Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Survivor Season 27 Episode 4 "One Armed Dude and Three Moms"

Tom's Take:

Wow. Another great tribal council after Tadhana loses yet another challenge, and the Locker Room Alliance fell apart this episode. It was really incredible to watch, and I think Caleb made the right move by taking out Brad who was considering blindsiding him already.


1. Hayden: (25 points)

Hayden is playing a good game, but he's on the wrong tribe. He needs his tribe to win, or it doesn't matter how good his strategic and social game is if his tribe is going to Tribal every week. I don't think I can continue to predict a loved one winning this game. I think a returning player will win this game.

Prediction: Winner
1st Episode Prediction: Winner
2nd Episode Prediction: Late Juror
3rd Episode Prediction: Late Juror
4th Episode Prediction: Early Juror

2. Vytas: (28 points)

Vytas survived and turned on Brad in order to avoid a tiebreaker. But I think he's going to have trouble winning from his current position.

Prediction: Finalist
1st Episode Prediction: Late Juror
2nd Episode Prediction: Winner
3rd Episode Prediction: Winner
4th Episode Prediction: Early Juror

3. Ciera: (17 points)

Ciera surviving this episode was the payoff for her getting air time the last few episodes. That said, I now don't think she lasts until the merge. 

Prediction: Finalist
1st Episode Prediction: Early Juror
2nd Episode Prediction: Early Juror
3rd Episode Prediction: Early Juror
4th Episode Prediction: Pre-Merge

4. Katie: (2 points)

Katie is our invisible player.

Prediction: Pre-Merge
1st Episode Prediction: Early Boot
2nd Episode Prediction: Pre-Merge
3rd Episode Prediction: Pre-Merge
4th Episode Prediction: Pre-Merge

5. Caleb: (17 points)

Caleb basically said screw you Brad Culpepper, and turned on him in this episode. This was a great Tribal, and for that I applaud Caleb. I think he'll get voted out very early once they hit the merge. 

Prediction: Early Juror.
Prediction: Finalist
2nd Episode Prediction: Finalist
3rd Episode Prediction: Late Juror
4th Episode Prediction: Early Juror.

6. Brad: (46 points)

Brad played too hard, and he got called on it.

Prediction: Early Juror
1st Episode Prediction: Early Juror
2nd Episode Prediction: Early Juror
3rd Episode Prediction: Pre-Merge
4th Episode Prediction: Pre-Merge

Galang (+10 points for winning immunity)

7. Gervase (67 points)

Welcome to my new favorite alliance ever. Coconut Bandits! Damnit, I'm all in!

Prediction: Late Juror
1st Episode Prediction: Pre-Merge
2nd Episode Prediction: Early Juror
3rd Episode Prediction: Late Juror
4th Episode Prediction: Finalist

8. Tina: (53 points)

Just not enough time for everyone in every episode.

Prediction: Late Juror
1st Episode Prediction: Early Juror
2nd Episode Prediction: Early Juror
3rd Episode Prediction: Finalist
4th Episode Prediction: Late Juror


9. Aras (62 points)

Aras received his role as narrator of good gameplay. That bodes well for how well he's playing the game.

Prediction: Late Juror
1st Episode Prediction: Late Juror
2nd Episode Prediction: Finalist
3rd Episode Prediction: Finalist
4th Episode Prediction: Late Juror

10. Tyson: (75 points)

Coconut Bandits! I'm calling Tyson my winner pick.

Prediction: Late Juror
1st Episode Prediction: Early Juror
2nd Episode Prediction: Early Juror
3rd Episode Prediction: Early Juror
4th Episode  Prediction: Winner

11. Laura M. (53 points)

Laura kicked her daughter's ass again.

Prediction: Pre-Merge
Prediction: Early Juror
Prediction: Pre-Merge
3rd Episode Prediction: Pre-Merge
4th Episode Prediction: Early Juror

12. Monica (57 points)

Monica is not going to take Brad's place at RI. Don't try to fool us Survivor editors.  On another note, her throwing the clue in the fire was a big move. Was it the right one? Aras said it was, and I'll take his word on it.

Prediction: Early Boot
1st Episode Prediction: Early Boot
2nd Episode Prediction: Early Juror
3rd Episode Prediction: Early Juror
4th Episode Prediction: Early Juror

13. Kat: (44 points)

Kat's in trouble if her tribe ever loses.

Prediction: Early Boot
1st Episode Prediction: Early Boot
2nd Episode Prediction: Pre-Merge
3rd Episode Prediction: Early Boot
4th Episode Prediction: Pre-Merge

14. Laura B.: (49 points)

Laura might just make the merge.

Prediction: Early Boot
1st Episode Prediction: Early Boot
2nd Episode Prediction: Early Boot
3rd Episode Prediction: Early Juror
4th Episode Prediction: Early Juror

Redemption Islanders

15. Candice: (40 points)

Welcome to honeymoon Island.

Prediction: Early Boot

1st Episode Prediction: Early Boot
2nd Episode Prediction: Pre-Merge
3rd Episode Prediction: Early Juror

16. Marissa: (19 points)

Aw...Poor Marissa.

Prediction: Pre-Merge
1st Episode Prediction: Early Boot
2nd Episode Prediction: Early Boot
3rd Episode Prediction: Early Boot
4th boot.

17. John: (29 points)

Honeymoon Island. Party of Woodcock Codys.

Prediction: Early Juror
Prediction: Finalist
2nd Episode Prediction: Early Juror
3rd Episode Prediction: Pre-Merge
4th Episode Prediction: Pre-Merge 

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