Thursday, April 26, 2012

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Survivor Season 24 Episode 11 (I)

Tom Reviews Survivor Season 24 Episode 11 "Never Say Die"

Except now Troyzan, because you're done.

Here's our Player Rankings!

1. Kim (203 points):

Kim dominated tonight. Unfortunately Troyzan has called Kim out, so she's got to fight. Luckily she's got what   it takes to defeat all her opponents. First she wins a reward challenge that proves she's in control of her alliance, then she makes sure to bring along Alicia in order to insure her loyalty (she probably should have picked Kat instead of Chelsea though.) Then she won immunity (and she dominated that challenge too.) Troy is gone now, so Kim's main threat is out of the way. The only question is whether she can keep the other girls in line. Shouldn't be too big of a challenge, since Christina was willing to accept being voted out. Jesus there are some dumb players. Lastly I give her points for flattering Troy at Tribal councils.

2. Sabrina (117 points):

I love Sabrina and her attempts to calm Kat down, but telling Christina she was getting votes was dumb. If Christina was a smarter player, that could have caused problems.

3. Troyzan (115 points):

Well, he went out swinging. Voting for Christina was smart, but Kim outplayed him. End of story. If he was a more manipulative player, he would have been able to get some votes, but he just didn't have the mind for this game.

4.Chelsea (114 points):

Chelsea got a stupid vote, but other than that she played well tonight. Unlike Kat, I see her as being a total follower of Kim.

5. Kat (84 points):

Kat really had her confidence shaken tonight, but maybe that was just what she needed to get her head in the game. I think she might have Troyzan's jury vote if it comes to that.

6. Alicia (71 points)

Ooh, Alicia came very close to crossing a line when talking about special ed. I think she might have crossed it, but it seemed like she was realizing she did at the last moment. I wonder how much backlash she's getting. Also, she may be in top 3 position with the recent Kat shakeup now. Kudos to her.

7. Tarzan (64 points)

Tarzan beating Troyzan sealed his place in the game. And now Christina has flipped? Tarzan might last a little longer.

8. Christina (43 points):

The girls are right, Christina doesn't deserve to be here. She basically just agreed to get votes? That's ridiculous.

So we're in the final 7 now! Who will win?

Kim will.

Who will get 2nd and 3rd place?

Chelsea and Alicia?


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