Sunday, March 30, 2014

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Big Brother Canada Game and Show Week 4

Tom's Take:

So Sabrina was HOH this week....wait a minute....

Oh yeah, I guess technically Rachelle was.

I think we lost a lot of potential in Ika, but the game moves on, and I'm excited to see how the game plays out, especially after Canada has it's chance to take a crack at the First Five Alliance.
1. Adel

 Strategy: 80
Social: 40
Show: 50
Awards: N/A
Alliances: Arlie's Plan B

I'm giving Adel major strategy props for keeping himself safe this week with his lie, but that lie's life is running out, which means that Adel needs to prepare himself to make another move to get himself into a better situation in the house.

2. Andrew

Strategy: 30
Social: 30
Show: 30
Awards: N/A
Alliances: First Five

Even though Andrew was very much safe this week, he's really not playing the game very much right now. He's sort of just the big muscle the savvier members of the First Five Alliance least for now.

3. Arlie

Strategy: 100
Social: 100
Show: 90
Awards: Safest Player, My Prediction to Win,
Alliances: First Five, Arlie's Plan B

Arlie is in a great spot in the house, and he's working it well. And we're starting to see how much fun he is on the show as well. Arlie's stock continues to rise in my book.

4. Kenny

Strategy: 50
Social: 50
Show: 30
Awards: N/A
Alliances: First Five,

Kenny is a savvy player, but he's coasting while Arlie is working the house. I'm thinking more and more that Kenny's bond with Andrew is going to be his downfall in this game. He needs to figure something else out and get away from Andrew before he goes down with that ship.

5. Heather

Strategy: 30
Social: 30
Show: 40
Awards: Pawn Star
Alliances: Arlie's Plan B

Heather is getting safer and safer as the house splits, and I have her pegged as either a jury goat, or a an accidental casualty of the upcoming war.

6. Neda

Strategy: 30
Social: 30
Show: 40
Awards: My personal Favorite,
Alliances: Bond with Jon, Arlie's Plan B,

Neda continues to be my absolute favorite, but she's playing an under the radar game which is not super fun to watch. She definitely needs to step it up!

7. Jon

Strategy: 50
Social: 50
Show: 100
Awards: N/A
Alliances: Bond with Neda, Arlie's Plan B

Jon's relationship with Arlie is parallel to Kenny's relationship to Arlie, and I currently see Arlie as the fulcrum of the house. Jon will be a big part of deciding whether Arlie runs away with this thing or faces some actual opposition in the second half of this season.

8. Ika

Strategy: 0
Social: 0
Show: 120
Awards: N/A
Alliances: N/A

IKA WONG was a lot of fun. but now she's gone. She went out with a blaze though.

9. Rachelle

HOH: 10/100 (She was HOH?)
Strategy: 0
Social: 50
Show: 20
Awards: Puppet
Alliances: Sabrina's Puppet

I'm not giving her gameplay points for doing nothing but what Sabrina tells her to. She's relatively safe though, so that's good for her.

10. Sabrina

Strategy: 70
Social: 70
Show: 60
Awards: (+100 points for running Rachelle's HOH) Best move for controlling Rachelle,
Alliances: First Five,

Sabrina completely ran Rachelle's HOH, which was good for her, but she's in trouble from Canada this week.

11. Sarah

Strategy: 90
Social: 90
Show: 40
Awards: N/A
Alliances: First Five, Arlie's Plan B,

Sarah's killing it in there. My only concern with her is that she'll be a huge jury threat, so she'll have trouble getting to the end.

12. Allison "New Girl"

POV: 30/30
Strategy: 10
Social: 10
Show: 50
Awards: Ugh Showmance
Alliances: N/A

Allison continues to hang in there, but I'm not able to get too high on her current level of gameplay.

Showplay Rankings:

1. Ika: 280
2. Allison: 180
3. Jon: 160
4. Paul: 140
5. Neda: 130
6. Arlie: 130
7. Andrew: 120
8. Adel: 120
9. Sabrina: 110
10. Kenny: 100
11. Heather: 100
12. Sarah: 80
13. Rachelle: 70
14.Kyle: 50
15.  Anick: 40

Gameplay rankings

1. Sabrina: 725
2. Arlie: 660
3. Sarah: 660
4. Kenny: 570
5. Andrew: 540
6. Jon: 420
7. Neda: 360
8. Adel: 310
9. Rachelle: 260
10. Ika: 150
11. Heather: 110
12. Allison: 90
13. Paul: 30
14. Kyle: 30
15. Anick: 0

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