Saturday, September 23, 2017

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Putting BB19 to Bed

Tom's Take

I was totally wrong...and I loved it. Paul's defeat was so much fun to see. Congratulations Josh, I don't think much of your game but 500k is pretty fun and you got to live your dream.

Image result for josh beats Paul 5-4

Below I'm going to go through my final review of each of the hgs, and update my winner rankings and season rankings to include Josh and

1. Jessica

Image result for big brother 19 Jessica

5th Boot
Show Play: 810
Gameplay: 340
Overall Grade: B-

I liked Jessica well enough, but the one time she had power she squandered it. While she made decent television, I can't give her too much credit when she absolutely failed to use numerous advantages. She's done a good job promoting herself post show though, and I could see her being brought back for another season.

2. Kevin

Image result for big brother 19 Kevin

4th Place

Showplay: 600
Gameplay 780
Overall Grade: B+

I love Kevin. I just wish he could have been more of a game player.

3. Cody

Image result for big brother 19 Cody

11th Place

Showplay: 620
Gameplay: 260
Overall Grade: B-

Kevin won AFP, and he might come back for another season. Good for him, and his anti Paul sentiment was fun. But he is blatantly transphobic and I am really uncomfortable with him being celebrated.

5. Elena

Image result for big brother 19 Elena

10th Place

Showplay: 390
Gameplay: 430
Overall Grade: C+

Ultimately a Paul sheep who turned on Paul in the jury house. Elena is a perfect example of someone who had a lot of potential that was competely dampened by Paul completely crushing everyone this season. In an alternate reality, Elena would have been the star of BB19.

6. Jason

Image result for big brother 19 jason

7th Place

Showplay: 380
Gameplay: 1005
Overall Grade: B-

I was actually pretty high on Jason as a player, and I really think he could have been a contender this season if he wasn't dragged down by Alex. Jason made some unfortunate comments, but honestly I found him to be overall likeable.

7. Christmas

Image result for big brother 19 christmas

3rd Place

Showplay: 630
Gameplay: 1080
Overall Grade: C-

I think Christmas is the player I most overestimated this season, which was reflected in her overinflated Gameplay score. I give her credit for fighting through a tough injury, but Xmas was such a sheep for Paul this season.

8. Matt

Image result for big brother 19 Matthew

8th Place
Showplay: 100
Gameplay: 550
Overall Grade: F

What a waste of space. Pathetic.

9. Josh

Image result for big brother 19: Josh

Congratulations for winning Josh!

Showplay: 1000
Gameplay: 870
Overall Grade: B+

I gotta give it up to Josh for winning, and he was an interesting character on top of it. But what to say about his game? Josh obviously loved this game and dreamed about playing it, but boy oh boy was he a mess. The list of good moves for Josh seems to be that he guaranteed his safety in the first week with the golden apple, and he exposed Paul in his goodbye messages. He had an okay bond with some on the jury, but it was only really good in comparison to Paul's atrocious end game jury management. So much of this game was dictated by Paul, and I think ultimately the jury's decision was dictated by Paul as well. Josh is my lowest ranked winner because he was pretty actively bad at times. At least Jordan was inoffensive.

10. Dominique "The Dominator"

Image result for big brother 19:  Dominique

15th Place

Showplay: 200
Gameplay: 190
Overall Grade: D+

Dominique was tragically over rated at the start of the season which was why people were so taken aback by her complete collapse in week 3. Dom was smart enough to see Paul, but so bad she actually helped Paul cut her by seeming to be shady. Very poor outing.

11. Ramses

Image result for big brother 19: Ramses

13th Place

Showplay: 70
Gameplay: 200
Overall Grade: D

Ramses was a real disappointment to me. Sorry Ramses fans, but he contributed nothing to this season other than being an early scape goat for Paul and Kevin.

12. Mark

Image result for big brother 19: Mark

9th Place

Showplay: 560
Gameplay: 560
Overall Grade: B

My original winner pick, Mark ended up not being able to accomplish much this season, but he put in real effort. He won some comps, and for a couple of weeks we had the "if only Mark wins HOH" dream to keep us nourished in a game that Paul completely dominated. In a Paul-less season I do think Mark could have been a contender.

13. Jillian

Image result for big brother 19: Jillian

16th Place

Showplay: 0
Gameplay: 0
Overall Grade: F


14. Cameron

Image result for big brother 19: Cameron

14th Place

Showplay: 0
Gameplay: 0
Overall Grade: Incomplete

Poor poor Cameron.

15. Raven

Image result for big brother 19: Raven

6th Place
Showplay: 250
Gameplay: 610
Overall Grade: C

Honestly all the Raven Exposed Party stuff is hysterical.

16. Alex

Image result for big brother 19: alex

5th Place
Showplay: 690
Gameplay: 840
Overall Grade: C

A great competitor, but the dumbest player to ever play. Alex's value comes from how bad she was at Big Brother. I also enjoyed the totally bitter jury vote.

17. Paul

Image result for big brother 19: alex

Runner Up
Showplay: 1000
Gameplay: 1955
Overall Grade: B

Those who don't study history are doomed to repeat it. Paul completely dominated BB19. If you're a "the person who played the best game deserves to win" type person, you probably think he was robbed. However, I hope all rational people can see that Paul lost for similar reasons that he did last year. He pissed away jury votes. He shit talked way more than he needed to, and he failed to own his game until the end when it was already too late. Unlike BB18 there was no one on the BB19 jury that Paul didn't put there. From beginning to end, Paul was the driving force of this season. And the episodes reflected that, with Paul seemingly getting more DRs and airtime than everyone else combined. But the result was a one sided often mean spirited season. Kudos to Paul for showing he could make it to the end again, but after this season, I am on a personal level very happy that he is a two time loser.

Overall Season thoughts. It was a bad season. The cast was the dumbest ever, I think we got a very weak winner, and I couldn't really root for anyone. But there were some fights and some drama, so its not the very worst season.

Reminder on winner rankings, that I rank the winning games, not the winners as a whole.

1. Derrick BB16
2. Andy BB15
3. Jun BB4
4. Jon BBCAN2
5. Dan BB10
6. Will BB2
7. Hayden BB12
8. Maggie BB6
9. Jillian BBCAN1
10. Dick BB8
11, Boogie BB7
12. Ian BB14
13. Sarah BBCAN3
14.  Nick/Phil BBCAN4
15. Kevin BBCAN5
16. Morgan BBOTT
17. Lisa BB3
18. Adam BB9
19. Drew BB5
20. Steve BB17
21. Nicole BB18
22. Rachel BB13
23. Jordan BB11
24. Josh BB19 

Season Rankings

1. BB Allstars
3. BB8
4. BB14
7. BB4
8. BB10
9. BB2
10. BBCAN4
11. BB3
12. BBCAN3
13. BB18
14. BBCAN1
15. BB15
16. BB11
17. BB5
18. BB6
19. BB17
20. BB13
21. BB12
22. BB19
23. BB9
24. BB16

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