Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Survivor Season 29 Blood vs. Water 2 San Juan Del Sur

Tom's Take:

Welcome back to Survivor! We've got another season underway, and I'm very very excited. These newbies are interesting for the most part, and I think we're going to have several future allstars on our hands, and an interesting season in the short term. I'm also very interested to see Blood v. Water play out without having returning players to twist it around.

The only weakness to this season, is that I think it is built to have way too much crying, which will get boring after a while. But until it does, let us get into the new cast!

Coyopa Tribe

1. Nadiya

Let's get our first boot out of the way first. Nadiya was from the Amazing Race, and she got the first boot in the first episode, which apparently happened in Amazing Race as well? Nadiya was kind of entertaining, but it seems like her twin is basically the same person, so I don't really know if we need two of them.

1st Episode: 1st Boot

2. Josh

Josh played the best game in the first episode, but I'm not really rooting for him, in large part because I don't really understand his vote tonight. What the hell dude? He chose the boys over the girls, which is smart for challenge strength, but we'll see if this group lasts. My guess is that he is a strong player early, but that he fades later on.

1st Episode Prediction: Early Juror

3. Alec

I got nothing.

1st Episode Prediction: Early Juror

4. Val

Val got a bunch of a screentime tonight, most of it spent crying. She also got her ass kicked by her husband. I like Val, but she's not in a good strategic position, and she's already proved herself to be a challenge liability. I think we've got an early boot on our hands.

1st Episode Prediction: Early Boot

5. Wes

John Rocker has a sidekick in Wes. These two will make a good douchebag super hero pair later down the line, and I look forward to seeing them get their comeuppance.

1st Episode Prediction: Early Juror

6. John Rocker

A quiet night for John Rocker all things considered, which makes me think his confessionals must not be particularly interesting. I'm calling it right now. John Rocker will be a dud.

1st Episode Prediction: Pre Jury

7. Jaclyn


1st Episode Prediction: Early Boot

8. Dale

I am definitely cheering for Dale, and I think the guy is getting a great hero's edit. I would love to see this guy winning, but I think it is far more likely that he gets cut as a serious jury threat. I think his tribe will get chopped to pieces by the other tribe, but he might make a good show of it.

1st Episode Prediction: Early Juror

9. Baylor

Baylor is my crush for the season, and given the screen time both her and her mom got in this episode, I think she's going far. I can her getting really close to the end, and based on my crush, I'm giving her the win.

1st Episode Prediction: Winner!

Hunahpu Tribe

10. Natalie

The Other Twin, she and her alliance are set up to all make the merge and be a strong force in this game in my opinion.

1st Episode Prediction: Late Jury

11. Drew


1st Episode Prediction: Pre Jury

12. Jeremy

Jeremy's out of the gate fast, which should be a lot of fun. He probably won't be able to keep up this pace, but I'm rooting him on!

13. Reed


1st Episode Prediction: Early Juror

14. Julie

She's a lot of fun. I have big hopes for Julie as a character and for her confessional, but I am not expecting a ton from her gameplay. We'll see if she can make inroads though.

1st Episode Prediction: Late Juror

15. Jon

Guy got some air time, but I'm bored.

1st episode Prediction: Early Juror

16. Keith

Jeremy promised him a vote, and I think he ends up breaking that promise.

1st Episode Prediction: Early Boot

17. Missy

She'll got far, but be pretty meh. She's Baylor's Mom.

1st Episode Prediction: Late Juror/Runner Up

18. Kelley

I guess she's in a solid place in Jeremy's alliance?

1st Episode Prediction: Late Juror

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