Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Survivor Season 29 Blood v. Water 2 San Juan Del Sur

Tom's Take:


What a move.

Merged Tribe

1. Jaclyn

Jaclyn got such a purple edit at the beginning of the season, that I can't believe she actually wins the show. But I don't see her getting voted out before Jon either. It wouldn't really make sense. The only outcome I'm left with is that she makes f3 with Jon, and Jon gets the votes? I'm not sure, the edit on the Jon/Jaclyn couple is weird. Why is there such a disparity between the two? The only reason I can think of is because

1st Episode Prediction: Early Boot
2nd Episode Prediction: Early Boot
3rd Episode Prediction: Early Boot
4th Episode Prediction: Pre-Merge
5th Episode Prediction: Late Juror
6th Episode Prediction: Late Juror
8th Episode Prediction: Late Juror
9th Episode Prediction: Runner Up

2. Baylor

I love Baylor, but she isn't winning, is she? She just doesn't seem to be involved in any of the strategy talks, which is a problem when she's going to the end with people who are involved in those strategy talks.

1st Episode Prediction: Winner!
2nd Episode Prediction: Early Juror
3rd Episode Prediction: Early Juror
4th Episode Prediction: Winner!
5th Episode Prediction: Late Juror
6th Episode Prediction: Runner Up/Late Juror
8th Episode Prediction: Runner Up
9th Episode Prediction: Runner Up

3. Jon

I'm done ignoring the edit. Jon is our winner. He's got his work cut out for him though. He made a badass move taking out Jeremy this early, Can he keep the train on the rails though? He's got a rival alliance and a shaky number situation. I'm betting on him, but he's going to have to get one more person on his side to win this.

1st episode Prediction: Early Juror.
2nd Episode Prediction: Early Juror
3rd Episode Prediction: Pre-Jury
4th Episode Prediction: Pre-Merge
5th Episode Prediction: Early Juror
6th Episode Prediction: Early Juror
8th Episode Prediction: Late Juror

4. Keith

Keith is a moron. But he's got an idol...

1st Episode Prediction: Early Boot
2nd Episode Prediction: Early Boot
3rd Episode Prediction: Early Juror
4th Episode Prediction: Early Juror
5th Episode Prediction: Early Juror
6th Episode Prediction: Early Juror
8th Episode Prediction: Early Juror
9th Episode Prediction: Early Juror

5. Missy

Wow...Missy made a big move. She is now the 2nd top contender to win this thing, and the internet seems to think she takes it. I disagree, and see her losing in the final 4 but giving Baylor her single jury vote.

1st Episode Prediction: Late Juror/Runner Up
2nd Episode Prediction: Late Juror
3rd Episode Prediction: Late Juror
4th Episode Prediction: Late Juror/Runner Up
5th Episode Prediction: Late Juror
6th Episode Prediction: Late Juror/ Runner Up
8th Episode Prediction: Runner Up
9th Episode Prediction: Late Juror

6. Natalie

Natalie gave up reward...and lost her main ally. But don't worry Natalie fans, because Natalie is now in the key swing spot to determine what happens next in the game.

1st Episode Prediction: Late Jury
2nd Episode Prediction: Late Juror
3rd Episode Prediction: Runner Up
4th Episode Prediction: Late Juror
5th Episode Prediction: Runner Up
6th Episode Prediction: Runner Up/Late Juror
8th Episode Prediction: Late Juror
9th Episode Prediction: Late Juror

7. Jeremy

Wow...Goodbye Jeremy

2nd Episode Prediction: Winner
3rd Episode Prediction: Winner
4th Episode Prediction: Late Juror
5th Episode Prediction: Winner
6th Episode Prediction: Winner
8th Episode Prediction: Winner
9th boot

8. Reed

Reed is alive...for now.

1st Episode Prediction: Early Juror
2nd Episode Prediction: Early Juror
3rd Episode Prediction: Early Juror
4th Episode Prediction: Pre-Merge
5th Episode Prediction: Pre-Merge
6th Episode Prediction: 1st Juror
8th Episode Prediction: 2nd Juror
9th Episode Prediction: 3rd Juror

9. Alec

Something is going to go down with the Alec/Baylor rivalry. I'm sure of it! But what? What will Alec do in this game?

1st Episode Prediction: Early Juror
2nd Episode Prediction: Early Juror
3rd Episode Prediction: Early Juror
4th Episode Prediction: Early Juror
5th Episode Prediction: Late Juror
6th Episode Prediction: Late Juror
8th Episode Prediction: Late Juror
9th Episode Prediction: Late Juror

10. Wes

Wes and his dad have the idol. What can they do with it?

1st Episode Prediction: Early Juror
2nd Episode Prediction: Early Juror
3rd Episode Prediction: Early Juror
4th Episode Prediction: Early Juror
5th Episode Prediction: Early Juror
6th Episode Prediction: Early Juror
8th Episode Prediction: Early Juror
9th Episode Prediction: Early Juror

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