Sunday, September 29, 2019

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Big Brother 21 Final Game and Show Rankings and Season Wrap Up

Tom's Take

Image result for nicole wins AFP

The end of this season was disappointing, except for this final moment. Nicole was my favorite player, and I'm glad she was America's favorite too.

But let's talk more about the players and the season as I break down all these players below.

1. Jackson

Image result for Jackson wins BB21

Final Five Scores
HOH: 100
HOH: 50
POV: 100
Social: 150
Strategy: 200
Dr. Will Award for getting Nicole and Cliff to vote out Tommy: +100
Show: 200

Total Gameplay points: 1910
Total Showplay Points: 950
Final Grade: B-
Awards: Winner, Best Player of the Season

Jackson winning and walking out to confetti was the completion of the arc that he began a couple of weeks ago, where he said "A boy wants confetti". He got what he wanted? But at what cost?

Every season players answer the question before they head into the house: Would you rather win and be hated, or lose and be loved. Watching the BB21 finale, I came away with a pretty clear answer. It is better to lose and be loved then to be like Jackson and win and be hated. His absolute misery as he got everything he wanted was poetic justice.

For those who didn't enjoy the finale because Jackson couldn't enjoy his victory....tough shit. Jackson is a monster, and he did not deserve to enjoy his win, even if his gameplay was the best this season, and he was a worthy winner.  I don't know if the way CBS handled his racist and sexist behavior was the best, in terms of anyone learning or growing, but in terms of storytelling it was beautiful.

2. Holly

Image result for Holly runner up bb21

Final Five Scores:
Social: 150
Strategy: 50
Show: 100

Total Gameplay: 1380
Total Showplay: 500
Final Grade: C
Awards: Runner Up, My best Week 1 Prediction

Holly or Beth as she is known by the fans, handled her loss with class. She was a part of every terrible hateful alliance, and aided Jackson all season long, so she is not blameless, but she does seem to be the most likeable member of that initial Undeninable nonsense. I'm hoping that out of the house she can continue to grow and flourish, and she played a pretty solid game, so she is worthy runner up for this season.

3. Nicole

Image result for nicole wins afp

Final Five Scores
POV: 50
HOH: 50
Social: 200
Strategy: 100
Show: 300

Total Gameplay: 1380
Total Showplay: 1190
Final Grade: A+
Awards: AFP My Favorite Player

Nicole played a pretty good game. She managed to recover from the early blow up, and slip under the radar, only to pop up at the end as a real power player. Unfortunately she let Cliff talk her into keeping Holly at f5, which put her in a difficult f3. I actually think there's a case that might have been the better move for Nicole, since she could have beat Holly in f2, but the end game comps were too physical for her to have a chance. Still she ended up losing but being loved, and based on everyone's reactions, that seemed to have been the better prize.

4. Cliff

Image result for big brother 21: Cliff

Final Five Gameplay:

Social: 100
Strategy: 50
Show: 200

Total Gameplay: 1290
Total Showplay: 920
Final Grade: A-
Awards: America's Dad

Cliff was the comeback player of the season. From 4th boot to 4th place, Cliff managed to play one of the ultimate underdog games, but he ultimately made the wrong decision at final five, because he overestimated how important it was to remain loyal to Jackson and what competitions were coming up.

5. Tommy

Image result for big brother 21: Tommy

Final Five Gameplay
Social: 40
Strategy: 20
Show: 100

Total Gameplay: 1330
Total: Showplay: 560
Final Grade: B-
Awards: Weirdest Family Reunion Coming up

Seemingly the best player all season, Tommy ended up coming up short, as it turned out he was no match for the brutal ruthlessness of Jackson Michie. He was another of the less unpleasant members of Gr8tful, but he was still guilty of being with them. He was a good player though, and I can see the strategic merit of what he was doing, so I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt rather than considering him to be as crappy as the other members of his alliance.

6. Christie
Image result for big brother 21: Christie

Gameplay: 1100
Showplay: 1120
Grade: A
Award: Star of the Show

Christie was TV gold. It was amazing to watch her play this game in her messy trainwrecky way. She brought us Taco Tuesday, and managed to stay against obvious pawns like Sis and Jess. She was the show for the first half of the game, and she put up a valiant effort in the second half. It is hard to say whether she was actually a great player, but she was certainly great TV.

7. Jessica

Image result for big brother 21: jessica

Gameplay: 410
Showplay: 370
Grade: D-
Award: Biggest Move of the Season?

Putting up Jack and Jackson, was the move that actually finally took out one of the 6 Shooters. And it came from Jess of all people. This move is what keeps her from being an F grade, which would otherwise be how I grade her flop game.

8. Nick

Image result for big brother 21: Nick

Gameplay: 560
Showplay: 580
Grade: D
Award: My Least Favorite Player

Nick was horrible. From "Mr. Woke" that everyone was ready to crown him in the preseason to yelling at Nicole about her anxiety, and trying to fuck everything that moved. Nick was a trainwreck this season, and not remotely fun to watch on TV. The most enjoyable thing about him was how much he seemed to annoy Rob Cesternino doing impressions of him. Nick truly was the oofiest player this season.

9. Sis

Image result for big brother 21: sis

Gameplay: 570
Showplay: 270
Grade: D+
Award: Best Backyard Interview.

Sis was not much of a player, but her backyard RHAP interview was pretty funny.

10. Kat

Image result for big brother 21: Kat

Gameplay: 480
Showplay: 530
Grade: A-
Award: Most Aware that it was a Show

Kat was fun. She made some dumb game moves, and some pretty desperate showmance plays with hooking up with Nick in the jury after she learned that he won America's Prankster (totally a coincidence I'm sure.) But I mostly enjoyed Kat. She got that she was on a TV show, and she made an effort to make a good show. She didn't always succeed to be honest, and I'm sure many did not enjoy her and found her attempts to be good TV "fake" or "phony". I personally appreciated that she did not take things too seriously.

11. Jack
Image result for big brother 21: Jack

Gameplay: 480
Showplay: 350
Grade: D
Awards: Worst in Comparison to their Preseason Hype

Remember when everyone was thirsty for Jack? Aquaman quickly wore out his welcome in BB21 and we all learned a valuable lesson about judging a book by its cover.

12. Sam

Image result for big brother 21: Sam

Gameplay: 350
Showplay: 250
Grade: C-
Awards: Most Annoying DRs

Rob Cesternino's worst take about BB21 is that Sam was remotely good TV. He was terrible. His DRs were annoying , and he enabled the H8tful group as much as anybody.  And he had the knowledge to bring them down, and sat on that info.

13. Bella

Image result for big brother 21: Bella

Gameplay: 130
Showplay: 360
Grade: B
Awards: Worst Player

High bar. But I think Bella was genuinely the worst BB player this season. Although she is not at the bottom of the gameplay rankings, I think Kemi/Ovi/David all had bad luck go against them, while Bella actually had a pretty solid week 1 position, that she actively worked to undermine. That said, she did provide something in terms of entertainment, with her messiness being interesting to watch.

14. Kemi

Image result for big brother 21: Kemi

Gameplay: 100
Showplay: 160
Grade: B
Awards: Twitter's Favorite, Robbed Goddess

Kemi barely had any room to play. There were definite unspoken tensions between the other hgs and her, and I hated watching that play out. Social media has rightfully embraced her. You love to see it.

15. Ovi

Image result for big brother 21: Ovi

Gameplay: 30
Showplay: 210
Grade: C
Awards: Saddest Blindside

Poor Ovi. At least he has a hot and wonderful girlfriend and a great life outside of big brother though, so don't feel too sorry for him.

16. David

Image result for big brother 21: david

Gameplay: 0
Showplay: 210
Grade: C
Awards: Most Wasted Potential


Now for Season and Winner Rankings.

Season Rankings

1. BB Allstars
3. BB8
4. BB14
8. BB4
9. BB10
10. BB15
11. BB2
12. BBCAN4
13. BB3
14. BBCAN3
15. BB18
16. BB21
17. BBCAN1
18. BBCeleb2
19. BB20
20. BB11
21. BB5
22. BBCeleb
23. BB6
24. BB17
25. BB13
26. BB12
27. BBCAN7
28. BB19
29. BB9
30. BB16
31. BB1

Winner's Rankings

1. Derrick BB16
2. Andy BB15
3. Dane BBCAN7
4. Jun BB4
5. Jon BBCAN2
6. Dan BB10
7. Will BB2
8. Hayden BB12
9. Maggie BB6
10. Jackson BB21
11. Jillian BBCAN1
12. Dick BB8
13. Paras BBCAN6
14. Boogie BB7
15. Ian BB14
16. Sarah BBCAN3
17. Tamar BBCeleb2
18.  Nick/Phil BBCAN4
19. Kevin BBCAN5
20. Morgan BBOTT
21. Lisa BB3
22. Adam BB9
23. Drew BB5
24. Steve BB17
25. Kaycee BB20
26. Marissa BBCeleb
27. Nicole BB18
28. Rachel BB13
29. Jordan BB11
30. Josh BB19 
31 Eddie BB1

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