Friday, March 23, 2012

Five Drinks Into Off the Air TV: Lost Episode 39 (I)

Tom Reviews Lost: Season 2 Episode 15 "Maternity Leave"

So to start with we get Claire fussing over Aaron, who appears to have some sort of rash. My first thought is that Claire is being a paranoid mother, but what I find interesting about this scene was that the first person she goes to is Locke. What's their relationship? Does Locke want something romantic here? I really hope not, because that would be gross. Anyways, Claire decides she needs to see Jack, and is clearly worried that Aaron might be "infected."

Jack and Locke have a brief conversation, and we get clued into the fact that they can no longer let people down in the Hatch for fear that they would discover Henry. This basically means that only Jack and Locke can monitor the button, which is surely putting a huge strain on them.

Danielle shows up muttering some crazy mumbo jumbo. I like that it's Kate who rushes in to protect Claire. Kate doesn't get to do a ton that's useful, and I often worry the writers will forget that she's NOT completely useless.

They've been on the Island for two months, and no one has gotten sick? Is that supposed to be some sort of mystical aspect of the Island? I guess that helps explain why Aaron doesn't need the typical shots infants usually get. Well except for the one that Ethan gives him, but we find out about that later.

I don't know if what Libby says about the mind sounds right to me. The brain is really complicated, and I don't feel like there's just a switch that can suddenly block out certain memories. Maybe I'm just nitpicking, I don't really know what I'm talking about. It just sounded weird.

Hmmm. I don't know Dostoyevsky well enough to know whether there's some deep metaphor here other than Locke feeling like Hemingway under Jack's shadow. Maybe it has something to do with existentialism? I dunno.

So instead of flashbacks to before the crash in this episode, we get Claire remembering Ethan having Claire at the Others' medical facility.  This whole sequence was really weird to me. I want to know why the Others want children. Can they not have children of their own, so the only way they can increase their numbers is by kidnapping children? Is Walt going to think he's an Other the next time we see him?

I don't really like seeing Claire going crazy, but I guess there needed to be some sort of plot device to keep the episode moving forward so whatever.

Echo finds out about Henry.

Kate and Sawyer are back to hating each other. Ugh. Well at least Sawyer got new glasses again.

Is this the start of a new series of Girls Only missions? I think Sawyer could have been useful on this mission if they ran into Others, but whatever.Girl Power!

Sun reacts weird when Claire asks her if she's a mother. Something's up there.

The baby's room is creepy, and that guy is apparently the same as the one from the Season 1 finale, but without his beard. What's up with that? Can Others not grow beards? What is the significance of the beard?!!!

So Claire saw Alex, who is apparently being raised as one of the Others. That supports my theory that they can't have children.

Why did Ethan risk taking Claire outside? Maybe he isn't as bad as we were originally lead to believe. He still killed a guy though.  And he's really quite creepy. And calling the Others a family does not make them any less creepy.

Another Hatch! I think that confirms one of my predictions coming true. Yay.

How do these Hatches have electricity?

Alex helps Claire escape, so she must not be as integrated into the Others as people think. Or maybe this is part of some larger conspiracy? I personally don't think the Others are evil per se, (I'm guessing they're like the Cylons in that we all end up working together) so possibly this is the reveal of some sort of Good Fragment within the Others?

Echo apologized to Henry for killing two Others. I guess this is part of his new religious path.

Claire has her medicine, although I'm still not convinced there's a real infection.

And we're all left wondering, what the hell is up with that fake beard.

Yeah. Henry is totally an Other, and he's plotting some form of escape. I'm not sure what it is, but he's going to turn Locke against Jack. I'm sure of it.

Rating: 7.5 out of 10 baby socks.

This episode was very slow paced, and even though it was creepy, it wasn't necessarily very exciting. Seeing Claire act nuts was sort of annoying, and I was not surprised by "the twist" that Danielle was not trying to take Claire back to the Others, but rather trying to help her escape. That does make her whole plan to kidnap Claire's baby even less sensible. I really enjoyed the Henry bits in this episode. It was a little Hanibal Lecter like, with Henry being the creepy manipulator. I look forward to seeing what he does in the future.

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