Thursday, May 2, 2013

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Big Brother Canada Finale

Tom's Take

Wow. What an ending to an incredible season of Big Brother. Ultimately I thought Emmett played far and away the best game, but he made a mistake in voting out Talla over Gary and it came to bite him in the ass in that final HoH competition.

As for the Jillian vs. Gary Final Two, I was absolutely disgusted with Alec and Peter and AJ for voting against Jillian despite Gary being voted out of the game. They are not true fans, they are posers.

Luckily, we don't have to deal with the travesty of Gary being the winner of Big Brother because Topaz  pulls one of the dumbest moves of all time by voting for Jill on accident even after claiming that her vote was "150%" secure. It was a great moment of TV that completely shamed Canada and also guaranteed that the right member of the final two won.

A great moment of television, but the trainwreck of Gary almost winning could have been avoided if Canada hadn't put Gary back in at Final Five. That was a travesty, and it's a taint to what was otherwise a good season.

Here are my final Rankings


1. Peter 980
Talla 955
3. Emmett 785
4. Jillian 730

5. Andrew 710
6.  Alec 685
7. Gary 635
8. Topaz 590
9. Tom 415
10. Liza 255
11.  Aneal 165
12. AJ 146
13. Suzette 146
14. Danielle 70
15. Kat 50


1. Emmett 1855
2. Jillian 1450
3. Andrew: 1225 
4. Peter 995
5. Talla 750
6. Alec 705
7. Topaz 570
8. Gary 500
9. Liza 420
10. Tom 370
11. Aneal 310
12. AJ 140
13. Kat 90
14. Danielle 80
15. Suzette 35

And if they do bring back players from this season for allstars, I'm officially revoking Peter's invitation due to the final vote showing what a fraud he was. Instead, I would have Jillian, Emmett, Gary, and Tom as candidates. 

I hope they work out the kinks for future seasons. Canada, you don't need that many twists. You had a great inaugural cast. Trust them, and they will deliver.  

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