Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Survivor Season 24 Episode 7 (I)

Tom Reviews Survivor: Season 24 Episode 7 "The Beauty in a Merge"

I was a little disappointed in this episode, mostly because of the outcome. I really liked Jonas, and I don't like that he's gone. On the other hand, I'm glad that it was one of the guys to go since, that opens up the game for a woman to win.

So let's get into player rankings.

First off, 10 points for our Player of the Week.

Congratulations Troyzan, on winning Reward, Immunity, and Hidden Immunity challenges tonight. 

Five points for everyone, since they made it to the merge, and got their image into the opening credits.

1. Sabrina (76 points): I'm happy my pick to win made it past the first post merge tribal council. She appears to be in great shape in the game right now, since she belongs to the Salani Majority (7-4) and the Women majority (6-5). My only problem with her game is that she doesn't seem to have anything up her sleeve for the long term. If she sticks with the women, and they reach the final 6 together, or Final 5, I think she'll be too big a target to go any further. And that's if the women stick together, which they won't. I think she'll end up being blind sided, because people are too threatened by her.

Current Place Prediction: Seventh.

2. Kim (69 points): Alright, Kim looks to be in a very good position to win this whole thing. Besides being a part of both majorities, she also has a strong ally in Chelsea, a final 4/3 alliance with Jay and Troyzan, and the hidden immunity idol. She's in a great position to win this game, I feel like its hers to lose at this point.

Current Place Prediction: Top Three.

3. Troyzan (61 points): It was a great episode for Troyzan, as he won everything, and is a part of the Salani majority, and theoretically part of a 4 person sub alliance within the 7 person majority. My only complaint was that he allowed Jonas to be voted out tonight, when I think he should have tried to switch it up and go after Christina or Alicia instead, and thus keep a male majority. I have high hopes for Troyzan though, since I think he may be able to come up with a good use for the hidden immunity idol to insure that the game plays out how he wants. If he can do that, I think he'll win.

Current Place Prediction: Top Three.

4. Chelsea (61 points): She's really attractive, but ultimately I think she's just Kim's sidekick. Hopefully that'll land her a final three spot, although I'm doubtful she'd be able to pull off a win at that point.

Current Place Prediction: Top Three.

5. Alicia (42 points): Well this one's going to be hard to predict. I think she'll be voted out the episode she self destructs the most in, so whenever that is. I hope it involves Christina in some way. I think she'll get voted out before Christina, because she'll piss people off too much.

Current Place Prediction: Ninth.

6. Mike (42 points): Mike's a beast, but I really don't see any strategic way for him to win. I think the women manipulated him with the Salani Tribe "alliance," but that he's doomed to go as soon as the next tribal council he doesn't have individual immunity for.

Current Place Prediction: Tenth.

7. Jay (41 points): Despite thinking that Troyzan is going to win, I actually want Jay to win. I think he's got some room to maneuver here, and I have high hopes for him. I think he'll end up in the final four with his alliance, and Troyzan will ultimately sell him out and go with the girls.

Current Place Prediction: Fourth.

8. Christina (33 points): She's still in the game! She didn't do much in this episode, although she did join in with voting out Jonas. She's in a real interesting position in the game right now, since she's on the outs of everyone's alliance. My gut feeling is that she'll get several wasted votes from people thinking she's a waste of space, and then she'll end up being cut by whatever's left, but I have hopes that she'll make it further.

Current Place Prediction: Sixth.

9. Jonas (33 points.): He had some moves there at the end. Desperate moves, but still. I think if he had been able to pull the guys together like Colton did (jesus, Colton was good) he would have been able to turn this game around, but he just didn't have it in him. He was likeable, but ultimately he was also a dope.

Current Place: Twelfth. 

10. Leif (27 points): I love watching the little guy compete. I wish he had some strategy. I think he's done next tribal council, although he gets a bonus 10 points if he survives.

Current  Place Prediction: Eleventh.

11. Kat (24 points): It's possible that Kim and Chelsea cut Jay and Troyzan to go with Kat to the final three instead. Unfortunately my guess is that she fails to make them see this, and the boys turn the girls against Kat instead at the end.

Current Place Prediction: Fifth.

12. Tarzan (8 points) Tarzan is a douche. Ugh, I want him gone. Unfortunately he's useless at challenges, so they'll probably keep him around for quite a while longer.

Current Place Prediction: Eighth.

 The competitions were kind of lame this episode. It was much more interesting to see the men fall apart. I can't wait to see what happens next, and to see whether any of my predictions are even remotely true.

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