Saturday, May 17, 2014

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Big Brother Canada 2 Game and Show Final 3 Weeks

Tom's Take:

I am emotionally devastated by that finale since Neda came so close to winning, only to be cut off from the end in such a brutal way. But moving past that, I have to respect Jon for making that move because it won him the game. Jon was a great player this season, I ranked him as the second best going into these last few weeks, and he took out the actual best player, so he fully deserved his win.

Congratulation Jon Pardy.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Big Brother Canada Finale Review Postponed

The BBCAN Finale Was too heartbreaking for me to review right away. I'll go over the final 5 at a later date, maybe in the weeks leading up to Big Brother 16.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Big Brother Canada Game and Show Weeks 9 and 10

Tom's Take:

Neda has assumed the throne and is in the driver's seat for the rest of the season. The only real questions remaining is whether Jon and Neda will make it to the end together, or whether Neda will cut Jon. But first let's discuss how Neda completely destroyed the last hope of the Gremlins, and then how Adel failed to split up the power duo with the last chance anyone will ever get to do so.