Thursday, April 5, 2018

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Big Brother Canada Week 6 Game and Show Rankings

Tom's Take:

This week was some of my favorite type of gameplay: the Cold War format where the major powers in the house are fighting a proxy war. You get to see the good players in the house go at each other, without actually losing any of those real power players. So let's break down how all of them did. 

Image result for big brother canada 6 hungover hoh

1. Ali

Image result for big brother canada 6: ali

Strategy: 20
Social: 20
Show: 100
Awards: Star of the Show

Ali made a mess this week, as she pushed super hard for Ryan to go, only to be effectively countered by Johnny. This resulted in her calling Ryan out, only for most of the house to still want to keep Ryan leaving Ali on an island. Her stock fell a lot this week, but it was fun to watch.

Preseason Prediction: 3rd Boot
2nd Week Prediction: 4th Boot
3rd Week Prediction: 1st Juror
5th Week Prediction: 4th Place
6th Week Prediction: 8th Place

2. Andrew

Image result for big brother canada 6 andrew

Preseason Prediction: 5th Place
2nd Boot

3. Derek

Image result for big brother canada 6: Derek

Social: 50
Strategy: 50
Show: 30

Derek continues to work as Kaela's sidekick, but that actually might be an okay position to be in, since Kaela will go before him, and there are so many other targets in this house. Derek is still very much in the running to win this thing. Let's see how that plays out. 

Preseason Prediction: 9th Place
2nd Week Prediction: 8th Place
3rd Week Prediction: 4th Boot
5th Week Prediction: 8th Place
6th Week Prediction: 6th Place

4. Erica

Image result for big brother canada 6 erica

HOH: 60
Social: 60
Strategy: 60
Show: 60

Erica is a bad ass. She won an HOH while hungover. She is comp beating this game. Which of course sets her up to be a big target sooner rather than later, which would be a problem except that her strategy of evicting the coasters and keeping the pairs like Daela and Olivia/Ali keeps sheylds ahead of her, pretty much guaranteeing that she makes it a few more rounds.  

Preseason Prediction: 8th Place
2nd Week Prediction: 7th  Place
3rd Week Prediction: 9th Place
5th Week Prediction: 9th Place
6th Week Prediction: 7th Place

5. Hamza

Image result for big brother canada 6 hamza

Preseason Prediction: 5th Boot
2nd Week Prediction: 6th Place
3rd Week Prediction: 5th Boot
5th Boot

6. Jesse* Chase

Preseason Prediction: 10th Place.
2nd Week Prediction: 5th Place
3rd Boot

7. Johnny

POV: 30Social: 100
Strategy: 100
Show: 80
Awards: Player of the Week

Johnny was masterful this week. Completely dominating Ali, and Daela, while uniting the White Room under this thumb. Johnny is now the player to beat, and I can no longer really deny his dominance in this game. 

Preseason Prediction: 7th Place
2nd Week Prediction: 2nd Place
3rd Week Prediction: 3rd Place
6th Week Prediction: Winner

8. Kaela

Image result for big brother canada 6 kaela

Strategy: 40
Social: 40
Show: 60

Kaela is a very skilled player, but she took her foot off the gas pedal this week, feeling like she was safe. I think she still has chance to fuck some shit up, but she's now in a place that she's going to need a comp run to dig herself out of the hole Johnny has placed her in. 

Preseason Prediction: 4th Place
2nd Week Prediction: 5th Boot
3rd Week Prediction: 5th Place
5th Week Prediction: 11th Place
6th Week Prediction: 9th Place9. Maddy

Social: 20
Strategy: 20
Show: 20

Maddy is not a very good player, but she stayed through this week, so good for her.

Preseason Prediction: 3rd Boot
2nd Week Prediction: 10th Place
3rd Week Prediction: 10th Place
5th Week Prediction: 2nd Place
6th Week Prediction: 5th Place

10. Olivia

Strategy: 60
Social: 60
Show: 60

I love Olivia. She's proven to be a decent competitor, but people trust her more than her closest counter part. I just worry that she's going to be Johnny's goat at the end of the game. 

Preseason Prediction: 2nd Place
2nd Week Prediction: 3rd Boot
3rd Week Prediction: 2nd Place
5th Week Prediction: 7th Place
6th Week Prediction: 2nd Place

11. Paras

Social: 50
Strategy: 50
Show: 50

Paras did a lot of good work this week, and also undid a lot of that good work. Yep. That's pretty much her MO in this game. She has some great conversations with people, but she is sort of all over the place, causing little fires that don't really help her game. Those could catch up to her at some point in this game. 

Preseason Prediction: 2nd Boot
2nd Week Prediction: 9th Place
3rd Week Prediction: 4th Place
5th Week Prediction: 6th Place
6th Week Prediction: 4th Place 

12. Rozina

Preseason Prediction: 3rd Place

1st Boot

13. Ryan

Social: 20
Strategy: 20
Show: 60

Ryan Sucks. But Johnny felt he could use him for his game. 

Preseason Prediction: First Boot

2nd Week Prediction: 11th Place
3rd Week Prediction: 6th Place
5th Week Prediction: 5th Place
6th Week Prediction: 3rd Place 

14. Will

Social: 30
Strategy: 30
Show: 50

Will's overplaying may finally bite him. He's pissed of Daela, and they are coming for him, and I'm cheering for them to take him out. 

Preseason Prediction: Winner
2nd Week Prediction: Winner
3rd Week Prediction: Winner
5th Week Prediction: Winner
6th Week Prediction: 10th Place

15. Veronica

2nd Week Prediction: 3rd Place
3rd Week Prediction: 7th Place
4th Boot

16. Kirsten

Poor poor Kirsten. I feel terrible for her.

Preseason Prediction: 11th Place

17. Merron

Strategy: 0
Social: 0
Show: 30
Awards: Worst Player of the Week 

Merron was pretty much a nothing player, but he was nice. 

2nd Week Prediction: 4th Place
3rd Week Prediction: 8th Place
5th Week Prediction: 10th Place
11th Place

18. Mike

I feel so bad for Mikey.

Preseason Prediction: 6th Place

Gameplay Rankings

1. Johnny: 680
2. Erica: 615
3. Kaela: 560
4. Will: 510
5. Olivia: 440
6. Derek: 390
7. Paras: 360
8. Ali: 340
9. Jesse: 280
10. Hamza: 275
11. Merron: 240
12. Maddy: 200
13. Ryan: 180
14. Veronica: 140
15. Rozina: 0
16. Andrew: 0

Showplay Rankings

1. Veronica: 370
2. Paras: 260
3. Erica: 260
4. Johnny: 250
5. Hamza: 250
6. Ali: 250
7. Will: 220.
8. Kaela: 220
9. Olivia: 200
10. Maddy: 130
11. Ryan: 120
12. Jesse: 110
13. Derek: 110
14. Merron: 90
15. Andrew: 60
16. Rozina: 30

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