitions at the final six or seven. They can do it, but I'm not going to give major strategic ups for that. 

5. Derrick

Strategy: 20
Social: 50
Show: 30
Alliances: The Detonators, The Boyz, Jump Street, Team America
Awards:  Current favorite.

Derrick is doing a good job in the house, and he was smart to fade into the background, but just like Cody I feel like Derrick needs to be more aggressive in getting what HE wants so that in the long run he is set up to be able to get to the end without HAVING to win any comps. And "frankly" "at the end of the day" Derrick would have been better served with Jocasta going this week then with Amber leaving. 

6. Hayden

POV: 30/30
Strategy: 90
Social: 100
Show: 40
Alliances: The Trilogy, Hayden and Nicole, The Boyz,
Awards: Top Player of the Week

Remember Big Brother Canada 2? That season an alliance of five that formed early on picked off people they disliked or who were vocally opposed to them, but ignored the strongest competitor in the house who also happened to be the best social player of the season. Yes, I'm talking about how the First Five ignored Jon when he was vulnerable, and then got demolished once he took action. And here in BB16 Hayden seems to be set on the same trajectory as Jon was. In fact the only difference is that Hayden seems to be even more effective, as the former Bomb Squad has gotten rid of two of their own members without Hayden having to do anything. He's getting lucky, there's no doubt about that, but it just seems to be too big a coincidence that the first five weeks have worked out perfectly for Hayden just due to luck. The guy is playing a fantastic game, and it is even greater because almost no one seems aware of how dangerous Hayden is. To sum up, I am very impressed with Hayden.

7. Jocasta

Strategy: 0
Social: 10
Show: 40
Alliances: Jesus 
Awards: Pawn Star

Jocasta continues to suck at challenges, and her and Victoria have both reached perma pawn status, but Jocasta isn't as comfortably in people's pockets like Victoria is, so she may actually get cut in a week of posturing by the more powerful players.

8. Donny

Strategy: 30
Social: 40
Show: 70
Alliances: N/A
Awards: N/A

Major ups to Donny for basically telling the whole Team America thing to go screw themselves. He's there to play his own game, and I approve. If America offers him 5 grand for random bullshit, do it, but he shouldn't have to change his game for OUR whims. We like Donny cuz he's Donny, not because he is doing our bidding. 

9. Frankie

HOH: 40/100
Strategy: 20
Social: 70
Show: 90
Alliances: The Detonators, Frankie and Christine, Zankie
Awards: N/A

Frankie's manipulation of Caleb was fun to watch, but I'm not really sure if this whole week served Frankie's overall game. I mean was Amber really a threat to her? Frankie would best be served actually advancing The Detonators, and that means taking a shot at the real threats in the game like Hayden and Nicole.   

10. Zach

Dethroned HOH: 0/30
Strategy: 30
Social: 10
Show: 150
Alliances: The Boyz, The Detonators, Zankie
Awards: N/A

Zach's HOH antics did not help his game, but I am starting to suspect there might be something behind the madness as I see glimmers of brilliance in his Giant Target/Dr. Will ripoff strategy. It's so crazy that it just might work. But it probably won't. It is entertaining though. 

12. Nicole

BOTB: 20
Strategy: 40
Social: 60
Show: 30
Alliances: Hayden and Nicole, Nicotine, The Trilogy
Awards: NA

Nicole is a cute Fruit Loop Dingus. And just like Hayden things are gong well for her, but just like everyone else in #BB16 I'm not going to give her a ton of credit, because she's a girl, and the girls are dropping too quickly for it to be very good for her. 

13. Victoria

Strategy: 30
Social: 30
Show: 40
Alliances: NA
Awards: My Crush, Pawn Star

If the pawn advances to the other side of the board she can become a queen. #TeamVictoria. #QueenVictoria.

In all seriousness Victoria should have 50 grand coming to her at the end of the summer when she's the goat taken to final two. 

Showplay Rankings:

1. Devin: 490
2. Zach: 430
3. Caleb: 420
4. Frankie: 400
5. Donny: 330
6. Derrick: 250
7. Amber: 220
8. Nicole: 210
9. Brittany: 190
10: Hayden: 180
11. Cody: 160
12. Victoria: 150
13. Jocasta: 120
14. Pow Pow: 110
15. Joey: 80
16. Christine: 80

Gameplay Rankings:

1. Hayden: 730
2. Derrick: 705
3. Cody: 675
4. Frankie: 620
5. Nicole: 530
6. Christine: 510
7. Donny: 390
8. Zach: 300
9. Victoria: 240
10. Caleb: 210
11. Amber: 165
12. Jocasta: 160
13. Brittany: 90
14. Pow Pow: 40
15. Devin: 9
16. Joey: 0

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