Monday, October 14, 2013

Five Drinks Into TV: The Final Season of How I Met Your Mother Episode 5 "The Poker Game"

Tom's Take:

The fifth episode of the final season of How I Met Your Mother was a good one. It was funny and also had some genuine heart, as Robin is annoyed by Barney seemingly more loyal to his family than to her. That's a real issue and it was handled well. Meanwhile Ted, Lily, and Marshall had a great sideplot. Overall, just a really great episode.

Some things that made me laugh in this episode:

Ted vs. Marshall's competing costumes and their attempts to give subtle hints.
The random flashback to Lily kicking Barney in the balls.
Stewart being such a douche bag.
Everyone hiding to eavesdrop on Robin and Barney's fight.
Barney's rant against his family.

Since there are nineteen episodes left, here are nineteen reasons you should go back and rewatch the first eight seasons of How I Met Your Mother.

1. "Casual"
2. Remembering how much you cared about Marshall and Lily.
3. The first season finale.
4. Robin Sparkles
5. The Slap Bet
6. All of Barney's shenanigans.
7. Ted and Stella
8. Barney developing feelings for Robin
9. Barney crushing on Robin
10. All of Season 4
11. Ted vs. the Goat.
12. Finding out how everyone met in the past.
13. Seeing Ted get his ass beat.
14. Marshall working with Barney.
15. The Playbook
16. The exciting Season 6 premiere.
17.  What happened in Season 7?
18. Watching the show's decline.
19.  Finally seeing the Mother for the first time.

Episode MVP: Our stars. Everyone was good in this episode.

Rating: 8.5 out of 10

Great episode. All of our main stars was awesome in tonight's episode.

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