Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Big Brother Rating System

Tom's Rating System

Basically this is where I will be rating the various contestants on Big Brother on their gameplay as well as how entertaining they are on the show. I will give each of them a Game score, and a Show score, as well as note my opinion of them. Here's how this thing is gonna be scored.

HOH: The Winner of the HOH will receive up to 100 Game points based on how well they use their power, and be credited with a competiton win.

Veto Prejury: The winner will receive up to 30 Game points based on how well they use this power, and be credited with a competiton win.
Veto between final 9 and 6: The winner will receive up to 60 Game points based on how well they use this power, and be credited with a competiton win.
Veto from Final 6 on: The winner will receive up to 100 Game points based on how well they use this power, and be credited with a competition win.

Strategy: All players are eligible, and will receive up to 100 Game points on how well they played the game from a Strategic standpoint. Big moves are encouraged, and will gain the most points, but they also have to be executed properly.

Social: All players are eligible, and will receive up to 100 Game points on how good their social game is. Social Game to me, refers to one's ability to make others do what you want.

Show: All players will recieve an unlimited number of Show points based on how entertaining they were for the week. Although this category does not have a specific limit, I will be reasonable.

There are also going to be other awards given out, which will effect a players status, however not all of these are guaranteed for any given week.

Projected Winner: Whoever I think is in the best position to win the game.
Best Move: Given to whoever makes the best move in a week.
Worst Move: Awarded to whoever makes the worst move in a week.
Safest Player Award: This goes to whoever I think is guaranteed to go the furthest, regardless of who wins HOH.
Best DR: Will be included in Show points, but if a DR really stands out, I'll give the player this extra award.
All Star Move: This is a move worthy of getting someone considered for All Stars in my opinion, good or bad.
Evel Dick Award: This will be awarded to a player who dominates a confrontation with another player.
Dr. Will Award: Worth 100 Game points if awarded. Only non HOH's are eligible. In order to give the weaker competitors a chance to get ahead, this award will go to someone who pulls off a totally genius manipulation.

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