Friday, April 18, 2014

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Big Brother Canada 2 Game and Show Weeks 6 and 7

Tom's Take:

Two weeks worth of gameplay all in one, and the two sides of the house clashed, and one side the Sloppy Seconds came out on top, pretty much crushing the strongest members of the First Five, and leaving only two small gremlins left in the wake of the devastation.

1. Adel

 Strategy: 40
Social: 40
Show: 40
Awards: N/A
Alliances: Sloppy Seconds

The most loyal member of the Sloppy Seconds, Adel's strategy seems to be to simply ride the alliance to final 6, and then let the sparks fly and see where he ends up. He's not running shit, but he's in a good spot to go deep in this game. I have a hard time seeing him out before Final Five at the earliest.

2. Arlie

POV: 10/50
Strategy: 20
Social: 20
Show: 90
Awards: N/A
Alliances: Sloppy Seconds

The show is obsessed with portraying Arlie as the Evil Mastermind who is running the show, but the truth is he slipped up badly this week by letting Sarah slip through his fingers. He was forced to display his loyalty fully to the Sloppy Seconds by cutting her, and he also lost someone who was TRULY loyal to him. The truth is Arlie has a large QUANTITY of alliances, but not very much QUALITY in those alliances. Arlie is probably about 4th on everyone's lists of who they're most loyal to, which would be fine except he's shown himself to be a big enough threat to be worth targeting. By the way, that POV win was meaningless, Arlie was just greedy to get blood on his hands.

3. Kenny

POV: 50/50
Strategy: 30
Social: 30
Show: 90
Awards: N/A
Alliances: Gremlins

Kenny's defeat was a major point of the season so he can be proud of that, as it spelled the 2nd of the second major chapter in what I consider to be a pretty great season. He also got to come out as part of a storyline, so major props to him. His problem as always was to be the LEADER of his side, and his side lost, so he went home. It sucks, but that's the game.

4. Heather

HOH: 100
Strategy: 100
Social: 100
Show: 90
Awards: Best Move by getting out Sarah, Safest Player in the Game, Winner Pick,
Alliances: Sloppy Seconds, Heads and Neds,

I massively underestimated Heather in this game, and she emerged this week as a major contender for the crown. Getting rid of Sarah this week was the perfect move for her, because it majorly wounded Kenny's side, allowed her to forcefully recruit Allison to her side, and forced Arlie to expose himself. It was pretty much a perfect HOH week.

5. Neda

HoH: 70/100
Strategy: 70
Social: 80
Show: 40
Awards: My personal Favorite, Mischievous award for sabotaging the slop,
Alliances: Sloppy Seconds, JONEDA, Heads and Neds,

There we go. It wasn't a flashy week from Neda by any means, but it was a very well played one, as she strengthened ties with Jon and Heather, setting up her future intended Final 3, and she also managed to knock out Kenny twice from different HOH's and be the one to put him on the block and effectively end his reign. She hasn't assumed the crown herself yet, but she is quickly building up momentum heading down the stretch.

6. Jon

Strategy: 60
Social: 60
Show: 70
Awards: N/A
Alliances: Sloppy Seconds, JONEDA

With Kenny's fall, Jon has assumed the crown in the BB house, and it is probably too early to do so, but I still want to give him credit for doing so because if he does make it to the end, he'll probably win at this point.

7. Rachelle

Strategy: 0
Social: 0
Show: 30
Awards: N/A
Alliances: Gremlins

The quiet easy to forget about HG...

8. Sabrina

Strategy: 0
Social: 0
Show: 60
Awards: N/A
Alliances: Team Kenny

Sabrina's game is falling apart, and is dead in the water until something changes.

9. Sarah

Strategy: 10
Social: 40
Show: 60
Awards: N/A
Alliances: Team Kenny

I'm sad to see Sarah go, because she was a PLAYER, but that is why it was such a good move on Heather's part to get Sarah out. Her attachment to Kenny prevented her from jumping to the winning side, which while a weak cowardly move would have allowed her to survive long enough to cause some damage in this game.

10. Allison "New Girl"

Strategy: 20
Social: 20
Show: 50
Awards: Ugh Showmance
Alliances: Floater, Sloppy Seconds?

Ali found a secret veto, and kept it so good for her. She guaranteed herself Final 7, but she is at the bottom and basically just floating right now. It's hard to be excited about her in this game, but we'll see what she does.

Showplay Rankings:

1. Arlie: 310
2. Jon: 290
3. Ika: 280
4. Allison: 260
5. Sabrina: 260
6. Heather: 230
7. Kenny: 220
8. Adel: 210
9. Neda: 200
10. Andrew: 190
11. Sarah: 180
12. Paul: 140
13. Rachelle: 120
14.Kyle: 50
15.  Anick: 40

Gameplay rankings

1. Arlie: 880
2. Sarah: 870
3. Kenny: 800
4. Sabrina: 745
5. Jon: 675
6. Neda: 660
7. Andrew: 540
8. Adel: 530
9. Heather: 530
10. Rachelle: 300
11. Allison: 200
12. Ika: 150
13. Paul: 30
14. Kyle: 30
15. Anick: 0

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