Thursday, May 3, 2018

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Big Brother Canada 6 Week 12 Game and Show Rankings

Tom's Take:

Can anyone stop Daela? I'll try to break down everyone's jury chances, as I rank the final hgs in their final march to the end of this game. 

Related image

1. Ali

Image result for big brother canada 6: ali

Preseason Prediction: 3rd Boot
2nd Week Prediction: 4th Boot
3rd Week Prediction: 1st Juror
5th Week Prediction: 4th Place
6th Week Prediction: 8th Place
7th Week Prediction: 5th Place 
8th Week Prediction: 5th Place
8th Place

2. Andrew

Image result for big brother canada 6 andrew

Preseason Prediction: 5th Place
2nd Boot

3. Derek

Image result for big brother canada 6: Derek

Social: 100
Strategy: 60
Show: 70

In a week without much strategy, Derek made the play the of week by getting Will to drop in the FINAL FIVE VETO COMPETITION, basically by just telling him he was good. This was more a testament to how bad Will is, but I'm still giving him props. He continues to be one of the top competitors, and I think the Trio's anti Kaela stance will end up giving him the win. 

Preseason Prediction: 9th Place
2nd Week Prediction: 8th Place
3rd Week Prediction: 4th Boot
5th Week Prediction: 8th Place
6th Week Prediction: 6th Place
7th Week Prediction 3rd Place 
8th Week Prediction: 7th Place
9th Week Prediction: Winner
12th Week Prediction Winner

4. Erica

Image result for big brother canada 6 erica

Fuck everyone who voted to save Ryan. Erica deserved better. 

Preseason Prediction: 8th Place
2nd Week Prediction: 7th  Place
3rd Week Prediction: 9th Place
5th Week Prediction: 9th Place
6th Week Prediction: 7th Place

10th Place 

5. Hamza

Image result for big brother canada 6 hamza

Preseason Prediction: 5th Boot
2nd Week Prediction: 6th Place
3rd Week Prediction: 5th Boot
5th Boot

6. Jesse* Chase

Preseason Prediction: 10th Place.
2nd Week Prediction: 5th Place
3rd Boot

7. Johnny

Preseason Prediction: 7th Place
2nd Week Prediction: 2nd Place
3rd Week Prediction: 3rd Place
6th Week Prediction: Winner
7th Week Prediction: 9th Place 
8th Week Prediction: 3rd Place
7th Place

8. Kaela

Image result for big brother canada 6 kaela

HOH: 50
POV: 50
Strategy: 50
Social: 50
Show: 100
Awards: Player of the Week

Kaela continued to build her competition resume, and is now the pretty clear frontrunner.... except there's that nagging suspicion in the back of all our minds that she may not be able to pull off the jury votes. We all hope that's not the case, and Kaela has played a pretty savage and win worthy game in my opinion, but there it is. 

Preseason Prediction: 4th Place
2nd Week Prediction: 5th Boot
3rd Week Prediction: 5th Place
5th Week Prediction: 11th Place
6th Week Prediction: 9th Place
7th Week Prediction: 6th Place
8th Week Prediction: 8th Place
9th Week Prediction: 5th Place 
12th Week Prediction: 2nd Place
9. Maddy

Social: 0
Strategy: 0
Show: 50

I felt bad for Maddy this week. But I also felt like she was not a very good Big Brother player, so I can only feel so bad about this outcome. 

Preseason Prediction: 3rd Boot
2nd Week Prediction: 10th Place
3rd Week Prediction: 10th Place
5th Week Prediction: 2nd Place
6th Week Prediction: 5th Place
7th Week Prediction: 2nd Place
8th Week Prediction: 2nd Place 
9th Week Prediction: 2nd Place
5th Place 

10. Olivia

Preseason Prediction: 2nd Place
2nd Week Prediction: 3rd Boot
3rd Week Prediction: 2nd Place
5th Week Prediction: 7th Place
6th Week Prediction: 2nd Place
7th Week Prediction: 8th Place 
8th Week Prediction: 6th Place
6th Place

11. Paras

Social: 30
Strategy: 30
Show: 150
Awards: Star of the Show 

Paras managed to outlast Maddy, but oh boy it was an ugly look and hard to watch. I think Paras is a real dark horse to win at this point, and it may require the jury to vote....oddly, but there is some merit to her game, and outside of Kaela, she is the player I would be most personally satisfied seeing win.

Preseason Prediction: 2nd Boot
2nd Week Prediction: 9th Place
3rd Week Prediction: 4th Place
5th Week Prediction: 6th Place
6th Week Prediction: 4th Place 
7th Week Prediction: Winner
9th Week Prediction: 3rd Place
12th Week Prediction: 3rd Place

12. Rozina

Preseason Prediction: 3rd Place

1st Boot

13. Ryan

Preseason Prediction: First Boot
2nd Week Prediction: 11th Place
3rd Week Prediction: 6th Place
5th Week Prediction: 5th Place
6th Week Prediction: 3rd Place 
7th Week Prediction: 7th Place 
9th Place

14. Will

Social: 0
Strategy: 0
Show: 30

Will threw the f5 veto, thus guaranteeing the showmance would reach the f4 intact. He is an incredibly stupid player, and a Will win would be a travesty to the game of Big Brother. 

Preseason Prediction: Winner
2nd Week Prediction: Winner
3rd Week Prediction: Winner
5th Week Prediction: Winner
6th Week Prediction: 10th Place
7th Week Prediction: 4th Place
8th Week Prediction: 4th Place
9th Week Prediction: 4th Place
12th Week Prediction: 4th Place

15. Veronica

2nd Week Prediction: 3rd Place
3rd Week Prediction: 7th Place
4th Boot

16. Kirsten

Poor poor Kirsten. I feel terrible for her.

Preseason Prediction: 11th Place

17. Merron

2nd Week Prediction: 4th Place
3rd Week Prediction: 8th Place
5th Week Prediction: 10th Place
11th Place

18. Mike

I feel so bad for Mikey.

Preseason Prediction: 6th Place

Gameplay Rankings

1. Kaela: 1140
2. Johnny: 1110
3. Derek: 1030
4. Erica: 755
5. Paras: 740
6. Will: 730
7. Olivia: 620
8. Ali: 540
9. Maddy: 450
10. Jesse: 280
11. Hamza: 275
12. Merron: 240
13. Ryan: 180
14. Veronica: 140
15. Rozina: 0
16. Andrew: 0

Showplay Rankings

1. Johnny: 710
2. Paras: 680
3. Kaela: 600
4. Ali: 500
5. Olivia: 460
6. Erica: 410
7. Veronica: 370
8. Will: 390
9. Derek: 310
10. Hamza: 250
11. Maddy: 220
12. Ryan: 120
13. Jesse: 110
14. Merron: 90
15. Andrew: 60
16. Rozina: 30

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