Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Glass House Episode 4

Tom's Take:

It's a pretty meh episode, but I like the house being divided, and I like that The Friendship part 2 is clearly unpopular with the viewers and not realizing they need to switch it up.

1. Joy: 93 points. Joy vs. Kevin last night. It was fun. I don't care if people are classifying the teams as Jeffrey vs. Andrea, Joy vs. Kevin is where the real drama is. And I'm team Joy. I hope the final two is her and her showmance with Gene. I love this unconventional showmance!

2. Gene. 77 points. He's a teddy bear. Let's face it, he's awesome.  

3. Erica: 71 points. She's far and away the funniest housemate, and I think she's the only one who has a chance of dethroning Joy at this point. It's hot vs. funny in a classic contest for my heart. Oh, and it seems like if you survive limbo, you can't be a captain. Some strategy perhaps?

4. Kevin: 58 points: His score is the same as last week, because he was kind of a douche this week.   I hope he goes home this week in a surprise. He was a popular player, but he's in the wrong alliance.

5.Jeffry: 55 points:  He cries too much to be honest. He's my least favorite member of the "Snob" alliance, (which is the one that I'm rooting for.)

 6. Holly. 50 points.Her alliance tried to screw her over, let's be honest. But she managed to win regardless. Good for her!

7. Stephanie: 35 points.  She's in the right alliance, but she's rather boring.

8. Andrea: 34 points. I still like her. In fact I like her more than anybody in her alliance. I want to see her team up with the other girls. 

9. Ashley: 32 points. She was a team captain for a third time, and her luck ran out. But I'm actually hoping she stays over Kevin, so she can continue to be a team captain over my favorite alliance. 

10. Mike: 23 points. My new least favorite. I'm voting for him to be a team captain for sure! Take a hike Mike!

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