Saturday, July 14, 2018

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Big Brother 20 Game and Show Rankings Week 2

Tom's Take

Week two, we got the full crazy Kaitlin experience.

Image result for big brother 20 week 2

1. Angela

Image result for bb20 angela

Social: 30
Strategy: 30
Show: 0


Preseason Prediction: 9th Place
1st Week Prediction: 9th Place
2nd Week Prediction: 9th Place

2. Rockstar

Image result for bb20 angie

Social: 20
Show: 60

Twitter Fan Favorite, Rockstar is not long for this game. Because she plays like Twitter Fan Favorite. 

Preseason Prediction: First Boot
1st Week Prediction: 3rd Place 
2nd Week Prediction: 13th Place

3. Bayleigh

Image result for big brother 20: bayleigh

Social: 10
Strategy: 20
Show: 60

RIP #SwaggyBay. Hopefully Bayleigh can rebound from this and turn into a power player. 

Preseason Prediction: 11th Place
1st Week Prediction: 12th Place
2nd Week Prediction: 11th Place

4. Brett

Image result for bb20 brett

Social: 40
Strategy: 40
Show: 20

This last week made it abundantly clear that Tyler is responsible for all the good gameplay of the Level 6. Brett has some charisma, and skill talking to people, but it should not be overstated. He is only a great player if you compare him to Winston. 

Preseason Prediction: 12th Place 
1st Week Prediction: 5th Place
2nd Week Prediction: 10th Place

5. Swaggy C

Image result for bb20 swaggy C

Social: 30
Strategy: 30
Show: 90

Props for fighting the good fight. Swaggy C was great tv, and with only two weeks, I still think he is someone worth bringing back. 

Preseason Prediction: 6th Place
1st Week Prediction: 15th Place

6. Faysal

Image result for bb20 faysal

Social: 30
Strategy: 20
Show 70 

I dunno, I see something in Fessy. Maybe I'm totally offbase, but I think Fessy does have some potential. I expect him to surprise all of us and make it far in this game. He's just too dumb seeming to really threaten anywone, and too generally nice to piss anyone off. 

Preason Prediction: 13th Place
1st Week Prediction: 13th Place
2nd Week Prediction: 5th Place 

7. Haleigh

Image result for bb20 haleigh

Social: 40
Strategy: 40
Show: 40

Hayleigh has some of us expecting great things from her, because she seems flexible. I'm just worried that her flexibility comes from a lack of backbone or focus. Otherwise, we could be getting great things from Hayleigh in the future. 

Preseason Prediction: 15th Place
1st Week Prediction: 11th Place
2nd Week Prediction: 12th Place 

8. JC

Image result for big brother 20: JC

Social: 80
Strategy: 80
Show: 80
Awards: Best Player of the Week

Shockingly, I think JC lowkey played the best game this week. He has nowhere near the level of control as Tyler does, but he is also not showing everyone how good of a player he is. The guy voted Steve out, but was the only hg I saw who went out of his way to explain his vote to the other side. That's important. JC doesn't shut off connections. He is also great at lying, and keeping things to himself. On top of that, his size and being gay allows him to fall under most people's radars. I'm saying it right now, this guy has a real shot to win this game, and anyone who underestimates him is doing so at their own peril. 

Preseason Prediction: 4th Place 
1st Week Prediction: 4th Place
2nd Week Prediction: 4th Place

9. Kaitlyn

Image result for big brother 20: Kaitlyn

HOH: 30
Social: 30
Strat: 30
Show: 140
Awards: Star of the Show

Kaitlin is a lunatic. That said, I don't hate her game moves. I don't really see her having a chance at this thing, but I think that she's flipped to a side where she could be taken pretty far. And hell, if the jury gets pissed off at Tyler along the way, she could win it all. She's got a big move on her resume. 

Preseason Prediction: 2nd Place
1st Week Prediction: 2nd Place
2nd Week Prediction: 2nd Place

10. Kaycee

Image result for big brother 20: Kaycee

Social: 40
Strat: 40
Show: 0

Who? Part 2. 

Preseason Prediction: 14th Place
1st Week Prediction: 6th Place
2nd Week Prediction: 3rd Place 

11. Rachel

Image result for bb20 rachel

Social: 40
Strat: 40
Show: 20

Rachel won a Crap App. Otherwise she'd be Who Part 3. 

Preseason Prediction: 10th Place
1st Week Prediction: 8th Place
2nd Week Prediction: 8th Place

12. Sam

Image result for bb20 sam

Social: 0
Strat: 0
Show: 10

Sam Sucks. 

Preseason Prediction: 5th Place
1st Week Prediction: 10th Place
2nd Week Prediction: 5th Place

13. Scottie

Image result for bb20 scottie

Social: 50
Strat: 40
Show: 50

Scottie voted out Swaggy while wearing a Swaggy T-Shirt. What the hell? It'll be interesting to see what he does with HOH this week. 

Preseason Prediction: 3rd Place
1st Week Prediction: 7th
2nd Week Prediction: 7th Place 

14. Steve

Image result for bb20 steve

Preseason Prediction: 8th Place
16th Place

15. Tyler

Image result for big brother 20: Tyler

POV: 15
Social: 90
Strategy: 50
Show: 100

I'm not giving Tyler player of the week, because I preferred JC's more lowkey approach this week. Tyler's doing a LOT, and while its mostly very good, its also very early. BB is a marathon, not a sprint, and Tyler is running very fast, so the question is does he have the stamina to keep up at this pace. 

Preseason Prediction: 7th Place
Week 1 Prediction: Winner
Week 2 Prediction: Winner

16. Winston  

Image result for big brother 20: Winston

Social: 10
Strat: 20
Show: 20

Loser. I hope he goes this week. 

Preseason Prediction: Winner
1st Week Prediction: 14th
2nd Week Prediction: 14th


1. Tyler: 345
2. JC: 280
3. Brett: 190
4. Hayleigh: 180
5. Kaycee: 170
6. Rachel: 160
7. Kaitlyn: 160
8. Angela: 140
9. Scottie: 150
10. Swaggy: 110 
11. Rockstar: 90
12. Faysal: 80
13. Steve: 80
14. Winston: 60
15. Bayleigh: 50 
16. Sam: 20


1. Kaitlyn: 270
2. Swaggy: 240
3. Tyler: 240
4. JC: 160
5. Faysal: 130
6. Bayleigh: 120
7. Hayleigh: 110

8. Rockstar: 100
9. Sam: 90
10. Scottie: 80
11. Brett: 50
12. Rachel: 40

13. Winston 40
14. Steve: 30 
15. Kaycee: 10
16. Angela: 10

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