Friday, August 28, 2015

Five Drinks Into Big Brother 17 Game and Show Week 10

Tom's Take: 

I think this is the week that REconvinced me that Vanessa could win the game. I've had her as my top player of the gameplay rankings, for quite a while, but she's been seemingly circling the drain. This week, she rose up and saved herself, by turning around the narrative. I can't even fully explain how she did it all, I think a lot just had to do with her winning the veto, and them caving to her will.

1. Audrey

Comp Bonus Points: 0
Social: 0
Strategic: 0
Alliances: None
Awards: 4th Evicted

2. Austin

Comp Bonus Points: 50
Social: 30
Strategic: 90
Showplay: 90
Alliances: Austwins

Austin is in a great spot, and I think strategically he played this week very well. He's annoying as fuck, and I hate him, but he's still in the game, and he's in a good spot to go far.

3. Becky

Comp Bonus Points: 0
Social: 0
Strategic: 0
Awards: 9th Evicted

4. Clay

Comp Bonus Points:
Awards: 6th Evicted

5. Da'Vonne

Comp Bonus Points:
Alliances: N/A
Awards:  2nd Evictee.

6. Jace

1st evictee.

7. James

Comp Bonus Points:
Social: 80
Strategic: 20
Showplay: 70
Alliances: Goblins
Awards: Fan Favorite

Austin kept James this week, because he likes James. That's nice for James, but strategically James is pretty close to drawing dead, and he's let Vanessa and the Austwins trample him, outmanuever him, and now the only question remaining is whether they'll finally cut him.

8. John

Comp Bonus Points:
Social: 40
Strategic: 70
Showplay: 100
Alliances: Rockstars, JVAN
Awards: 10th evictee, 1st Returnee

JMac is a rockstar. And he's had his own revolving door!

I'm actually very impressed with JMac for setting aside his ego, and aligning with Vanessa. Now he needs to also win an HOH to take out an Austwin, and get the JVAN rolling.

9. Julia

Comp Bonus Points:
Social: 20
Strategic: 50
Showplay: 30
Alliances: Austwins, Austin's Angels

Julia was relegated to just being Liz's side piece this week. Gamewise, she's not doing much, but doing a great job in positioning herself.

10. Liz

Comp Bonus Points:
Social: 10
Strategic: 50
Showplay: 40
Alliances: Austwins, Austin's Angels, Liztin

Liz is in such an amazing position in the game, and she's suck a bitch about it.

11. Jason Roy

Comp Bonus Points: 0
Alliances: Downstairs
Awards: 5th Evicted

12. Meg

Comp Bonus Points: 0
Social: 40
Showplay: 20
Alliances: Goblins

Meg's still there.

 13. Steven

Comp Bonus Points: 0
Social: 0
Strategic: 0
Showplay: 20
Alliances: Rockstars

Not much from Steve.

14. Shelli

Comp Bonus Points:
Awards: 7th Evicted


15. Vanessa

Comp Bonus Points: 50
Social: 80
Strategic: 60
Showplay: 60
Alliances: Austin's Angels, JVAN

Vanessa revived her game, made a secret deal with JMac (who got revived) and has changed the narrative, so that the Austwins trust her again, and everyone else wants to go against the Austwins. Really good job.

16. Jeff

Comp Bonus Points:
Awards: 3rd Evictee

17. Jackie

Comp Bonus Points:
Awards 8th Evicted

Showplay Rankings

1. Audrey: 880
2. Vanessa: 770
3. John: 710
4.  Shelli: 590
5. Austin: 590
6.  James: 560
7.  Clay: 520
8. Liz: 460
9. Julia: 450
10.  Jason: 370
11. Da'Vonne: 340
12. Steve: 330
13. Meg: 330
14. Jackie: 280
15. Becky: 200
16.  Jeff: 180
17. Jace: 130

Gameplay Rankings

1. Vanessa: 1170
2.  Liz: 960
3.  Julia: 900
4.  James: 855
5. Austin: 840
6. Shelli: 710
7. John: 680
8. Clay: 530
9. Steve: 520
10. Becky: 470
11. Jason: 430
12. Meg: 420
13. Jacky: 340
14.  Jeff: 240
15.  Audrey: 210
16. Da'vonne: 100
17.  Jace: 0

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