Monday, March 26, 2012

Five Drinks Into Off the Air TV: Lost Episode 40 (I)

Tom Reviews Lost Season 2 Episode 16 "The Whole Truth"

This episode was really good, although not quite perfect, mostly because there was a little awkwardness with Sun that made me a little uncomfortable.

"Turn around" Jin tells Sun, and my mind immediately jumps into a gutter.

So the whole trying to get pregnant storyline in the flashback is depressing, because it's clear that their relationship has other problems, and trying to fix things with a baby is not a good idea.

Meanwhile in the present Sun and Jin have some of their usual problems with Jin being kind of an overprotective douche. I understand Jin's reasoning here, but it still felt like a step backward in their relationship.

Bernard and Rose seem to be in a state of conflict since they've been reunited, and I still want to see an episode focusing on them.

Yay, Sun is pregnant.

So I definitely think the baby is Jin's, but I don't like the implication here that it might not be his. Did Sun have an affair? I'm really getting the feeling that she was at fault for a lot of the issues between the two of them before they came to the island.

Jin is a jerk for suspecting Sun tricked him into marrying her. Why would she do that when he is from a lower class than her?

I get Sun hiding Jin's infertility from him, although this was a rather lame plot twist. I totally saw it coming.

Anna Lucia dealing with her guilt was interesting. And I like that a serious effort is being put to figure out whether Henry is an Other, although it seems fairly obvious to me that he is. He's too devious not to be.

Seriously, is there something about the Others and beards?

I think Henry is going to somehow manage to escape by playing Locke against Jack. I'm just not sure how yet.

Let's see. What characters haven't I mentioned yet?

Dark Charlie is still fun.

Hurley's whole food drama annoys me. If he is really guilty about his eating, then he should just stop. Seriously, it's annoying.

Jack is a doctor, so he had a utilitarian purpose in this episode. I didn't really see much else. He's too distracted to see what's happening with Locke and Henry. That'll probably cause problems.

Kate is a woman, so Sun trusts her. Girl Power!

Sawyer likes Judy Blume. Yeah. I like him even more than Jin. And that's saying something.

Okay, so the best part of the episode by far was Jin breaking out his English.

"  you." Perfect. I don't know why Jin speaking English moves me so much, but it does. Somehow his learning of English represents the compromise he is willing to make to improve his relationship with Sun. That's moving.

Rating: 9 out of 10 pregnancy tests.

A really good episode focusing on two of my favorite characters. What's not to love? Well there are a few things. I've seen this show reach perfect 10's. I know what a perfect 10 looks like. Lost in Translation, which was another Jin and Sun episode was one. This episode was not quite there. I still enjoyed it though. And, I'm getting seriously psyched up to find out what happens with Henry in the Hatch.

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