Tuesday, March 4, 2014

How I Met Your Mother Final Season Episode 18 "Rally"

Season 9 Episode 18 “Rally"

Tom's Take
How I Met Your Mother hit the formula right this week. I chuckled at a couple of the jokes, there were some nice callbacks that made me smile, and overall the plot was pretty pleasant.
Some things I’ve noticed from this episode, but really have spanned this entire season.
The Mother’s character is being filled out more and more in these flashforwards, which makes me wonder whether it would have just been a better idea to introduce her into the show a few seasons earlier, and have the show give us their relationship.
Then again, it seems that their relationship is a bit too perfect, so maybe that would have been boring. Even Lily and Marshall had more conflicts than these two seem to have.
The idea of Barney’s dream being “Weekend at Barneys” seems like something that’s been mentioned before, even if I can’t remember it specifically.
Robin now being the one who crushes on Lily is hilarious.
I absolutely hate Lily’s “son of a beech” catchphrase. And it has gotten worse and worse for me as the series has gone on.
The Marvin flashforward seems like a wasted opportunity to me, and he really ended up going to Wesleyan where his parents met? Weird.
The flashforward of Robin and Barney pretty much dispels any tension that something will happen to ruin their wedding. Love that they’re travelling around the world, presumably being awesome.
Episode MVP: I’m gonna go with Robin, for her bit of crushing on Lily. That was a very funny reversal of a joke that’s been set up for nine years.
Episode Rating: 8 out of 10. This episode clicked, but it didn’t blow me away. I definitely enjoyed it, but it is not one I will be remembering as one of the best episodes of the series.

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