Sunday, September 27, 2015

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Survivor 31: Survivor Cambodia Episode 1 "Second Chances"

Tom's Take:

Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy! I am SO excited for this season. Its our first full allstars season since Heroes vs. Villains, and boy, this season looks like its going to be amazing.

Let's get right to talking about this amazing cast.


The Bayon Tribe, aka the boring tribe. Based on the edit and the eyeball test, I wouldn't be surprised if this tribe did not lose an immunity challenge before some sort of tribe swap.


Andrew Savage is an OLD SCHOOL player, and he's bringing that OLD SCHOOL mentality to this game. He's gotten together with a group of strong players, he's targeting the seemingly weak and overly strategic Stephen. Andrew has gotten a great start to this game, but I feel like this season is going to show that NEW SCHOOL >>>> OLD SCHOOL. Andrew will be a strong present in this game, and his blindside should be a big event this season.

1st Epsiode Prediction: Early Juror


Ciera was a bit Purple in this episode. She was left out of Jeremy's alpha alliance. She's too purple I think to be the next boot, but she didn't get enough screen time to lay the foundation for any kind of storyline for her. Either her story won't become relevant until after the swap, or she'll be booted within the next few episodes. That sucks, because I love Ciera, but I love a lot of these contestants.

1st Episode Prediction: Pre-Merge


Jeremy is obviously here to play, and although he fits with Andrew Savage's OLD SCHOOL attitude, he's got the mind of a NEW SCHOOL player. Jeremy emerges from this episode as an early favorite to win, but we've seen this before from Jeremy. Although I think he's smart to position himself with bigger guys ahead of him, I think his playing the leadership role and playing such an out in front game will catch up to him. The question is, how long will it take?

1st Episode Prediction: Early Juror


Joey Amazing. Yeah. I'm not a Joe fan. I didn't get the Joe hype, and I thought Rodney should have had his spot from last season. But Joe is who we've got, and he so far seems to be in a really good position. That's mostly based on him being very very good looking. I don't know if it really goes any further than that. I think Joe will go once the tribes merge, as the spectre of Mike Holloway's immunity run haunts him.

1st Episode Prediction: Early Juror


Meet the #BranchSlayer! Stephen is the person I am rooting for the most going into this season. But it is hilarious to watch his awkward antics. I know enough about Reality TV editing to know that Stephen really wasn't that hopeless. The question is whether they are setting Stephen up as next week's boot, or setting up a longer term story with him. I hope its the latter, and I think it would be really amazing to see Stephen turn this around and become a dominant force in this game. I don't think that shot of Stephen struggling to chop a branch is going to be featured in a winner montage though.

1st Episode Prediction: Late Juror


Kass had a quiet night. Like Ciera, she was left out of the Alpha alliance. But Chaos Kass has to be an early boot, right? I mean, its Chaos Kass.

1st Episode Prediction: Early Boot


Keith doesn't do anything for me personally, but I guess he is a kind of fun character. He appears to have reignited his alliance with Jeremy. And we all saw how that turned out last time. Will we have a repeat of "stick to the plan!"

Episode 1 Prediction: Late Juror


Tasha has the PERFECT reputation for this season. She is seen as a strong competitor, and a good but not amazing player. That is going to serve her very well. I don't see anyone targeting her, and I see her set up amazingly well in this tribe. I think Tasha will have a very good season.

1st Episode Prediction: Winner


Kimmi! I think I remember liking Kimmi? Its been SOOOO long. Anyways, I hope Kimmi can do some damage on this season. I could see her making it far.

1st Episode Prediction: Finalist


Very purple edit for Monica tonight. First episodes aren't everything, and a purple edit is probably a sign that she's fine for a while, but not a good sign for a winner. I think Monica doesn't have enough of a resume to be a target (unlike Ciera) but she doesn't seem like she'll get to the end of this game.

1st Episode Prediction: Early Juror


OLD SCHOOL vs. NEW SCHOOL is in full effect, and we've got the glory of Jeff Varner on this tribe. 

#braceletgate quickly spiraled out of control on Wednesday night, but Abi MOSTLY kept her cool. But it looked SO hard for her. Abi is fiery, Abi is funny, but Abi is not a good Survivor player. I think her air time in the premiere was setting her up to be the next boot.

1st Episode Prediction: Early Boot


Shirin is the newest of the NEW SCHOOL players, and seems to have taken the position of being their leader. That is not a position you want to be in to actually win the game, but seems like a good position to get to the merge in.  Congrats to NEW SCHOOL for carrying the night, but I do think that Shirin spooked Jeff Varner a bit. It will be interesting to see if Jeff sticks with them for any period of time, or not. Still it was overall a good night for Shirin.

1st Episode Prediction: Late Juror


Spencer is a NEW SCHOOL player but an ALL SCHOOL fan. Spencer is setting himself up well here, but my guess is that this is actually not good for him in the long run. People should see Spencer as the threat he is, and get rid of him before the merge hits.

1st Episode Prediction: Pre-Merge


I'm not really a Terry fan. I just don't care for his way of playing. I know that some Survivor fans love it, and many of them are probably OLD SCHOOL. But my heart is solidly with the NEW SCHOOL, and I expect Terry to be lunch meat for those players.

1st Episode Prediction: Early Boot


I was surprised that Woo ended up joining the OLD SCHOOL alliance, but I guess it does make sense based on his mentality. He did not get much strategy talk this episode, which in my view is the editors' way of protecting him from looking stupid. I think the OLD SCHOOL alliance is going to backfire purely on Terry, and Woo will get away clean. Expect him to rejoin with Spencer later on in this game, and then Tasha down the road. I think Woo could end up making an excellent goat for someone in the end, and the premiere emphasized his past experience in the finals. Will he make it again, and come up short again?

1st Episode Prediction: Finalist


Kelley is an alternative winner pick for me, and I was more impressed with her in this one episode than her entire San Juan Del Sur run. I didn't vote Kelley back in, but now that she's here, I'm glad. She's got the first hidden immunity idol of the season, and her getting that idol at the challenge was exciting to watch. I don't think anyone is targeting Kelley which is a mistake, because she should go very far.

1st Episode Prediction: Late Juror


Kelly already looks so defeated. I voted for Kelly, but I was utterly unimpressed with her OLD SCHOOL philosophy in this first episode. We'll see if she can turn it around, but for now I see her going the way of Vytas and Terry.

1st Episode Prediction: Pre-Merge


Peigh-Gee had a pretty quiet night, despite being a pretty crucial swing vote. My guess is that this is because she doesn't go very far in the game, while her seeming partner in swinging this game, Jeff Varner does. I could be wrong though. She could be set up to go very far, and they don't need to focus on her being a swinger, while Jeff will get voted out because of it. Either way, I think she and Jeff will have very different stories, and because I've fallen in love with Jeff Varner, I'm going to have to bet against Peigh-Gee.

1st Episode Prediction: Pre-Merge


I LOVE Jeff Varner. This guy is amazing. I honestly did not remember his Australia game that much, but Jeff Varner appears to have come to PLAY. My heart wants me to pick Jeff to win this thing, but I am going to hold off on doing something that bold. But Jeff is amazing TV, without having to be obnoxious or arrogant. He's just pure gold, and I am going to thoroughly enjoy every moment he is on screen this season.

1st Episode Prediction: Late Juror


A lot of people probably thought Vytas would win the whole thing. That's also probably why he got voted out first. The contrast between Vytas and Joe doing yoga was strong, and I agree with Shirin that Vytas came across as smarmy. Vytas does seem to be a pretty good guy, and he was a decent enough player in his first season, but everyone is here for their Second Chance, and they are here to PLAY.

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