Monday, January 27, 2014

Five Drinks Into How I Met Your Mother Final Season Episode 16 "How Your Mother Met Me"

Tom's Take:

This episode proved once and for all that they should have met the mother in the series before this final season. In that way, it was actually kind of bittersweet, seeing as how much I liked the Mother and wished she could have been in more of the series. Instead, this episode was only a one off side episode, that gave us a glimpse of what the Mother was doing the last 9 years.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Five Drinks Into How I Met Your Mother Final Season Episode 15 "Unpause"

Tom's Take:

The Fifteenth episode of How I Met Your Mother's final season was a winner. While the last episode brought us a Slap, one of the longest running gags of the show, this one brought us Barney's job which was far more awesome. Because they managed to not actually disappoint us with solving the eternal mystery of what Barney does for a living.

And because I love it when Barney pulls a long con.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Five Drinks Into How I Met Your Mother The Final Season Episode 14 "Slappointment in Slapmarra"

Tom's Take:

So I totally lost track of the slaps somewhere along the line, because I was pretty sure this was supposed to be the final slap. Instead it wasn't, but rather what we got was a decently funny episode which took a massive detour from the major plots of the season.