Saturday, April 19, 2014

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Big Brother Canada Game and Show Week 8

Tom's Take:

A great week of gameplay. Jon wins HOH and despite it probably being better just to play it safe and split up the Gremlins, he makes a move on Arlie only to have it countered by Allison's secret veto, but then he and Neda managed to counter that by getting the Gremlins to believe they were fine and to remove Arlie for them. It was a great week of the game.

1. Adel

 Strategy: 20
Social: 20
Show: 60
Awards: N/A
Alliances: Floater

Adel managed to stay this week, though not really by anything he did. Rather he just didn't completely screw himself out of the game, which Arlie might have.

2. Arlie

Strategy: 50
Social: 20
Show: 80
Awards: N/A
Alliances: Goof Troop....

Did Arlie play himself out of the house? I personally think he just got flat out outplayed by Jon and Neda, because his pitch to Allison and the Gremlins made perfect sense. But he was just so boastful about how good a player he was, and it prevented him from managing to sink those points in as well as they could have been.

3. Heather

Strategy: 90
Social: 70
Show: 50
Awards: Winner Pick, (+50 points for Assisting Neda on convincing Jon to backdoor Neda)
Alliances: Heads and Neds, The Unnamed Alliance,

Why is Heather my pick to win at this point? Because despite Neda being my favorite, she has a little too steep a road to climb to the top, and Heather can allow them to carry her to the end.

4. Neda

Strategy: 100
Social: 100
Show: 100
Awards: My personal Favorite, (+100 points for getting Jon to take out Arlie her biggest nemesis)
Alliances: JONEDA, Heads and Neds, The Unnamed Alliance,

And this week Neda seized the crown from Jon by getting him to cut his backup alliance. Now Neda is in charge of the house, and although there's still a tough road ahead, she's in control of the game at this point.

5. Jon

HOH: 20/100
POV: 20/50
Strategy: 20
Social: 90
Show: 60
Awards: N/A
Alliances: JONEDA, Unnamed Alliance

Jon should have just taken out a Gremlin. The only real advantage to making this move is that he is now the single strongest competitor in the house, and can seemingly win every POV from here on out. Still the word is out that Jon is FOLLOWING Neda, and not the other way around. He was GREAT though in his convo with Allison, and I think he is the reason this move didn't fall apart.

6. Rachelle

Strategy: 40
Social: 0
Show: 50
Awards: N/A
Alliances: Gremlins

The quiet easy to forget about HG...

7. Sabrina

Strategy: 40
Social: 0
Show: 80
Awards: N/A
Alliances: Gremlins

Sabrina survived this week, but not really by any of her fairly well thought out arguments to Jon. She's still sitting in the game without much of a future.

8. Allison "New Girl"

Secret Veto: 20/50
Strategy: 0
Social: 0
Show: 50
Awards: Dumb Move for becoming the Swing Vote and then Not Swinging
Alliances: Gremlin

Ali was at the bottom of the alliance at the start of the week. At the end of the week, despite a lot of crazy gameplay and her playing her secret veto...she is still at the bottom of the alliance. Allison is not good at this game. She just isn't.

Showplay Rankings:

1. Arlie: 390
2. Jon: 350

3. Sabrina: 340
4. Neda: 300
5. Heather: 280
6. Ika: 280
7. Adel: 270
8. Allison: 260
9. Kenny: 220
10. Andrew: 190
11. Sarah: 180
12. Rachelle: 170
13. Paul: 140
14.Kyle: 50
15.  Anick: 40

Gameplay rankings

1. Neda: 960
2. Arlie: 950
3. Sarah: 870
4. Jon: 825
5. Kenny: 800
6. Sabrina: 785
7. Heather: 740
8. Adel: 570
9. Andrew: 540
10. Rachelle: 340
11. Allison: 220
12. Ika: 150
13. Paul: 30
14. Kyle: 30
15. Anick: 0

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