Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Five Drinks Into a Wednesday Night Rewatch: Dexter Episode 2 (I)

Tom Reviews Dexter: Season 1 Episode 2 "Crocodile"

The theme of this review is that details are important. Its the little things that make this episode so compelling. For starters there's the eating in the car that Dexter does that draws attention to his driving. Its such a small thing, but it adds so much to his character, and it also creates this feeling of suspense whenever Dexter is driving. That danger permeates throughout the whole series.

Then there's the fingernails. For some reason, that is arguably the most disturbing thing about the Ice Truck Killer. He takes the time to paint the fingernails of his victims. That sort of detail when he is doing something so terrible is what makes him a true monster.

Another little thing is the little solidarity bump Batista offers Dexter. A small thing, but it shows a lot about his character. He respects the "lab geeks" and shows them respect, even giving them credit for him being able to do his job. He's modest, and this little gesture makes him so much more likable to the viewer. On the other hand, unless I'm mistaken we also see Batista on the phone talking to his wife, before suddenly getting a call from what is probably his girlfriend. So he's still not perfect.

This episode does a really good job of progressing these relationships. We now see that Batista considers Dexter a friend, Doakes still dislikes him, LaGuerta has the weird crush on him, and his brotherly relationship with Deb is shows to be built more on their professional lives then "brother/sister" stuff. Their sibling friendship is one of my favorite things about the series. It helps to ground Dexter, and shows that he DOES have a human side. I also like that for different reasons they are both workaholics, and it bleeds into every other aspect of their lives.

Speaking of Dexter's human side, his relationship with Rita continues to heat up, though she continues to back off due to her uneasiness with her past. I like the conflict between Dexter not wanting to push his relationship, but also not being able to resist. Also he gives a really good boyfriend speech despite himself. Gotta love that. And also, I enjoy watching Dexter be a good parental figure to Rita's kids. It shows that he actually does fit into her life, despite everything.

Masuka's awkwardness is corrected by having Deb and Batista bust his balls. It goes from inappropriate to funny just like that.

Doakes has an interesting plot in this episode, although it's nothing too out of the ordinary. It's interesting to see him have a love interest, and what's more is that she's a fellow cop's wife which shows that Doakes doesn't really play by the rules. His anger in this episode also shows through, and it's clear that he doesn't really fit in at the precinct.

An interesting storyline in this ep is Harry. I like that his reputation is such that LaGuerta treats Deb like she relies on it to get ahead. It provides a possible explanation for the enmity between them, and it also shows part of what is driving Deb so hard to suceed.

MVP: Deb. I almost cried watching Deb get her promotion. You could just tell how much it meant to her, and it was really touching to watch that scene.

Needs Improvement: N/A

Kill Count: Dexter kills the serial Drunk Driver.

Episode Rating: 8 out of 10.

Another solid episode that improved  on some of the weaker characterizations of the pilot. A more interesting sub plot for Dexter, and I enjoyed seeing him in the other situation of court, but still I felt a disconnect between the sub plot and the main plot. This episode was missing a strong theme to tie everything together, but the individual elements were still excellent.

Favorite Quote: I can kill a man, dismember his body and be home in time for Letterman, but knowing what to say when my girlfriend is feeling insecure? I'm at a loss.

Bonus Points:

Deb's promotion. 1 point.
Dexter's boyfriend speech to Rita about waiting. 1 point.
Dexter and Deb talking about "brother and sister stuff." .5 points.

Total Score: 10.5 points.

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