Thursday, July 26, 2018

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Big Brother 20 Game and Show Rankings Week 4

Tom's Take

Nothing the hgs did this week mattered, so all that mattered is what they did.

Image result for big brother 20 week 4

1. Angela

Image result for bb20 angela

Social: 60
Strategy: 30
Show: 10

The furniture had a decent amount of influence over Sam, planting the Rockstar seed. But her move this week wasn't actually good for her game. She's moving up the target lists on FOUTTE's side, and may actually be target #1 for them now that Kaitlin is gone. 

Preseason Prediction: 9th Place
1st Week Prediction: 9th Place
2nd Week Prediction: 9th Place
3rd Week Prediction: 9th Place
4th Week Prediction: 9th Place 

2. Rockstar

Image result for bb20 angie

Social: 10
Show: 100

She stayed this week, so that's....something. 

Preseason Prediction: First Boot
1st Week Prediction: 3rd Place 
2nd Week Prediction: 13th Place
3rd Week Production: 12th Place
4th Week Prediction: 12th Place 

3. Bayleigh

Image result for big brother 20: bayleigh

Social: 70
Strategy: 70
Show: 70
Awards: Player of the Week 

Bayleigh got out a big distraction for her game, and she made major inroads with Level 5. I'm giving Bayleigh the award for player of the week, because this was both a great outcome for her, and she achieved it without overgaming herself. 

Preseason Prediction: 11th Place
1st Week Prediction: 12th Place
2nd Week Prediction: 11th Place
3rd Week Prediction: 10th Place 
4th Week Prediction: 8th Place 

4. Brett

Image result for bb20 brett

Social: 40
Strategy: 30
Show: 50

Brett vs. Rockstar was a fun scene. The problem is that Brett then ended up keeping Rockstar. 

Preseason Prediction: 12th Place 
1st Week Prediction: 5th Place
2nd Week Prediction: 10th Place
3rd Week Production: 6th Place
4th Week Production: 6th Place

5. Swaggy C

Image result for bb20 swaggy C

Preseason Prediction: 6th Place
1st Week Prediction: 15th Place

6. Faysal

Image result for bb20 faysal

POV: 15
Social: 20
Strategy: 0
Show 80 

Fessy gave us tons of entertainment, but boy is he an idiot. Such a dumbass. 

Preason Prediction: 13th Place
1st Week Prediction: 13th Place
2nd Week Prediction: 5th Place
3rd Week Prediction: 5th Place 

7. Haleigh

Image result for bb20 haleigh

Social: 70
Strategy: 60
Show: 50

Getting Fessy to use the veto on her, kept Hayleigh in this game for sure. And she got out a major annoyance to her game, in a week where it was possibly to lose an actual valuable ally. Hayleigh was right behind Bayleigh on the gameplay this week. She got a positive outcome, without having to burn any social capital. I don't think Hayleigh is as good with L5 as Bayleigh is, but she's in a decent spot overall. 

Preseason Prediction: 15th Place
1st Week Prediction: 11th Place
2nd Week Prediction: 12th Place 
3rd Week Prediction: 11th Place
4th Week Prediction: 11th Place 

8. JC

Image result for big brother 20: JC

Social: 50
Strategy: 50
Show: 110

Props to JC for getting his way, and for keeping himself off the block during the veto ceremony. I just think he burned way too much social capital to get it done. 

Preseason Prediction: 4th Place 
1st Week Prediction: 4th Place
2nd Week Prediction: 4th Place
4th Week Prediction: 4th Place 

9. Kaitlyn

Image result for big brother 20: Kaitlyn

Social: 0
Strat: 00
Show: 200
Awards: Star of the Show

Everything Kaitlyn did this week was awful. From whining to Fessy, to alienating L5, and then freaking out in the middle of the puzzle challenge. She was a mess. But god she was great TV. 

Preseason Prediction: 2nd Place
1st Week Prediction: 2nd Place
2nd Week Prediction: 2nd Place
3rd Week Prediction: 13th Place
13th Place 

10. Kaycee

Image result for big brother 20: Kaycee

Social: 60
Strat: 50
Show: 10

Kacee did good work with Bayleigh, and knocking out a Tyler pawn is probably good for Kacee long term. Still boring. 

Preseason Prediction: 14th Place
1st Week Prediction: 6th Place
2nd Week Prediction: 3rd Place
3rd Week Prediction: 2nd Place 
4th Week Prediction: 2nd Place 

11. Rachel

Image result for bb20 rachel

Social: 20
Strat: 10
Show: 40

This was a lousy move for Rachel. I don't think she's as good with people as Kacee, or even Angela, and JC's growing hatred of her is going to hurt her sooner rather than later in my opinion. 

Preseason Prediction: 10th Place
1st Week Prediction: 8th Place
2nd Week Prediction: 8th Place
3rd Week Prediction: 8th Place
4th Week Prediction: 10th Place 

12. Sam

Image result for bb20 sam

HOH: 30
Social: 0
Strat: 0
Show: 30

Well Sam did get someone out this week, so I can't give her 0 game points. But god she sucks. Her comments toward Kaitlyn and Haleigh in particular were gross and offensive. She's terrible. 

Preseason Prediction: 5th Place
1st Week Prediction: 10th Place
2nd Week Prediction: 5th Place
4th Week Prediction: 5th Place 

13. Scottie

Image result for bb20 scottie

Social: 30
Strat: 30
Show: 10

Scottie coasted this week, which might be smart, but I can't give high marks just for coasting at this point in the game. 

Preseason Prediction: 3rd Place
1st Week Prediction: 7th
2nd Week Prediction: 7th Place 
3rd Week Prediction: 7th Place 
4th Week Prediction: 7th Place 

14. Steve

Image result for bb20 steve

Preseason Prediction: 8th Place
16th Place

15. Tyler

Image result for big brother 20: Tyler

Social: 50
Strategy: 20
Show: 60

I'm giving Tyler points for spinning his relationship with Kaitlyn into her being the mastermind, and him the puppet. But I think he allowed Kaitlyn to be sent home this week, and losing a piece like her, has cost him a lot of equity. 

Preseason Prediction: 7th Place
Week 1 Prediction: Winner
Week 2 Prediction: Winner
Week 3 Prediction: Winner
Week 4 Prediction: Winner

16. Winston  

Image result for big brother 20: Winston

Preseason Prediction: Winner
1st Week Prediction: 14th
2nd Week Prediction: 14th
14th Place


1. JC: 540
2. Tyler: 535
3. Kaycee: 400
4. Scottie: 385
5. Hayleigh: 370
6. Brett: 360
7. Angela: 330
8. Rachel: 290
9. Bayleigh: 270 
10. Kaitlyn: 170

11. Faysal: 165
12. Rockstar: 130
13. Winston: 120
14. Swaggy: 110 
15. Steve: 80
16. Sam: 50


1. Kaitlyn: 620
2. JC: 350
3. Tyler: 340
4. Faysal: 280
5. Rockstar: 270
6. Swaggy: 240
7. Bayleigh: 230
8. Hayleigh: 210
9. Brett: 190
10. Scottie: 160
11. Sam: 120
12. Rachel: 100
13. Winston 80
14. Steve: 30 
15. Kaycee: 30
16. Angela: 30

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