Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Five Drinks Into Off the Air TV: Lost Episode 13 (I)

Tom Reviews Lost: Season 1 Episode 13 "Hearts and Minds"

According to Kate in this episode the survivors have been on the Island for over three weeks. So I'm counting this as Day 22 on the Island. We know 21 out of the 47 people living on the Island.

Bold move writers. Bold move. I don't like Boone, so what do you do? You throw some incest at him. Boone and Shannon may not be related by blood, but they were raised in the same household, so I still consider this relationship to be incestuous. Not only that, but you then proceed to jerk me around by making me think you've killed Shannon, my second favorite character of the series so far. I'm not going to lie; I bought it. I screamed no at my computer screen. You got me. More importantly, you lifted Boone up from the bottom of my character rankings. He's still not my favorite character, but he's no longer my least favorite character(That would be Hurley). So there you go; I guess the key to making me like a character is putting them into an incestuous relationship. Good work Lost writers.

We found out more about Shannon in this episode. She's not Boone's biological sister, she's been married before, and she apparently feels like she was financially screwed over by Boone's mother. I'm not sure if I approve of the character depth the writers are giving her, but I love that she continues to grow closer to Sayid in this episode. This very well may be my new favorite ship.

I've decided Locke doesn't have a fucking clue what he's doing, but everyone has started to think and act like he's in the know about the Island, so he feels like he has to act weird so that no one suspects he doesn't know what the fuck is going on either.

So, that wasn't really the Monster we saw in this episode, that was just in Boone's head?

Hurley's role appears to be comic relief, but I don't actually find him very funny. I did actually enjoy that this episode spent time dealing with the issue of food though, and I like that Jin and Sun are the ones really stepping up in this regard. Jin is catching fish and Sun is making a garden to insure that they don't run out of fruit. Korean couple for the win! Also, Kate is now the second person to learn that Sun can speak English. I'm actually really looking forward to when Jin finds out.

Jack and Kate are back to being cute. Did this episode air out of order? The tension between them seems to be mostly forgotten in this episode. Maybe Jack just treats Kate badly when Sawyer is around, because he's jealous. I am going to be on the lookout for that as a pattern. Sawyer's only appearance was in the jailhouse in Boone's flashback. I wonder if that's important at all. Anyways, back to Jack and Kate. These two need to have sex at some point in the series; there's too much heat between them for it to never amount to anything. Here's the thing though; they can't just have sweet tender sex, they need to tear each other's clothes off. If the episode comes where they have sex, and they don't tear each other's clothes off, I'm deducting a point.

It took me a while to figure out what Charlie meant when he said that Locke had saved his life. I forget sometimes that he is/was a heroin addict. I like his respect for Locke.

So, was it really necessary for Locke to put Boone through that test? Well, I loved the scene where he knocked Boone out, and I loved Boone being tied up, so I'm going to say yes. I'm starting to seriously wonder what is up with that hatch though. Will that be the secret exit off the Island? I hope we find out soon.

Rating: 9 out of 10 malfunctioning compasses

This was a really good episode. I'm starting to think that the episodes which focus on the characters I don't like or think I don't like, are the better ones. I think I'll also take a moment to do a quick character ranking, since I mentioned I have one. So here's my ranking of all 21 survivors, plus Vincent the Dog.

1. Sawyer
2. Shannon
4. Locke
5. Sayid
6. Kate
7. Jack
8.  Claire
9. Sun
10. Michael
11. Jin
12. Vincent the Dog
13. Boone
14. Walt
15. Ethan Rom
16. Crazy Daniele
17. Rose
18. Steve
19. Scott
20. Lance
21. Rash Guy
22. Hurley

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