Friday, April 21, 2017

Five Drinks Into Reality TV Big Brother Canada 5 Game and Show Rankings Week 7

Tom's Take

Welcome to Big Brother: Ika's Queendom. Where Ika rules over us all, and we bow to #TeamPetty. are the rest of the peasants playing?

Image result for big brother canada 5 week 7 ika

1. Neda

Image result for big brother canada 5: Neda

Preseason Prediction: Ninth place.
Week 2 Prediction: Winner
Week 3 Prediction: Winner
Week 4 Prediction: Winner

11th Place: 1st Juror

2. Dillon

Dillon's Image

HOH: 90
Strategy: 80
Social: 50
Awards:Player of the Week

Wow, I did not expect to be giving Dillon this award. But getting out Sindy and setting up a #Demika v. #Brevin war, with him safely in the middle with alliances with Dre and Karen, puts Dillon in a really good spot. I would not be surprised at all at this point if Dillon ends up winning this whole thing.

Preseason Prediction: Let's say 3rd boot or so. Maybe he wins an POV and gets a little swagger in his step before he is brutally taken out.
2nd Week Prediction: 10th place.
3rd Week Prediction: 12th Place
Week 6 Prediction: 2nd Place
Week 7 Prediction: 2nd Place

3. Gary

Gary's Image

Prediction: Prejury. Let's say 5th boot.
2nd Week Prediction: 9th Place
3rd Week Prediction: 13th Place
13th Place

4. Dre

Image result for big brother canada 5: dre

Strategy: 90
Social: 90
Showplay: 110

Dre is set up so well. She is the 3rd wheel to the dominant alliance, with lots and lots of side deals to fall back on. She was targeting Demetres this week, which was dumb, but that ended up coming to nothing, so I don't feel I can fault her too much for it. She provides the hustle, and while she is scatter brained, I do ultimately feel like she is driving in the right direction. I am 100% behind a Dre win this season.

Preseason Prediction: PreJury. 2nd boot.
2nd Week Prediction: 12th place
3rd Week Prediction: 12th Place
4th Prediction: 10th Place
Week 6 Prediction: 3rd Place
Week 7 Prediction: Winner

5. Ika

Ika's Image

Social: 50
Strategy: 50
Show:  100
Awards: Star of the Show

Surviving largely through the work of others, Ika is the Queen of BBCAN5, but is almost certainly going to be dethroned at some point. The big question will be whether her or Demetres goes first, and whether she would be able to put anything together without Demetres in the house.

Preseason Prediction: 7th Place
2nd Week Prediction: 11th Place
3rd Week Prediction: 11th Place
4th Week Prediction: 9th Place
6th Week Prediction: 7th Place
7th Week Prediction: 7th Place

6. Karen

Karen's Image

Strategy: 90
Social: 90
Show: 120

Karen is getting ignored on the show still, but she is playing one of the better games in the house. I'd still probably be surprised if she pulled out the win in terms of jury votes, but she is the best "old character" BBCAN has ever had.

Preseason Prediction: 3rd Place
Preseason Prediction: 3rd Place
3rd Week Prediction: 3rd Place
4th Week Prediction: 3rd Place
6th Week Prediction: Winner
Week 7 Prediction: 3rd Place

7. Dallas

Dallas's Image

Preseason Prediction: 5th Place
2nd Boot

8. Mark

Image result for big brother canada 5: Mark

Preseason Prediction: 1st Boot
Week 1: First Boot. (Nailed it!)

9. Cass

Cassandra's Image

Preseason Prediction: 4th Place
2nd Week prediction: 3rd Boot
3rd Boot

10. William

William's Image

Social: 0
Strategy: 0
Showplay: 40

William gets some show points for finding the Secret Veto, but otherwise he's a coaster who isn't doing anything in the game, and at this point, I'm done giving people credit for doing nothing.

Preseason Prediction: 4th Boot
2nd Week Prediction: 6th Place
3rd Week Prediction: 6th Place
4th Week Prediction: 6th Place
6th Week Prediction: 6th Place
7th Week Prediction: 6th Place

11. Sindy

Sindy's Image

Social: 30
Strategy: 30
Showplay: 50

I feel bad for Sindy. I don't think backdooring Neda was the automatic death sentence it seemed, but Kevin and Bruno throwing the HOH after a deal that kept THEM safe, ended up screwing over Sindy. She became a casualty in the Brevin v. Demika war, and also a casualty in the Newbie uprising. I am disappointed we did not get to see more from Sindy. She ended up being part of the signature move of this season, but she is really just a footnote in the greater story. The Fall of Queen Neda and the Rise of Queen Ika.

Preseason Prediction: 1st Juror. 11th Place.
2nd week Prediction: 4th Place
3rd Week Prediction: 4th Place
4th Week Prediction: 4th Place
6th Week Prediction: 4th Place

10th Place

12. Jackie

Jackie's Image

Social: 20
Strategy: 0
Show: 50

I've seen people online try to give Jackie the Rat Floater title. No. Absolutely not. Dre is the Andy of this season. Jackie is the Jessie. She doesn't float so much as she flops. She moves, she's not a coaster like William, but its rarely in the right direction, and I don't believe there's true intent behind it.

Preseason Prediction: 8th Place
2nd Week Prediction: 13th Place
3rd Week Prediction: 9th Place
4th Week Prediction: 11th Place
6th Week Prediction: 5th Place
7th Week Prediction: 5th Place

13. Bruno

Bruno's Image

Strategy: 30
Social: 10
Show: 60

Wowza, did Bruno's game hit the toilet quickly. All season long I predicted that he would be Neda's victim, but now it looks like he's going to be Ika's. He doesn't have a boyfriend with a secret veto, so I predict he'll go over Kevin next.

Preseason Prediction: 10th Place
2nd Week Prediction: 8th Place
3rd Week Prediction: 8th Place
4th Week Prediction: 8th Place
5th Week Prediction: 8th Place
7th Week Prediction: 9th Place

14. Demetres

Demetres's Image

Comp: 50
Social: 80
Strategy: 50
Show: 80

The competitive half of the Demika pair.  Demetres is probably going to go first, and his eviction is coming sooner rather than later with the way the house is drawn up right now. I think Dre will use him to bust up Brevin, then take him out the week after.

Preseason Prediction: 6th Place
2nd Week Prediction: 7th Place
3rd Week Prediction: 7th Place
6th Week Prediction: 10th Place
7th Week Prediction: 8th Place

15. Kevin

Kevin's Image

Social: 50
Strategy: 10
Show: 50

I guess I have to give Kevin credit for reeling in William? I think Kevin will probably go the farthest of the remaining vets, but I still don't think he has a win in him. He's just not a very good player.

Preseason: Winner Pick
2nd Week Prediction: 5th Place
3rd Week Prediction: 5th Place
4th Week Prediction: 5th Place
6th Week Prediction 9th Place
7th Week Prediction: 4th Place

16. Emily

Emily's Image

Preseason Prediction: Runner up
2nd Week Prediction: Runner Up
3rd Week Prediction: Runner Up
4th Week Prediction: Runner up
12th Place


1. Demetres: 790
2. Sindy: 790
3. Bruno: 765
4. Neda: 735
5. Dre: 670
6. Dillon: 520
7. Karen: 480
8. Kevin: 450
9. Gary: 430
10. Ika: 410
8. Emily: 340
9. William: 335
13. Jackie: 280
14.  Cassandra: 230
15.  Dallas: 0
16. Mark: 0


1. Ika: 1220
2. Karen: 650 
3. Cassandra: 620
4. Dre: 530
5. Neda: 440 
6.  Demetres: 360
7. Gary: 280
8. Dillon: 270
9. Jackie: 220
10. Kevin: 200
11. Bruno: 180
12.  Emily: 170
13. William: 170
14.  Dallas: 150
15. Sindy: 120
16. Mark: 0

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