Friday, September 18, 2015

Five Drinks Into Big Brother 17 Game and Show Weeks 14 and 15

Tom's Take: 

The end is nigh. I hope Vanessa wins this thing, because I don't think Steve and Liz were very good players.

1. Audrey

Comp Bonus Points: 0
Social: 0
Strategic: 0
Alliances: None
Awards: 4th Evicted

2. Austin

Comp Bonus Points: 0
Social: 0
Strategic: 0
Showplay: 100
Awards: 14th Evictee
Jury Vote Hierarchy:

Austin is done, giving us a good TV moment, as watching him get blindsided was fun.

As a juror, Austin promises to be bitter against Vanessa, so I think he'll vote for Liz first, and Steve if she's not there.

3. Becky

Comp Bonus Points: 0
Social: 0
Strategic: 0
Awards: 9th Evicted
Jury Vote Hierarchy: Steve, Vanessa, Liz

I think Becky will be a fair juror. I think she likes Steve though, so if he's there, she'll give him the win. Otherwise she won't be bitter, and she'll vote for Vanessa over Liz.

4. Clay

Comp Bonus Points:
Awards: 6th Evicted

5. Da'Vonne

Comp Bonus Points:
Alliances: N/A
Awards:  2nd Evictee.

6. Jace

1st evictee.

7. James

Comp Bonus Points:0
Social: 0
Strategic: 0
Showplay: 0
Alliances: Goblins
Awards: 12th Evicted
Jury Vote Hierarchy: Steve, Vanessa, Liz

The Goblins' jury votes seem really up for grabs. I could see James vote for Vanessa over Steve, but I'm leaning slightly more towards him voting Steve over her. I could also see James just voting against Vanessa regardless of who she's against. Really up in the air, James' vote is a key swing vote.

8. John

Comp Bonus Points: 50
Social: 50
Strategic: 50
Showplay: 100
Alliances: Rockstars,
Awards: 10th evictee, 15th evictee
Jury Vote Hierarchy: Vanessa, Steve, Liz

JMac got kicked out as Vanessa continues pushing forward in this game.

JMac likes Steve, but I don't think he really respects his game. I think he'd vote for Vanessa in the f2 regardless. But I'm really close on that one.

9. Julia

Comp Bonus Points: 0
Social: 0
Strategic: 0
Showplay: 0
Awards: 13th evictee
Jury Vote Hierarchy: Liz, Vanessa, Steve

The only way I see Vanessa v. Steve is if Steve cuts Liz, and I think if Steve does that, Julia will vote against Steve, and vote for Vanessa.

10. Liz

Comp Bonus Points: 0
Social: 50
Strategic: 50
Showplay: 100
Alliances: Liztin

Liz is fine. I don't think she can win, but she seems guaranteed 50 grand.

11. Jason Roy

Comp Bonus Points: 0
Alliances: Downstairs
Awards: 5th Evicted

12. Meg

Comp Bonus Points: 0
Social: 0
Showplay: 0
Alliances: Goblins
Awards: 11th Evicted
Jury Vote Hierarchy: Steve, Liz, Vanessa

I think Meg really disliked Vanessa. I don't expect her to vote for her. It's possible I'm wrong, and she'd vote for Vanessa over Liz, but that might require a Dr. Will jury talk.

 13. Steven

Comp Bonus Points: 30
Social: 0
Strategic: 0
Showplay: 100

Steve sucks. But if he makes f2, I think he wins.

14. Shelli

Comp Bonus Points:
Awards: 7th Evicted
Jury Vote Hierarchy: Vanessa, Steve, Liz

Shelli sees sense, although I would be concerned that she likes Steve, and so would vote for him over the superior game player Vanessa.


15. Vanessa

Comp Bonus Points: 120
Social: 50
Strategic: 150
Showplay: 150

Vanessa is hands down the best player of the season. She's a top notch competitor, and she played an excellent strategic game. Socially she had major flaws, and the crying and outbursts rubbed a lot of people the wrong way. Her jury management wasn't great, so I think there's still a legit chance she loses in the f2, but I'D vote for her. But I do think she'll win if she takes Liz to the final 2.

16. Jeff

Comp Bonus Points:
Awards: 3rd Evictee

17. Jackie

Comp Bonus Points:
Awards 8th Evicted
Jury Vote Hierarchy: Steve, Vanessa, Liz

Jackie didn't like Vanessa. I haven't seen anything to make me think that opinion has changed. But I don't think she respects Liz, so she would vote for Vanessa over Liz.

Showplay Rankings

1. Vanessa: 1050
1. Audrey: 880
3. John: 860
4. Austin: 860
5. Liz: 660
6.  James: 620
7. Julia: 610
8.  Shelli: 590
9 Steve: 540
10.  Clay: 520
11. Meg: 390
12.  Jason: 370
13. Da'Vonne: 340
14. Jackie: 280
15. Becky: 200
16.  Jeff: 180
17. Jace: 130

Gameplay Rankings

1. Vanessa: 1820
2. Austin: 1170
3.  Liz: 1130
4.  James: 1045
5.  Julia: 960
6. John: 860
7. Shelli: 710
8. Steve: 640
9. Clay: 530
10. Becky: 470
11. Jason: 430
12. Meg: 420
13. Jacky: 340
14.  Jeff: 240
15.  Audrey: 210
16. Da'vonne: 100
17.  Jace: 0

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