Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Five Drinks Into British Television: Doctor Who Series Three

Tom's Take:

So this one took a while...

Seriously, I think it's been months since I watched the first episode of Series Three, but I only just finished the Christmas Special in between Series Three and Series Four "Voyage of the Damned." And that really isn't the fault of Series Three, because for the most part this series was just as good as the previous series, but other things just got in the way, namely my decision to finish Torchwood before I finished this series.

So let's get to the main point of this series. The Main Discussion.

Martha Jones vs. Rose Tyler

In no way is that debate fair to Martha Jones. Rose Tyler was the first companion of the new show, and because of the Doctor's Regeneration in between Series One and Series Two, she always felt like the main character of the show. Then at the end of Series Two, she leaves, and in her place is a massive black hole.

So that's what Martha Jones is stepping into when she joins Doctor Who. I think it might have been a mistake to have her have feelings for The Doctor, since in no way was I rooting for this to happen. but it was an interesting dynamic, and it made me sympathetic to her as the series went on.

So I think it's obvious that there's no replacing Rose, but did Martha Jones do a good job as her role as companion?

I want to say yes, because I liked Martha Jones, I really did. But I think I have to mark her down for the fact that I don't think I'll miss her now that she's gone. She did a fine job being a rebound companion for the Doctor, but I don't think she was very well used in this series either. She's a Doctor in training, that could have given her some interesting motivation, and yet other than the first episode "Smith and Jones" this wasn't used at all. I think she should have been wanting to see future medical discoveries, or anything specific to her. Instead all the adventures this season felt sort of cliche. Even her family drama, which was arguably the most specific interesting thing about Martha did not really interest me.

So I want to make a quick comment about the "Shakespeare Code," in that I don't think I'm particularly fond of episodes that go back significantly in time. Shakespeare was a good actor, and the enthusiasm the Doctor and Martha had for the adventure was cool, but I just didn't care that much, even though I love Shakespeare.

"Gridlock" was a masterpiece, and if it wasn't for "Blink" it would be my favorite episode of this series. The whole concept was brilliant, and I love the Face of Boe. I loved the reveal that it's Jack Harkness. That was an absolutely brilliant reveal.

The Dalek two parter was kind of boring, and here is a place where they really should have gone somewhere  that would have made me more interested in Martha Jones.

"The Lazarus Experiment" was okay, although the title was sort of obvious. It kind of went on too long though, and I think there was room here to spend more time with Martha Jones' family.

"42" was a pretty standard action episode. It did it's job very well, although I don't think I'll remember it after I see the next action episode in Series Four.

The John Smith two parter was actually quite good. I liked Martha Jones here, and this was also the place where I grew most sympathetic to her unrequited feelings for the Doctor. Mostly though, I loved the character of John Smith who was different than The Doctor, and I felt terrible for him when he had to sacrifice himself and his happy future life in order to save the world.

"Blink" was the best episode of the series. I know it's odd to say that about an episode with so little of the Doctor, but the whole concept of the time loop, combined with the creepiness of the statues as villains set this up really well. And I really liked Sally Sparrow, and thought she made a captivating protagonist.

The Master Trilogy was great, and I was glad for a series to end without the Daleks for a change. The future in "Utopia" seemed bleak, but really, the whole Universe is ending, and humanity is still alive? I saw that as a win. Captain Jack reuniting with the Doctor was great, and a long time coming.

The way The Doctor defeated The Master was kind of lame, but I'll give it a pass. The best part of that was The Master choosing to die, and leave The Doctor alone once more.

So lastly I'll talk about "Voyage of the Damned" which was great, and I was actually disappointed Astrid didn't become the next companion. I think a Companion from a different time or planet would actually be a welcome change.

So my predictions for Series Four?

I'm going to go out on a limb and say that the Daleks come back...

I also think there will be another episode that focuses on someone other than the Doctor and his companion. Those have worked out well so far, and I think there will be another one.

I think the Doctor will have two companions this series, and one will die.

Finally, I think we haven't seen the last of the Master.

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