Friday, December 7, 2012

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Survivor Season 25 Episode 12 "Shot Into Smithereens"

Tom's Take:

Wow. Lisa's brother almost brought an end to Malcolm. Luckily for me and the rest of the Malcolm fans, he won immunity. I continue to root for him to win, although now I've decided I want him to go to the end with Abi. That would make for a fun but very lopsided Final 2.

Dang Rayne Tribe

 Penner: (265 points) 5th Juror.

 Carter:  (147 points) Goodbye Carter. We hardly knew you. Your reasons for staying were terrible. I don't think you had a grasp of strategy, but you made it pretty far.

 Jeff Kent: (152 points) Second Juror

 Denise: (211 points)  Denise is not going to win. I've decided this based on the lack of airtime for her as they approach the end. They clearly don't see her as someone who needs time to discuss her plans and actions. If she won, I think they would. It seems like it has to be either Lisa or Malcolm who wins.

Mike Skupin: (228 points) Skupin was a part of the Christian Alliance, which teamed up to strike at Malcolm only for God to shut the door on that plan. At least that's what happened according to their narrative.

 Abi Maria: (261 points) Abi survived again! I love that Malcolm claims that the only reason to vote her out is because she's a bitch. That's not a real reason, and as a result she's made it to the final 5 where she should be a critical swing vote for one of the pairs to use against the other.

 Artis:  (113 points) Third Juror.

 RC: (144 points) First Juror.

 Lisa: (261 points) Lisa continues to struggle to play the game, and apparently her version of playing the game is trying to turn on Malcolm. But she failed yet again. She does have some hilarious looking facial expressions though.

 Peter: (159 points) Fourth Juror

 Malcolm: (317 points)  Malcolm has the hidden immunity idol going into Final Five, thus guaranteeing him Final Four. If he's smart on the next episode he'll give it to Denise, and try and grab Abi into a blindside of Lisa or Skupin. Unfortunately Denise seems too anti-Abi for that plan to work.I liked his choices of who to invite for the family visit, but it almost backfired on him. Not really his fault, but it was worriesome.

Final 11 Rankings

1. Malcolm: 317
2. Penner: 265
3. Abi Maria: 261
4. Lisa: 257
5. Skupin: 228
6. Denise: 211
7. Peter: 159
8. Jeff Kent: 152
9. Carter: 147
10. RC: 144
11. Artis: 113

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