Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Five Drinks Into How I Met Your Mother Final Season "The End of the Aisle"

Tom's Take:

In the penultimate episode of HIMYM, we get some build up to the events of the finale, but it was not what I was hoping for.

If you want to see how to do a penultimate episode right, look to Breaking Bad, and the amazing “Granite State” episode that set the stage for the satisfying conclusion, was incredibly gripping on its own merit, and just built the tension and anticipation up to 11.

Himym doesn’t do that. Perhaps it can’t do that. It gives us a sweet episode of Barney and Robin getting married despite their nerves, but it was sweetness without any edge, like having honey by itself. 

We still don’t know if the mother is dying in the future, and quite frankly I’m not sure I want to know since the answer to that question will either be disappointing or mar the entire series up to this point, there’s no real upside…
One good thing I will say about this episode is that the Ring Bear was adorable.

Episode MVP:  Lily, because why not.

Rating: 5 out of 10. We’re going out with very little momentum, especially since last episode actually started some up, this episode was doubly disappointing. 

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