Sunday, March 23, 2014

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Big Brother Canada Week 3 Game and Show

Tom's Take:

The house split between boys and girls, although really the First Five is running both sides. But ultimately the result was that Ika completely fumbled the ball on her hoh and accomplished nothing but making herself look like an idiot.

1. Adel

 Strategy: 80
Social: 80
Show: 50
Awards: N/A
Alliances: N/A

Adel made a move this week by pretending his power was way more than what it actually was, and the result is that he is pretty safe for the next few weeks. He's definitely one to watch, and one of the only people who stands a real chance of knocking down the first five.

2. Andrew

Strategy: 70
Social: 30
Show: 30
Awards: N/A
Alliances: First Five, Guys Alliance

Andrew is a big meat shield for his alliance, basically just annoying everyone, but Kenny scares people, and Sabrina does all the social game playing for him. I really don't like Andrew as a player, and I feel like he's over rated in the house, since he has Sabrina doing all the work for him.

3. Arlie

Strategy: 80
Social: 80
Show: 20
Awards: Safest Player, My Prediction to Win,
Alliances: First Five, Guys Alliance, Arlie's Crew,

Arlie is the Player to watch this season. He's in the First Five, but he's setting up his own side alliance. Will he get a chance to strike? I think he will. He's in the right position, and he's enough of a fan that he knows what moves to make.

4. Kenny

Strategy: 70
Social: 50
Show: 30
Awards: N/A
Alliances: First Five, Guy's Alliance

Kenny is the one to watch between him and Andrew, and I think that he's another one to watch. Arlie is going to have to be careful to strike down Kenny before he can do anything to stop him.

5. Heather

Strategy: 10
Social: 10
Show: 30
Awards: Pawn Star
Alliances: Arlie's Crew?

Poor Heather. The Girls all seem to hate her for no reason.

6. Paul

Social: 0
Strategy: 0
Show: 60
Awards: N/A
Alliances: N/A

Paul was terrible, although he did provide some entertainment.

7. Neda

Strategy: 50
Social: 50
Show: 60
Awards: My personal Favorite,
Alliances: Bond with Jon

I'm totally crushing on Neda. She's one of the players that knows what to do, but unfortunately can't pull it off. I'm really hoping she gets some power, because she is the only person I trust to do anything with it.

8. Jon

Strategy: 60
Social: 60
Show: 20
Awards: N/A
Alliances: Boy's Alliance, Bond with Neda, Arlie's Crew

Jon is in an OKAY position, but he's losing ground, and he needs to get some power to shake up the house a bit.

9. Ika

HOH: 10
POV: 0
Strategy: 0
Social: 0
Show: 90
Awards: N/A
Alliances: N/A

What an epic failure. The only positive aspect of this week is that she didn't get evicted herself. Just so bad. She picked terrible targets, then targeted one in particular who didn't go home. Just awful.

10. Rachelle

Strategy: 30
Social: 30
Show: 10
Awards: Hottest Girl in the house
Alliances: Girl's Alliance

Who? Seriously Rachelle is so bland on the show even though she's so hot.

11. Sabrina

Strategy: 70
Social: 95
Show: 30
Awards: Best Play of the week
Alliances: First Five, Girl's Alliance

Sabrina mindfucked those girls. It would have been fun to watch if Sabrina wasn't so fucking annoying.

12. Sarah

Strategy: 40
Social: 80
Show: 20
Awards: N/A
Alliances: First Five, Arlie's Crew,

A very good player, who had to blow up her spot this week. That really sucked for her, and I really hate most of her alliance, but she's got a Plan B with Arlie's crew. I hope she goes with them.

13. Allison "New Girl"

Strategy: 10
Social: 30
Show: 60
Awards: Ugh Showmance
Alliances: Guy's Alliance

Ugh. Why get in a showmance with Andrew?

Showplay Rankings:

1. Ika: 160
2. Paul: 140
3. Allison: 130
4. Andrew: 90
5. Neda: 90
6. Kenny: 70
7. Adel: 70
8. Heather: 60
9. Jon: 60
10.Kyle: 50
11. Rachelle: 50
12. Sabrina: 50
13.  Anick: 40
14. Sarah: 40
15. Arlie: 40

Gameplay rankings

1. Sabrina: 485
2. Andrew: 480
3. Sarah: 480
4. Kenny: 470
5. Arlie: 460
6. Jon: 320
7. Neda: 300
8. Rachelle: 200
9. Adel: 200
10. Ika: 150
11. Heather: 50
12. Allison: 40
13. Paul: 30
14. Kyle: 30
15. Anick: 0

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