Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Big Brother 19 Cast Preview

Tom's Take

Image result for big brother 19

Here we go!!!

1. Jessica

Image result for big brother 19 Jessica

So we're starting with Jessica. I definitely have a type of HG I like, the attractive brunette, and Jessica appears to be that hg this year. People are already making Natalie comparisons. I'm not going to lie, my first thought when I saw her was that she looked hot. That said, I think Jessica is going to be a very different player. I think she's going to be a little more overtly sexual, and attempt to have more power in the beginning of the game.  I think this is a recipe for disaster, as people will be intimidated by her good looks, and so unless she finds the right showmance, I think she'll get picked off early. That said, she has a ton of showmantic potential, so I'm not counting her out yet.

Preseason Prediction: 5th boot

2. Kevin

Image result for big brother 19 Kevin

Kevin is the old man of the house, an I immediately took to him. He's got a very very loveable air about him. I feel like people are going to naturally find themselves trusting Kevin, but I don't really think he's got brilliant tactician in his arsenal. I think he'll breeze through the first third of the game, and then struggle in the 2nd third depending on his ability to keep up in comps.

Preseason Prediction: 6th Place

3. Cody

Image result for big brother 19 Cody

Cody is going to be the villain this season, and he's going to be a boring and bland one, and fuck it he's going to make it far, and at least one girl will be ruined by his "charm."

Preseason Prediction: 7th Place

4. Megan

Image result for big brother 19 Megan

Megan seemed extremely plain to me in terms of a character. I think I'm probably underestimating her, but I just can't see her being much of a player this season. Which means the question is whether she's coast far, or be taken out early? I'm gonna say she coasts far this season.

Preseason Prediction: 3rd Place

5. Elena

Image result for big brother 19 Elena

James fan. I got nothing. Hopefully gone early.

Preseason Prediction: 2nd Boot

6. Jason

Image result for big brother 19 jason

The Literal rodeo clown. I mean, I guess he could surprise us but....

Preseason Prediction: 1st Boot

7. Christmas

Image result for big brother 19 christmas

Prepare for a lot of Christmas puns this summer. A lot of people are high on Christmas. I'm not, and I'll tell you why. This girl screams threat. She's way too put together. There's just no way the other hgs in the house look at her and don't immediately attempt to take her out. I'm sorry but we're all getting coal for Christmas this year.

Preseason Prediction: 3rd Boot

8. Matt

Image result for big brother 19 Matthew

Matt is connected to Alex Kidwell of Rob Has A Podcast, a member of the LFC. Everyone should listen to RHAP coverage. As for Matt, I got nothing for him other than that he's connected to RHAP. He'll probably go pretty far.

Preseason Prediction: 5th Place

9. Josh

Image result for big brother 19: Josh

Josh is gonna be a huge character, and he's definitely a good looking guy. That said, I think he's planning on playing far too big. I think there's a chance it works for him for a second, but I think that second will be over pretty quickly.  He'll be the star of the show every week he's there, but he'll be gone before August.

Preseason Prediction: 4th Boot

10. Dominique "The Dominator"

Image result for big brother 19:  Dominique

I could be very wrong, but I think Dominique is going to end up being very boring. Ultimately I think her church girl mentality is going to prevent her from really playing the game hard, and while she may be able to coast for a while, but ultimately I think she'll be done in as part of a bigger power struggle between more dominant players.

Preseason Prediction: 11th Place

11. Ramses

Image result for big brother 19: Ramses

So here's my bold prediction about Ramses. I think he's gonna follow the typical super fan trajectory of being not much of a player, but towards the end he's gonna start winning and have a path to the end, and then he's going to drop the ball at f4 and be voted out. I think we'll enjoy Ramses in the house, as the loveable version of a classic character. I even could see him being our fan favorite of the season

Preseason Prediction: 4th Place

12. Mark

Image result for big brother 19: Mark

I think Mark is a teddy bear. I think he'll be sort of the 2nd fiddle in some early guys alliances. He'll probably have a showmance that'll be split up fairly early. Basically I'm predicting he has a more beta version of Hayden's game from BB12. Ultimately, I think he'll surprise people by coming out on top in some late competitions, and being so likeable that people give it to him against whoever he's up against.

Preseason Prediction: Winner

13. Jillian

Image result for big brother 19: Jillian

The seeming Nicole/Morgan clone, Jillian is apparently an outspoken Trump supporter. I think she'll be very unpopular outside the house (or at least on Twitter) but play a pretty solid game. Ultimately I think she'll be less liked that the person she's up against, and lose a contentious final 2.

Preseason Prediction: 2nd Place

14. Cameron

Image result for big brother 19: Cameron

Cameron is the super fan who's actually going to be a big player. He's someone you'll have to talk about in the episode recaps and on the podcasts. He'll make moves, and may be a surprising comp threat even early on. This will of course, all blow up in his face, and he'll be gone early on in the 2nd leg of the game.

Preseason Prediction 10th Place

15. Raven

Image result for big brother 19: Raven

I think we're going to end up forgetting about Raven, and she'll be another sort of casualty of bigger players going to war. She's obviously cast to be the Meg of this season, but she's cute. She may be likeable. I dunno, I just don't see a gamer in her.

Preseason Prediction: 9th Place

16. Alex

Image result for big brother 19: alex

Alex will be extremely likeable, but she's Nicole 1.0 to the max. She's got no real notion of strategy, and she's not going to be nearly ruthless enough to slice through this house. But she'll be harmless enough that she'll make it to the halfway point.

Preseason Prediction: 8th Place

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