Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Survivor Season 26 Episode 2 "Honey Badger"

Tom's Take:

I kinda felt like this episode was too short. I wanted to see more from both tribes, which is a good sign, and I almost feel like every episode this season could be double length, because there is constant gameplay going on with the Favorites. So in episodes where the Fans lose and go to Tribal Council, and the producer HAVE to show us their gameplay, things are going to seem a little rushed. A lot of people are getting left out, which is unfortunate, especially since I think the Producers' are clearly playing favorites among the favorites in terms of who's the biggest character, instead of where the gameplay is. But some characters are emerging on the Fans Tribe, which is a nice development.

So let's discuss our players! 

1. Andrea: 33 Points.

Andrea didn't get any air time tonight, although she performed well in the challenge.I think she's going to go pretty far in this game, but she's playing in the background, so I don't see her being a major contender.

Pre-Season Prediction: Early Boot.
1st Episode Prediction: Early Juror.
2nd Episode Prediction: Early Juror.

2. Brandon Hantz:  56 Points.

Brandon entertained me this episode. I think he's too fragile to get himself out of the jam he's in, but I do think he's making an admirable effort by going after Phillip and trying to turn the new Stealth R US against him. Eventually they'll want Phillip out, and the question is whether Brandon will survive the game to that point.

Preseason Prediction: Pre-Merge
1st Episode Prediction: Early Boot
2nd Episode Prediction: Early Boot

3. Brenda: 29 points.

We need more Brenda! She's currently winning me over just with her facial expressions, but I want to hear some of her strategy and whether or not she's scrambling to change the formula of the game to her advantage. She's not getting the air time for me to believe she's going to be voted out pre-swap, but I can't justify her being my winner pick anymore.

Preseason Prediction: Winner
1st Episode Prediction: Winner (but probably not for long.)
2nd Episode Prediction: Pre-Merge Boot

4. Corinne: 28 Points.

I didn't watch Gabon, so I didn't know Corinne coming into this game, and I still don't...
She clearly has the best Stealth R US nickname. Dominatrix!

Preseason Prediction: Pre-Merge
1st Episode Prediction: Late Juror
2nd Episode Prediction: Early Juror

5. Dawn: 34

I am not a fan of Dawn's meltdown this episode. She made a move, and this episode she cried about it. Pathetic. I am a fan of the move to vote out Francesca, but take pride in it! She doesn't have the mentality for this game.

Pre-Season Prediction:Late Juror
1st Episode Prediction: Late Juror
2nd Episode Prediction: Early Juror

6. Erik: 27 Points

I like Erik and Brandon having a bromance based on their terrible moves. He's a strong competitor, so I think he'll make the merge, but that's it.

Pre-Season Prediction: Early Juror
1st Episode Prediction: Early Juror
2nd Episode Prediction: Early Juror

7. Francesca: 29 Points.

HAHAHAHA!!! Funniest boot ever.

Prediction: Late Juror
1st Episode: 1st Boot!

8. Cochran: 53 Points

Damnit Cochran is in great shape, and the edit is so strong. I would not be surprised if Cochran won, but I'm not predicting it.

Prediction: Early Boot
Prediction: Early Juror
Prediction: Late Juror

9. Malcolm: 44 Points.

You know what? Screw it! I love Malcolm, I'm predicting The Enforcer wins it!

Pre-Season Prediction: Finalist
1st Episode Prediction: Late Juror.
2nd Episode Prediction: Winner

10. Phillip: 55 Points.

Phillip is not a very good Survivor Player. The fact that he's probably going to make it far should not detract from this. Still, his fun nicknames are hilarious, and I enjoy seeing how he mishandles the game with his random CEO metaphor to Brandon.

Pre-Season Prediction: Late Juror
1st Episode Prediction: Pre-Merge
2nd Episode Prediction: Early Juror

11. Allie: 22 Points.

"Cool Kids Alliance? This edit promises that these 4 players will all leave early. And I think Allie is the weakest of the four."

Boom. Nailed it.

Pre-Season Prediction: Pre-Merge
1st Episode Prediction: Early Boot
2nd Person voted out.

12. Eddie: 24 Points

Classy way to vote for Shamar. You are in a tough spot, and I don't think you have the smarts to get out of it.

Prediction: Early Boot
Prediction: Pre-Merge
2nd Episode Prediction: Pre-Merge

13. Hope: 22 Points.

I'm HOPEful for Hope. Hahaha! Nailed it! Nah, she doesn't have a chance.

Pre-Season Prediction: Late Juror
1st Episode Prediction: Early Boot

14. Julia: 19 Points.

She's in the dominant alliance. Good for her.

Prediction: Late Juror
Prediction: Late Juror
Prediction: Late Juror.

15. Laura: 21 Points.

I think Laura made a bad move calling out Reynold at Tribal Council, instead of using it to her own advantage more.

Prediction: Late Juror
Prediction: Late Juror
Prediction: Pre-Merge Boot

16. Matt: 18 Points.

Matt is doing okay in this game, but he doesn't seem like a winner to me, and I think he's on the wrong side of the Sherri/Shamar duo.

Pre-Season Prediction: Early Boot
1st Episode Prediction: Early Juror
2nd Episode Prediction: Early Juror.

17. Michael: 23 Points.

Michael should do well in this game, but I still think the Favorites will crush him.

Pre-Season Prediction: Pre-Merge
1st Episode Prediction: Early Juror
2nd Episode Prediction: Early Juror

18. Reynold: 44 Points.

Reynold found an immunity idol, and kept it, but he lost the secret of it, in a Tribal Council that he completely mangled. I understand his strategy trying to target Shamar, but he already made his terrible bed of a minority alliance, and now his bed mate is gone. I think the rest of the tribe will split the votes and take him out soon, even if he's their strongest competitor.

Pre-Season Prediction: Pre-Merge
1st Episode Prediction: Pre-Merge
2nd Episode Prediction: Pre-Merge

19. Shamar 48 Points

Shamar is great TV. I hope he makes it as far I've predicted for him. 

Pre-Season Prediction: Early Juror
1st Episode Prediction: Early Juror
2nd Episode Prediction: Early Juror.

20. Sherri 35 Points

Sherri is in my opinion the best player amongst the Fans. She brilliantly chose Shamar to be her team mate/goat, and convinced her alliance which included the bearded dummy Matt to keep him. Hopefully she can use the threat of Reynold and the need to split votes to keep Matt and Mike in her alliance. Then later she can backstab them. 

Pre-Season Predictions: Early Juror
1st Episode Prediction: Early Juror
2nd Episode Prediction: Late Juror/Finalist

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