Thursday, April 12, 2012

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Survivor Season 24 Episode 9 (I)

Tom Reviews Survivor: Season 24 Episode 9 "Go Out with a Bang"

Well first off that reward challenge was lame, and that immunity challenge was the oldest in the book, so if I was still rating challenges, they'd have really low marks.

So my Player of the Week is Kim, and I award her 10 points.

Let's get into player rankings!

1. Kim (124 points): Here's your future all-star guys. After successfully manipulating Jay and Troyzan into voting out Mike and Jonas, she shows them how disposable they are by turning on them. The main tension of this episode was for me whether or not Troyzan would be smart enough to see the betrayal coming. I was overjoyed that he did, and played the idol, and even more pleased to see that Kim had thought one step ahead of him, and arranged for the votes to be split. I liked Jay, but he played right into Kim's hand, by telling her Troy had the idol. (Bad on Jay for blabbing, bad on Troy for telling him.) And she got Christina  and Tarzan to go along with her plan? (Terrible on their parts.) Yet even though the others were making bad moves, I like that Kim had planned to split the votes before even knowing about the hidden immunity idol. She's in the driver's seat of this game, and as far as I can see the only question remaining is whether anyone will be able to shake the boat to prevent her winning.

2. Sabrina (95 points): She continues to sit back and watch her alliance dominate. That's fine for now, but she's going to have to cut out Kim if she's going to be the one who wins.

3. Chelsea (90 points): After hanging out in the background most of the season, Chelsea really stepped up in this episode. I loved that even though she was conflicted about lying to Jay, she ultimately made the smart move. I also give her major props for being the only person not to give up in that immunity challenge when offered food. She was on her way to being my pick for player of the week until Kim's last minute scrambling. Seriously, I give her mad props. It's too bad she's playing at 2nd place status right now.

4. Troyzan (84 points): Yay! An idol was played, and it was somewhat relevant. I give Troy props for playing it, but take away points for telling Jay about it, giving away the game. He seems to be the last opponent for Kim among the men, and I don't see him making it much further. Maybe he gets lucky and wins an immunity challenge? Maybe.

5. Jay (79 points): I'm so disappointed in you. You traded 1 million dollars for barbecue. Terrible. You clung to an alliance even as it was picking you off.  You just seemed so deluded this episode, and I had such high hopes for you. I hope you give Kim the vote she deserves, and don't vote out of spite when you're in the jury.

6. Leif (55 points): I love Leif. I don't have any idea what game he's playing, but he's fun to watch. And he's being way underestimated, so maybe he'll surprise us?

7. Kat (49 points): Kat's playing an under the radar game. She's smart enough not to shake the boat when she doesn't need to, but I doubt she has what it takes to win.

8. Alicia (48 points): There's a secret scene where Alicia reveals she would have been the swing vote for a 6 person guy alliance. I like that she's smart enough to see how stupid the guys are. Now, is she smart enough to take out Kim when the time comes? There's a move for her to make to get into the final three, and she's got about two tribal councils to make it. She seems to control Kat and Tarzan, (and somehow even Christina?) So if she could turn that into a move, she'd have a shot here. Otherwise, I think they'll take out the guys and then Alicia will waste an episode fighting Christina. Maybe she'll make it to the final 5, and realize she's in the minority.

9. Christina (45 points): I'm editing her in now a week later. That's how much I forgot about her.

10. Tarzan (21 points): I wasn't too annoyed by Tarzan this episode. His gameplay makes no sense to me though. He voted out Jay? What the hell is wrong with him?

And now there only 9 castaways left. Should be fun times ahead. Will we have an all-girl final 6? Tune in to find out!

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