Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Five Drinks Into TV: How I Met Your Mother Final Season Episode 3 "Last Time In New York"

Tom's Take:

Our third episode of How I Met Your Mother was pleasant but ultimately a pretty forgettable episode. So what worked, and what seemed like it was trying too hard?

I am normally sympathetic towards Ted being lonely, but this episode tried too hard to milk it for a joke by making him seem so pathetic. Maybe it was the fact that I just finally watched "Coming Back" where they did the same thing to much greater effect, but I didn't find the jokes about Ted's list to be very funny.

I also think Princess Bride jokes seem way too over the top, and make it seem like the writers are out of original ideas.

Robin and Barney making nicknames for each other is lame and just doesn't fit with them as a couple. Hasn't it already been established that Robin doesn't like nicknames?

The whiskey joke had a good setup, but failed to deliver properly on the punchline. The joke was that Ted clearly doesn't know his whiskey, but they failed it.

Lily's life lectures fall under the category of cheezy, and I hope this was the last one of the season.

Lily continuing to get refills and thanking Linus did make me laugh. This is a great joke, and I will gladly watch it all season.

Marshall's hatred of the Packers struck a comic chord with me since it's football season. That's pretty much how I feel about the fucking Seahawks...Anyways that was probably my favorite part of the episode.

Prediction Update:

4. Lily still doesn't know about Marshall being a judge, so I got that one right.

Since we have 21 episodes left, here's a list of 21 things I want the "last of" in this final season.

1. One last Slap.
2. One last trip to the bar.
3. One last "wait for it"
4. One last grand gesture from Ted.
5. One last fish joke from Marshall.
6. One last episode of Single Barney (flashback)
7. One last page from the Playbook.
8. One last reference to Barney's blog.
9. One last game of Laser Tag.
10. One last Thanksgiving Episode.
11. One last original Marshall Song.
12. One last reference to Barney's "job"
13. One last new scene with the kids.
14. One last Canada joke.
15. One last version of "Let's go to the Mall."
16. One last Drunk Ted.
17.  One last childhood flashback.
18. One last "red herring."
19. One last Lily/Marshall fight.
20.One last Lily/Marshall banging some place inappropriate.
21. One last wedding.

Things I found Funny:

"Thank you Linus" continues
Everything in Wisconsin.

Episode MVP: Marshall and his love of his football team and hate of his rival.

Rating: 6 out of 10. An ultimately forgettable episode, let's see if the writers can rebound afterwards.  

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