Monday, April 7, 2014

Five Drinks Into TV: How I Met Your Mother Final Season Final Episode

Tom’s Take:

So I am incredibly furious with how this show ended.
Let’s go over what the series finale did wrong.

1.     Even if this finale was acceptable for the show as a whole, which it wasn’t, the finale completely failed as a SEASON finale, because the whole season was about Robin and Barney getting married, and twenty minutes into the finale the writers just undid that.
2.     By the way, it wasn’t just THIS season where the Barney and Robin relationship was important. Ever since the end of Season Three, Barney and Robin has been a major part of the show, and for them to just scuttle it like that was a ridiculous move.
3.     Okay, so assuming the Ted ending up with Robin after the Mother is dead has been the plan since the beginning of the show, the writers did a terrible job of making the Ted and Robin relationship one worth rooting for or caring about.
4.     And then in the final season they spent a great deal of time making sure we all understood that Ted and Robin was 100% done.
5.     Seriously Ted ending up with Robin was always a bad choice, but the writers went out of their way to make us know that it was a bad choice, especially this season.
6.     Robin as a character has deteriorated a lot over the course of the series, as have most of the characters to be honest, but her most of all, so her being such a mystical figure in the course of the show no longer makes sense to the viewer.
7.     The Actual Mother Tracey, was awesome, so killing her was a completely brutal and unnecessary thing to do.

I can go on and on, but that is my main gist, and it makes me very upset that this is how they ended a show I used to really love, and stuck with it despite an obvious instance of diminishing returns as the seasons went on. Why did I do that? Because I thought I would be rewarded with a satisfying finale. Instead I got another gut punch, as the writers decided to give me one of the worst series finales ever. Okay, Dexter’s was worse, but still….

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