Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Top 10 TV Shows of 2015

Tom's Take

TV in 2015 has been a tremendous gift. Alan Sepinwall termed it Peak TV in America, and I think that definitely describes what we've had this year.

Which means that my top 10 shows won't even include shows like The Affair, which I generally liked, but was flawed when compared to other shows this year which were closer to actually perfect. I also had to adjust this list to take off an excellent season of South Park, because Amezon dropped the second season of Transparent, which I loved enough to put on this list.

Seriously, a few other shows that I'm NOT putting on this top 10 list.

Jessica Jones

Orange is the New Black


Man in the High Castle

All of these amazing shows, and yet my top 10 is the elite among the elite. Let's get to it!

10. Master of None (Season One)

Master of None was a delightful show, and if you can get past the first awkward ten minutes of the first episode, you will get into a show that is cute and full of heart and soul, and charm. Aziz Ansari is a comedian, and comedians often get a reputation for being cynical, and there is aspects of that in Master of None, especially in the first episode which is a little bit off from the rest of the season, but overall I found this to be a show full of optimism and portraying young adults trying to grow up in a way that neither glamorized nor condescended our youth.

9. Transparent (Season 2)

This is a weird show to talk about, and it might be kind of a hard show to recommend. Unlike Master of None, Transparent has a much more cynical tone. There's a feeling that all our main characters are selfish, and that relationships don't really work. Contrary to the show's title, and the press around this show, I actually feel like the transgendered character Maura (formerly Mort) is sort of a supporting character in this show. Instead of focusing on her, the show follows her children and how none of them seem to be able to have a solid relationship. Sexuality of all types is explored. And this season, we got pre-Nazi Germany flashbacks. That sounds really weird, but it worked this season. So I liked this show, but again, tough to recommend if you don't know who you're recommending it to.

8. Sense8 (Season 1)

Yeah, part of this ranking is based on the name, and getting a pun in, but I loved Sense8. The show is about 8 strangers who are telepathically connected. It isn't really all that complicated, although I know people want to say it is. This is not a show meant for you to think about it very much. This show is about feeling. If you're a nitpicker, if you're one of those people who watched Lost and was furious you didn't get "answers" this show might not be for you. But if you watch TV to feel things, then I HIGHLY recommend this show. Because that's what this show will do. It will make you feel things.

7. Mr. Robot (Season 1)

Fight Club is one of my favorite movies, so when you describe a show as Fight Club esque, you're going to have me hooked. That's what this show is. It's like Fight Club, but with computer hacking.  The show is dark and moody, and gripping. The show is directed beautifully, and it often feels like you're watching a movie.

6. You're the Worst (Season 2)

My only straight up comedy on this list, even though Season 2 of You're the Worst, was sometimes at its best when it was more dramatic than comedic. This ranking is a little high to be honest, but I am putting personal preference over objective enjoyment here. I love Jimmy and Gretchen, the main characters of this show. I want their relationship, as absolutely fucked up as it is, to work out. There is a huge amount of heart to this show. And there's also a very cynical and dark tone to this show that makes that huge heart stand out even more.

5. Fargo (Season 2)

Fargo was fantastic this season, although I did NOT LOVE the ending. And I'm not sure if we needed Aliens....

Part of why Fargo is so good, is because it is so freaking weird, and every character is unique. Every character jumps out and is incredibly memorable. Now, I wouldn't describe them as feeling real, they feel very fantastical, but that's part of the fun.

4. Daredevil (Season 1)

Daredevil was my favorite of the Netflix shows this year and I ultimately put it this high on the list, because of how fantastic this show was. While there are aspects of Jessica Jones that are superior to Daredevil, I felt like Daredevil was more consistent, and while I enjoy Jessica Jones as a character, I LOVE Daredevil. Seriously, I've read several Daredevil arcs, and he is one of the best comic book characters of all time, or he's a character that's gotten some really good writers to write him over the years, including Frank Miller at his prime, Bendis, Brubaker and more!

So check out Daredevil both on Netflix and from Marvel.

3. Better Call Saul (Season 1)

The Breaking Bad spinoff is much better than it has any right to be. The show brought us Saul, but introduced him as Jimmy McGill. I found myself shocked to find that Jimmy McGill really grew on me, and instead of me being excited to see him turn into Saul, I was saddened by his inevitable fate. Congratulations Vince Gilligan, I think you've done it again.

2. The Americans (Season 3)

I thought The Americans would be on top of this list the whole year, until the final show on the list, but The Americans was sooo good this year. This season was about Elizabeth and Phillip having to try and convert Paige, and the inevitable conflict that it caused. The season also introduced me to Yazoo as a band, and I spent about a month listening to those songs over and over again.

1. The Leftovers (Season 2)

The Leftovers was the best thing on television this year. It was an absolute triumph of character, setting, and plot. Damon Lindelof has with The Leftovers Season 2, surpassed anything he ever did with Lost. The season finale was my favorite episode of television this year, and another episode called International Assassin, was probably my second favorite. Liv Tyler, in a seemingly reduced role this season, absolutely shined in her spotlight episode, and there was a plot twist that shocked me while also making perfect sense. Everything was awesome, and this was my favorite season of television in 2015.

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